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Dear ,

"My chronic lower back pain, which prevented me from doing quite a lot of things and which I had accepted as being a permanent part of my life, has gone. I’ve stopped taking pain pills and my hips don’t ache at night when I sleep. I’m not stiff as a board in the mornings and my back doesn’t hurt. I’m totally amazed about this. I’ve had years of osteopath care and physical therapy and no one ever suggested a detox! It’s fantastic!” Lisa

Lisa is a wonderful woman who joined us on her first detox with Karuna last summer. Her life was transformed by it. She lost 12 lbs of weight plus the chronic pain and stiffness in her back and hips - a definite bonus for an archaeologist who spends her days digging for treasure and artifacts! She also detoxed her mind-heart, letting go of some parts that were holding her back, and has been over-achieving her goals ever since!

The skeptical husband
Inspired by the success of her first retreat experience, she persuaded her husband Brendon to detox with her this summer. Her hope was that it would improve his pre-diabetic condition, though Brendon was not convinced it would make a difference.

The results are in...
...and Brendon is now convinced! He's lost one stone and feels GOOD. Post-detox, Brendon had another blood test, and his doctor was amazed to see that Brendon’s blood sugar was well within normal range. No longer pre-diabetic. The doctor’s response? “I don't know what you've been doing, but keep doing it!”


What happened to Brendon? Detox and diet have a phenomenal impact on us - more than we're taught.

Fasting renews our body by encouraging a detox and regeneration process called autophagy. In 2016, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his research into this process. The word derives from the Greek auto (self) and phagein (to eat). So the word literally means to eat oneself. We found this entertaining video which explains the autophagy process, and how to pronounce it...in case you were wondering.

Autophagy is, in essence, a form of cellular cleansing and recycling. It is a regulated, orderly process to degrade and recycle cellular components. The body identifies old and substandard cellular equipment and marks it for destruction or recycling. Our bodies often are overwhelmed by modern life and cellular trash isn’t disposed of properly, which can cause diseases and other health problems.


Nutrient deprivation seems to activate autophagy, so fasting provides the greatest known boost to autophagy. When we don’t eat (fast) insulin goes down and glucagon goes up. This increase in glucagon stimulates the process of autophagy.

As well as clearing out all our old, junky proteins and cellular parts, fasting also stimulates growth hormones. This tells our body to produce snazzy new parts for the body, so we give our bodies a complete renovation.

Stop and wonder
The fact that we are literally made up of what we eat and drink should give us pause to consider the connection between the rise in chronic health problems and our unprecedented modern lifestyle.

We were designed by nature to eat local, seasonal, organic foods, and yet we're surrounded by processed, combinations of foods from all around the globe daily. Tasty perhaps, but there is a hidden price. Cleansing your body once a year supports your mind and body to function and be well.. naturally.

Ready to Be the Natural Healthy YOU? Get in touch here

Reserve a KARUNA DETOX DATE 2019-2020:
Oct 11-18, 2019 - Autumn Release
Jan 17-24, 2020 - Fresh New Year
March 13-20, 2020 - Spring Clean
Early bird savings of 10% off on all single rooms

"My Karuna Detox Retreat was incredible in every way.. absolutely unique!
Wise, experienced, knowledgeable, loving, compassionate.
Considering your health and wellbeing - I doubt there's a better way you could spend a week

karuna news smoothie

Blueberry & Kale Smoothie
This delicious summer smoothie will boost your system and support your immunity. It’s also really refreshing!

1/2 banana
1/2 cup chopped kale
1/2 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
1/2 Banana
1 scoop pea/hemp protein powder
1/2 cup water (optional)
1 tablespoon flax seed meal
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

A handful of ice helps to take the edge off on a hot sunny day.
Pop all the ingredients in your blender and blitz until smooth.

Top tip! We love kale, but it’s worth removing the stems as they can make the smoothie bitter.

To your HEALTH
Shoshana, Paul, Louise & Donna
The Karuna Detox Team

Linhay - king

Detox in Comfort

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