Happy 'Love YOur Pet Day' Hi Member, I've only just got over Valentine's Day! Ok - I admit it. I had no idea that today was 'Love Your Pet Day' unt

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Get a head start in 2015 - What s on in 2015

Happy 'Love YOur Pet Day'

Love Your Pet Day - 2015

Hi Member,

I've only just got over Valentine's Day!

Ok - I admit it. I had no idea that today was 'Love Your Pet Day' until I read Dr Jo's excellent blog Post 'An Open Letter to my Dogs for "Love Your Pet Day".

I know you're probably all thinking the same as me (...see cartoon below.....) but it's a bit of fun and next year I'll get onto it earlier as it's another great opportunity to connect with your clients.

If you haven't taken the opportunity I'd love for you to take part in the super quick online survey on 'Forward Booking' - Do You? Don't you?

The blog posts this week offer some tips on how to get along with those you work with who may not be the easiest - dealing with them can be tricky, especially if you're not the boss.

It's also time (if you haven't already) to get back into those regular Team Meetings. I admit that meetings can be a complete waste of time (See blog post: Do you have meetings from hell in your veterinary practice?) but the right tools can be a huge help. See links below to a couple of Templates for Meeting Agendas & Minute.

February's CPD Calendar has been updated again! It may be the last week of February but there are still 20 different training opportunities for you to check out.

I've also come across some great resources including the release of some handy new crib cards from the VNCA all about Pocket Pets and an Infographic on Veterinary Online Marketing Report from LifeLearn that has some links to some excellent FREE resources on social media - check them out.

Our aim is to help you - save time, connect & discover.

Enjoy your reading :)


Love your pet everyday 2015

Vetanswers Featured Blog Post

Challenges of working with difficult people

Do you work with a difficult person in your veterinary practice?

Not everyone is easy to work with and when you're not the boss it can make things even harder. You may have limited control but there are still a few things you can do to manage the situation.

Meetings from hell

Do you have the 'Meetings from Hell' in your veterinary practice?

If you haven't already, it's time to start your regular Staff Meetings for 2015. Just to make sure they don't turn into the 'meetings from hell' make sure you've got the right tools ready to go!


Have you taken part in our super quick online survey

Forward Booking - is Tueday still good for you

Do you use forward booking in your veterinary practice?

If you missed the blog post from last week (Forward Booking at your veterinary practice? Seriously...why wouldn't you?) then you also may have missed taking part in our super quick on online survey.

As usual it's totally anonymous....

Click here to answer 2 quick questions about forward booking - do you do it in your veterinary practice?


February's CPD Calendar Updated!

Vetanswers CPD Calendar V3 16-28 February 2015

Click here to download a pdf version

It may be the last week of February but there are still TWENTY different training opportunities including webinars, workshops, meetings & seminars

Download February's calendar - I've added a few more training options...

Psst....March's calendar is coming soon! And the 'What's on in 2015? Veterinary CPD Calendar' is also being completely updated


A range of awesome resources....

Team meeting templates

Team Meeting Agenda & Minutes Templates

If regular team meetings are not already part of your normal operating practices - now is the time to start.

Visit the 'Management Resources' Page on the Vetanswers website and download these two templates then decide which one best suits your needs:

1. Template 1: Team Meeting Agenda & Minutes

2. Template 2: Team Meeting Agenda

4xNEW-Crib-Cards  200x150  bigger

NEW!! VNCA Pink Crib Card sets now available... Everything about Pocket Pets

The new pink set focusing on Pocket Pets is all about Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Ferrets, Rats and Mice

A quick reference chart is also included with each species heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, body weight and average lifespan to make tricky moments easy when you are on the spot with a difficult client’s question!

Check out the Yellow, Blue & Green Crib sets too - great resources to keep handy.

Click here here to find out more!

LifeLearn 2015 Online Marketing Report

LifeLearn: 2015 Veterinary Online Marketing Report

This easy to read Infographic presents the findings from a 2014 survey on veterinary online marketing. No surprise that Facebook is still leading the way!

It also includes links to a number of useful resources:
1. Guide to Facebook Advertising
2. Blogging Your Way to More Business
3. Introductory Guide to Video Marketing
4. Veterinary Marketing Blog - For Veterinarians

Click here to see the Infogram


Veterinarian? Vet Practice Owner or Manager?

Are you a vet?

Last week we shared a link to an online survey set up by Dr Dave Nicol - if you'd like to know more about the survey you can check out his blog post explaining all here:

Click here...What will our profession look like in 30 years?


Are you a veterinary practice owner or manager?

Last week we also shared a link to an online survey set up by Dr Dave Nicol that asked the question: "Where did all the vets go?" - if you'd like to know more about this survey you can check out his blog post that explains all:

Click here...Where did all the vets go?




This week I also found......

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