Addie- Age 5 ½ Brain Balance Suwanee, GA Graduation September 2014 Right Hemisphere Delay BEFORE: Addie’s parents came to Brain Balance with conc

the balance brain
Addie  1

Addie- Age 5 ½

Brain Balance Suwanee, GA
Graduation September 2014
Right Hemisphere Delay


Addie’s parents came to Brain Balance with concerns regarding Addie being, “all over the place and just out of control”. She was “off the charts with ADHD symptoms”. Addie had a very hard time following multi step directions and she struggles socially. She was described as “not a very nice child to others”. She would be destructive towards other’s property and she would have physical and emotional outburst. No form of punishment was effective. She did not show remorse and nothing seemed to be “clicking”.


Addie’s mom reports that she is much calmer now. She is doing much better. She is now able to follow multi step directions and is doing well in school. Addie is now voluntarily apologizing and showing remorse. Using the smiley face chart has made a big difference in her behavior as well! Addie and her sister “are now sharing a room for the first time in 5 years”! She is much nicer to her classmates and her siblings. “Addie is now more enjoyable to be around… with all who come in contact with her.”

Brown’s ADD Scale
25 point improvement in occurrences of Shifting Attention
33 point improvement in occurrences of Emotions and Frustration
25 point improvement in occurrences of Inattentiveness
25 point improvement in occurrences of combine ADD symptoms

Sensory Motor:
+3 years in Convergence
+5 years in Auditory Processing
+1 ½ years in Core Muscle Strength
+2 years in bilateral coordination

+1 grade in Early Reading Skills
+1 grade in Math Problem Solving
+1 grade in Alphabet Writing Fluency

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Individual results vary. Gains based on Brain Balance initial and post-program evaluation.

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