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Our plan is to support the community of music lovers who open our newsletters. You don't have to read them, just look for the coupon codes.

This week we have the SURPISE discount coupon... we're going to change it every couple of days with varying amounts... so just type in the word SURPRISE and see what happens!

Keep an eye out or visit our website to see what's rotating new on top!

If you're enjoying a holiday weekend, have a listen to some new music with friends and family!
Travel safe!

Cookie Marenco
Founder and producer

Meghan-Andrews Just-Let-Go Cover 2

Just Let Go - Meghan Andrews

Just Let Go - Meghan Andrews

Haunting, Delicate and Powerful Voice

Not only is Meghan a talent on voice, but if you love beautiful acoustic guitar player, this is a must own album. Not only a brilliant performer, but an extraordinary songwriter on the leve of Joni Mitchell bring poignant lyrics to the forefront. And then you hear her arrangement of the Alice in Chains song, Would. Mind blowing.
Recorded to DSD256 and tape.

Jeff-Jolly Jeff-Jollys-Pizza Cover

Jeff Jolly's Pizza - Jeff Jolly

Rock in DSD 256! Now Remastered!

If you like fun Rock 'n Roll, with a twist of Tom Petty, then Jeff Jolly's Pizza is for you. You'll feel like you're 20 again and walking into the bar with friends. Enjoy!

Myriam-Hidber-Dickinson Inspiration Cover

Inspiration - Myriam Hidber Dickinson

Inspiration - Myriam Hidber Dickinson

If you love classical flute this is your album - New and on sale!

Myriam Hidber Dickinson crosses boundaries between the classical flute repetoire to jazz improvisation and new age to Brazilian stylings - all with her own twist. At times you think you might be listening to Paul Horn at the Pyramids then Rampal playing a solo piece. Myriam's growing international fan club is hooked on her virtuosic playing.... you will be too. Now available in DSD256 and all formats.

Blue Coast Records - recorded to DSD

Blue Coast Records are live acoustic recordings!

Joanne-Hogg Into-Your-Dreams Cover

Into Your Dreams - Joanne Hogg

Blue-Coast-Instrumental Cover 0 1

Blue Coast Instrumental - Blue Coast Artists

Jenna-Mammina Rolf-Sturm Wicked Cover

Wicked - Jenna Mammina and Rolf Sturm

Jenner-Fox Taos-Blue-Coast-Live Cover 0

Taos - Jenner Fox

Blue-Coast-Collection-1 Cover 0

Blue Coast Collection - Blue Coast Artists

Blue-Coast-Collection-2 Cover 1

Blue Coast Collection 2 - Blue Coast Artists

Blue Coast Collection 3 - Cover

Blue Coast Collection 3 - Blue Coast Artists

Blue-Coast-Collection-4 Cover

Blue Coast Collection 4 - Blue Coast Artists

Derek-Jones Run-With-Me Cover 1

Run With Me - Derek Jones

Meghan-Andrews Venus-Rising Cover 0

Venus Rising - Meghan Andrews

Jenna-Mammina When-Im-Called-Home Cover

When I'm Called Home - Jenna Mammina

Fiona-Joy Signature-Solo Cover 0

Signature-Solo - Fiona Joy Hawkins

Mack Avenue Jazz in DSD256

Christian-McBride For-Jimmy-Wes-and-Oliver Cover

For Jimmy, Wes and Oliver -- Christian McBride

For Jimmy, Wes and Oliver - Christian McBride

2022 Grammy Winner! Congratulations

No one ever gets tired of winning a Grammy. Congratulations Christian! This new album is in tribute to Jimmy Smith, Wes Montgomery and Oliver Nelson. Remastered for DSD256.


Kenny-Garrett Sounds-From-The-Ancestors Cover

Sounds From The Ancestors - Kenny Garrett

Julian-Lage Arclight Cover 0

Arclight - Julian Lage

Emmet-Cohen Future-Stride Cover

Future Stride - Emmet Cohen

Joey-DeFrancesco More-Music Cover

More Music - Joey DeFrancesco

Cecile-McLorin-Salvant WomanChild Cover 1

WomanChild - Cécile McLorin Salvant

Aaron-Diehl Space-Time-Continuum Cover 0

Space, Time, Continuum - Aaron Diehl

Christian-McBride Bringin-It Cover

Bringin' It - Christian McBride

Cecile-McLorin-Salvant The-Window Cover

The Window - Cécile McLorin Salvant

Christian-McBride Live-at-the-Village-Vanguard Cover

Live at the Village Vanguard - Christian McBride

Connie-Han Crime-Zone Cover 2

Crime Zone - Connie Han

Kevin-Eubanks Stanley-Jordan Duets Cover 0

Duets - Kevin Eubanks and Stanley Jordan

Veronica-Swift This-Bitter-Earth Cover

This Bitter Earth - Veronica Swift

Jack-Perla Swimming-Lessons-For-The-Dead Cover

Swimming Lessons for the Dead - Jack Perla

Swimming Lessons for the Dead - Jack Perla

Exciting jazz with a contemporary twist


Jack Perla's first album, opens with a New York jazz style, a Euro twist and full horn section. An award winning composer, his honors include the prestigious Thelonious Monk Institute Jazz Composers Award & commissions from symphonies around the world. Produced and recorded by Cookie Marenco, this album has been remastered to DSD256.

Paul-Hanson Voodoo-Suite Cover

Voodoo Suite - Paul Hanson

Voodoo Suite - Paul Hanson

Reinventing the bassoon for jazz Now in DSD256

Paul Hanson redefines the notion of jazz with his bassoon. Then he crosses into rock when he adds his electronics sounding like a modern day Jimi Hendrix on Rite of Scorpio - a must hear to believe. Paul plays at the highest level surpassing most sax players, or anyone's, conception on one of the most unforgiving instruments ever. Recorded at OTR Studios by Cookie Marenco.

Noren-Schmitt Soft-Bamboo-Wind Cover

Soft Bamboo Wind - Noren Schmitt

Soft Bamboo Wind - Noren Schmitt

3 Song EP for relaxation

A meditation of melodies and nature—let your imagination go to distant magical places. A blend of styles from different musical cultures creating new soundscapes in a more meditative way.

Keith-Greeninger Close-To-The-Soul Cover

Close To The Soul - Keith Greeninger, Chris Kee and Brain

Close To The Soul - Keith Greeninger, Chris Kee and Brain

The NPR Sessions

A powerful voice reminiscent of Van Morrison, that's Keith Greeninger. Resonant with a full sound that can be soft and emotive at the same time.

Other albums featuring Keith in DSD256

City Folk - Borderline


Keith and Dayan - Make It Rain


Use the coupon for the Premium Membership

And get 15% additional discount for a full year. Buy this first, then pile your cart up with DSD256!

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The 10% sale discount is included in the price. Price will go up on the date listed.

Check out our full catalog of albums here:


Most of the albums below are available in DSD, WAV and FLAC downloads... and MQD 24k Gold discs.

We thank you in advance for your continued support of our music store, independent labels and top notch artists. Without your generous support, we would not exist. Any purchases or donations go directly to our artists and labels.


What is "Remastering"?

Many people are wondering what format to buy?

Remastering is when music which is already released (mastered) and is "remastered" for releasing again with slightly different characteristics. Remastering can be taking an old vinyl of 40 years and running through systems to change the sound (for better or worse) for release in CD. That was the most common form of remastering.

Because so many audio engineers choose to mix and master in lower sampling rates (like 44.1 or 9624) than we like, we developed a "remastering" process called SEA (systems for exceptional audio) that can take any master and remaster for DSD256. We spent 3 months developing an analog proprietary setup (not just a conversion) that helps to increase the dynamic range and the width of the sound with the final product being a DSD256 audio file. From the DSD256 we create the 8 other formats so that you can choose the format your listening system was setup for.

Many of these techniques are more thoroughly explained at our dedicated newsletter for learning about recording, sound and DSD. If you'd like to sign up, please go to:

Our commitment to DSD audio is stronger than ever!

DSD is one bit recording with millions of samples that provide the fullest dynamic and frequency range. Still playing FLAC and WAV? Experience DSD and you won't go back to standard files.

So, when you're ready to hear the music in its finest state, try DSD!

DSD is not for everyone. You need to have a DAC that plays DSD. That said, we have WAV, FLAC and some MQA files for you to choose from.

We also have GOLD CDS available - Master Quality Discs (MQD)

You can read more about them here.
And see our hundreds of Gold CD titles here
https://bluecoastmusic.com/store/MQD Gold CDs

Want to upgrade your files to DSD256 listening?

If you've purchased a 9624 FLAC and your favorite album is now available in DSD256, you're in luck! We can upgrade any of your previously purchased files if you pay the difference... and you can keep your old files to compare. Contact us at support@bluecoastmusic.com for details.

Want to unsubscribe? Hit the "unsubscribe" button at the top of this newsletter

We send out 3-4 newsletters a week... Blue Coast Records, Cookie's Corner and 2 for Blue Coast Music from this list. On occassion, someone asks "why" we send out so many. The reason is because the majority of people enjoy hearing from us.... and they buy more music. Note: if you don't open the first time, the same email will send 72 hours later. Why? We've found that many emails don't break the barrier of getting through to inboxes and the open rate increases by thousands on the second attempt. We feel we're supporting the majority of our subscribers with this approach. Thank you for YOUR support and feel free to contact us at any time.

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