
March 2024

Dear Friends,

When it comes to the climate, storylines often repeat themselves.

The UN issues a dire warning – as it did again did this week – about the need to increase climate ambition and speed up the transition to renewable energy, while the fossil fuel industry obfuscates, delays and pours scorn on efforts to move away from fossil fuels.

Yet the good news is that throughout history, the Church has often been at the forefront of positive social change and is increasingly taking action to address the environmental challenges we face, from global heating to biodiversity loss. Just within the past few weeks, we have reported on how the Diocese of Leeds is partnering with the Woodland Trust to grow more trees on its land, something which will ultimately contribute to the larger Northern Forest project – a scheme to help reverse the staggering loss of woodland and biodiversity in the UK.

And then this past weekend, the Diocese of Leeds also made a full divestment commitment, excluding future investment in companies with significant revenues derived from fossil fuels, becoming the 28th Church of England diocese to do so. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of UK Christians are pledging to switch to a green bank this Lent as part of our Big Bank Switch campaign, which earlier this month was covered by the global media outlet, Christianity Today.

When the Church mobilises, the world really can, and does, change. As we prepare for Holy Week, let us reflect on what God is calling us to do as we seek to care for creation.

The Operation Noah Team


Diocese of Leeds makes full divestment commitment

The Diocese of Leeds has made a full divestment commitment, pledging not to invest in companies with significant revenues derived from fossil fuels. Leeds is the 28th Church of England diocese to fully divest. Just two Church of England dioceses remain invested in fossil fuels, while 12 CofE dioceses currently have no investments in fossil fuels but have yet to pledge never to invest in fossil fuels in the future. Rt Revd Anna Eltringham, Bishop of Ripon (pictured above), said that steps such as not making money from fossil fuels were driven by Christian love for the planet and its people and that progress should be powered by hope for the future. 'We must not give up hope or effort that we can still limit warming and reach net zero carbon,’ Bishop Anna said. ‘In fact our resolve should increase. All is not lost. We can still act.' Read more.


Last chance to apply for Bright Now Campaign Manager role

Operation Noah is looking for an experienced and motivated person to help develop and implement our Bright Now campaign – and the deadline to apply is this Sunday 24th March. The Bright Now campaign encourages UK Churches to divest from fossil fuel companies and invest in climate solutions, working with partners in the UK and globally. Read more.


Introducing Jess Templeman, Operation Noah’s new Fundraising Officer

We recently welcomed Jess Templeman to Operation Noah as our new Fundraising Officer. Jess brings a wealth of fundraising experience to our team and has a particularly strong background in international development alongside having worked with faith communities. Jess also currently serves on the PCC for St Martin-in-the-Fields. She recently sat down with Clare Fussell, our Bright Now Campaign Director, for a short interview. Read more.


Have you pledged to switch to a green bank?

Last month, Operation Noah, Just Love, and JustMoney, in partnership with Switch It Green, launched The Big Bank Switch, inviting Christians around the UK to align their money with their values by switching from a bank that funds planet-destroying fossil fuels to one that doesn’t. And this Lent, well over 100 Christians have already pledged to switch. If you haven’t yet made a pledge, we’re inviting you to do so today (make a pledge to switch here).

The climate crisis isn’t just happening, it’s being funded – sometimes by those of us who are most concerned about caring for God’s creation, and all because we have a bank account with HSBC, Barclays, Santander, NatWest, Chase, Lloyds or another high street bank. To learn more about The Big Bank Switch campaign, join us for a free online workshop on Tuesday 9th April at 7.30pm (register here) or for a Q&A session on Wednesday 10th April at 7.30pm (register here).


Resources, news, events and opportunities

Heat pumps are still too expensive and too few people know about them, the National Audit Office (NAO) says. Only 55,000 heat pumps were sold in the UK in 2022, but to meet climate targets, the government says it wants to install 600,000 low-carbon heat pumps annually by 2028 – yet the NAO says ministers are now optimistic to think that will happen. Heating in UK homes produces 18% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions. Read more.

Operation Noah supports the Climate and Nature Bill (formerly known as the CEE bill) – proposed legislation written by scientists and campaigners which now has cross-party support from over 150 parliamentarians and would address the full extent of the climate and nature crises. In this election year, you can encourage all of the parliamentary candidates in your constituency to support the bill by signing a letter on the Constituency Action Page.

The National Justice and Peace Network has produced an environmentally-themed Stations of the Cross liturgy. First produced in 2012 and revised in 2022, the liturgy is a thoughtful way to engage with the climate crisis as we enter into Holy Week. Read more.

The UK government's plans for adapting to the climate crisis 'fall far short' of what is required, its climate advisors say. In a damning verdict, the Climate Change Committee (CCC) said that the government had no credible plan for making the UK resilient to the impacts of extreme weather. Read more.

Green Christian is advertising for a paid, part-time Content Editor, with a closing date of 29th April. The charity also has a number of open volunteer roles. Read more.


Please support the work of Operation Noah

Our campaigns and activities rely on donations from individuals and organisations, so please consider giving a one-off or regular donation.


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