Hello !! Fall always feels like a time of excitement and change, a time to begin again, to experience the unique colors of the season. I'm excited t


Depositphotos--photo by ronfromyork

Hello !!

Fall always feels like a time of excitement and change, a time to begin again, to experience the unique colors of the season.

I'm excited to offer a new class in October--a class for People with Parkinson's and their caregivers. One of my students asked me to consider teaching to this group. Realizing the value of the mindful and sensory-focused aspects of the Feldenkrais Method®, I agreed. See below or contact me for details.


The Inspiration of Breath

Maybe it's getting ready to teach the series on the ribs this fall that has me thinking more about breathing. And thinking about the words we use to refer to this life-long activity, such as inspire. I suppose we usually say "inhale" but "inspire" conjures up a different feeling.

In fact, a glance at the synonyms for "inspire" yields several that relate quite nicely to breathing and improving the movement of our ribs and spine.



And combining them, such as "stimulate move(ment)" or "instigate stir(ring)" ... well, you get the idea.

Here's a short breathing exploration that gets the ribs moving:

Lie on the floor, knees bent, or sit comfortably, feeling your sitting bones, and with your feet on the floor or a support that allows your back to be relaxed into length. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your belly. If you're comfortable, close your eyes.
1. Inhale and feel the movement under each hand. Where do you move more? What area is easier to notice?
2. Exhale and notice the movement. Take all the time you need for each inhale (inspiration!) and each exhale.
3. Inhale and exhale a few times, allowing your belly to expand as you inhale, release as you exhale.
4. On the next inspiratioon as your belly expands, hold your breath and gently "move" the air by pulling in your belly and allowing the chest to lift. Feel with your hands. Release the chest and let the belly expand again. Exhale when you need to. Repeat a few times and see if you can get in a few of these "seesaw" movements while holding your breath.
5. Eventually, explore the seesaw movements while breathing normally. Use your muscles to move your ribs independently of your inhalation/exhalation.

Appreciate your breathing and the sensations it stimulates. Now that's inspiration!

Fall Classes are Here!

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Photo courtesy of Feldenkrais Guild of North America

Change Your Age

Engage your brain to update movement habits, increase coordination, decrease pain and stiffness and enjoy improved posture, balance and ease

Yoga Center of Corvallis

Tuesdays Noon - 12:45 pm

Through Dec 9 (no class Nov 4 & 11) $80 (pro-rated) $10 drop-in

Unlocking the Rib Cage

Find easy movement and comfort in your neck, shoulders and lower back and improved breathing for more energy and vitality.

Chintimini Senior Center -- Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am

Sept 30 - Oct 28 $25 residents; $31.25 non-residents; $8 drop-in

Happy Feet

Experience freedom, ease and better stability in the use of your feet and ankles.

Chintimini Senior Center -- Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am

Nov 18 - Dec 9

$20 residents; $25 non-residents; $8 drop-in

NEW! Mindful Movement with Parkinson's

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A specialty class for People with Parkinson’s and their caregivers will focus on movement issues important to health and safety. Participants will learn specific movement strategies to make daily activities easier and more enjoyable.


Wed Oct 8 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

When: Wed Oct 15, 22, & 29 -- 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Where: Fitness Over Fifty Fitness Studio -- 6735 SW Country Club Dr Corvallis 541-929-5555
Cost: $30 -- $15 for caregivers $12 drop-in/class
Move with more flexibility and coordination
Increase balance, strength and stamina
Improve transitions from sitting to standing and getting to and from the floor
Walk with more confidence
Improve communication with vocal and facial exercises

Please help me spread the word about this class!

For More Information

Contact Marg: Please note new email address - margbartosek@gmail.com


or check out: www.margbartosek.com

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