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For Immediate Release
January 29, 2019

Gov. Kemp: State government will be open on Wednesday, January 30, 2019

(Atlanta, GA) – Based on the latest weather forecast and the recommendations of state emergency management officials, Governor Kemp will not order the closure of state government offices on Wednesday, January 30, 2019. However, Governor Kemp has encouraged state agency leaders to use their discretion on the timing of office openings for state offices north of metro-Atlanta where weather conditions warrant delaying openings or closures.

“I want to thank state and local leaders, especially Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, agency officials, law enforcement, and first responders for working around the clock to ensure the safety of Georgians across our state and visitors here for Super Bowl LIII,” stated Governor Kemp.


Press Contacts:

Candice Broce - Director of Communications & Deputy Executive Counsel

Cody Hall - Press Secretary

Alexandra Beyer - Deputy Press Secretary

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