Welcome Hope everyone had joyous holidays! The National Education Service Company is planning an exciting new year for 2014. "The Instructor" will no



Hope everyone had joyous holidays! The National Education Service Company is planning an exciting new year for 2014. "The Instructor" will now be available on our website @nescoed.com which is also linked to our Facebook, Tweeter, Linkedin and Pinterest pages. So join us on your favorite social media site!

This new issue of "The Instructor" in 2014 starts with a bang! A new NESCO publication entitled "Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice" is highlighted and we introduce our new "Education Employment Forum" series designed to provide professional development opportunities for educators and the best job seeking tactics and skills necessary to secure a teaching position. Workshops will offered in participants local area.

N.E.S.C.O. publishes "The Instructor" online, so sign up today for "The Instructor" and be sure to bookmark our webpage www.nescoed.com.

Join the conversation, share your ideas through "EdXchange" our education blog. Meet and connect with other educators through N.E.S.C.O. on Facebook and Tweeter @#NESCOed._

In This Issue of "The Instructor"

Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice
(A new publication)

(A new professional development program)

Point of View

"Endless Solutions to Educational Reform"

NESCO Products and Services



New to NESCO

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Today a successful career in education requires new and special skills, knowledge and experience.Teacher candidates have to be better prepared than ever before. They must possess very specific attributes and be competent and comfortable conveying these qualities. The National Education Service Company's newest publication "Teaching Today: Becoming the Candidate of Choice" .examines the factors that have changed the face of education and the skills and knowledge teacher candidates must possess to secure and succeed as teachers

NESCO's new Education Employment Forums are designed to assist teacher candidates seeking new positions by providing participants with the practical skills and theoretical knowledge necessary to truly become the Candidate of Choice.
Seeking a new teaching position can be overwhelming and interviewing can be nerve raking. NESCO's Education Employment Forums will show you how to properly present yourself in a manner that will open doors and attract school district supervisors seeking qualified candidates.

Point of View

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Best wishes for the New Year !
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!

In the spirit of the ancient Babylonians who made promises to their gods at the start of each year and the Romans who began each year by making promises to the god Janus for whom the month of January is named; I invite you, on behalf of the National Education Service Company to join us in a collective resolution for 2014. Let's resolve to work together to improve the lives of all of school children by fighting against unfair funding cuts, bad policy decisions, and other challenges that continue to threaten our schools and our children's futures.
N.E.S.C.O. resolves to encourage all State Governors and Education Commissioners to commit to increase funding for public education in their state. It is time for all schools to be guaranteed the funding necessary to have comprehensive programs in all areas of common instruction. Students should not be deprived of educational opportunities simply by their place of residence.
N.E.S.C.O. resolves to promote the formation of educational policies developed with the advise and consent of professional experienced educators who understand curriculum design, differentiated learning and effective assessment procedures.
N.E.S.C.O. resolves to call for improved teacher training as the best method for improving student learning. Teachers must commit to on-going professional development and schools must provide the time, means and money to insure such training. The content of professional development must be based on methods and materials identified by both teachers and department heads, not by administrators or board members who do not teach.

Imagine if all of us commit to these resolutions! Our individual efforts and collective power would truly change education for the better, improving the lives of our children and the future of the profession.

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Want Professional Development ON-Site in your School District for little to no cost? N.E.S.C.O.announces a new approach to professional development. Now department leaders can provide their faculty with convenient on-site staff development in a needed instructional area. Staff development workshops and courses can be paid through BOCES Arts or course participants can purchase in-service credit at incredible discounted rates.

Let N.E.S.C.O.’s On-Site Professional Development Program provide your staff with on-site workshops or in-service courses that improve teacher-student the learning process. See N.E.S.C.O.’s website @ www.nescoed.com for a partial listing of N.E.S.C.O.professional development topics and in-service course fees.

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“Recruitment and Retention” by J. Pergola & G. Ober
$18.98 Softcover

If you are frustrated by the number of talented students dropping out of your performance ensemble, "Recruitment and Retention" is a must read book for all teachers trying to improve retention. "Recruitment and Retention" examines progressive strategies and preventive procedures for both successful recruiting and improved retention.

"Five Practices for Building Positive Relationships with Students" by Kelley Clark

Education Week: Published Online 8/7/12

Positive relationships between teachers and students are among the most important variables associated with effective instruction. Learn how building a strong relationship with your students can lead to a higher level of academic success!

Website: [[http://www.thehomeworkzone.com] - Click Here
4 Stars / Free

TheHomeWorkZone provides teachers with a free and simple-to-use website. Teachers can post assignments, test dates, study guides, worksheets, events and announcements to the internet. Now student and parents can keep up-to-date with what's going on in class just by visiting your personalized HomeWorkZone.


4+ Stars /

Study better, Learn faster, Get the grades you want! With StudyBlue's mobileapp, you can make, study and share study guides and quizzes. StudyBlue is a digital backpack necessary for all students.

"EveryKid Needs a Champion"
Rita Pierson - YouTube

A great and moving vid from the late great educator Rita Pierson discussing every childs' need for a champion and an adult who never gives up on them.

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