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Food Safety Live 2021 - Recording

More than 3,000 food safety practitioners registered to join the International Food Safety & Quality Network this week for their annual online conference.

The two-day event consisted of a series of Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions with a panel of leading industry experts.

If you missed it here are the recordings from both days.

Day 1

Recording >>

Day 2

Recording >>


Previous Webinar Recording

Uncover the Truth Behind X-ray Product Inspection

Can x-ray inspection technology detect plastic? Is x-ray inspection of food safe? When it comes contaminant detection accuracy or even the safety of x-ray in general, you may have many unanswered questions. Join one of Eagle's R&D Engineers as he discusses the frequently asked questions on x-ray product inspection. You'll get detailed insight regarding the full capabilities of advanced x-ray inspection technology, along with its limitations and answers to the most commonly asked questions in the industry. Find out the benefits of x-ray inspection for food products, poultry bone detection and fat analysis of red meat. Sign up below and learn about Eagle's enhanced capabilities for contaminant detection and quality control checks along with our state-of-the-art software combined with durable machine construction.

Webinar Recording >>

Presentation Slides and Certificate of Attendance >>


All Food Safety Friday's Video Recordings

Free Excel download

IFSQN hold regular free webinar training sessions on a wide variety of food safety topics. For your convenience we’ve compiled the video recordings into a handy Excel to make it easy for you to find what you need. The videos are free to access 24/7/365 days a year to watch at your leisure and share with your colleagues.

Download file here >>


New Member Introductions

New Member
Hello, I'm Natia, From Georgia, Nice to meet you all. I'm Quality Assurance manager of Animal Feed Production Factory. We are developing everyday, Working on Quality Management System improvement and development.
We have ISO 22000 science 2017. This years' Main Tasks is Production automatization, Food Fraud and Food Defense, Control System Update and Operations Update
Also, We're Opening Pet Food Factory This year and need To Implement ISO 22000 There. So, We have really interesting year and hope to achieve all the goal

Dear sir/ Madame, Im food expert and im working in ministry of health and medical education . My favorite in this field is HACCP and ISO 22000 . I will be happy if i can use from others knowledge in this group and sure i will be happy if i can share my thoughts with other scientists in this group . Im 62 y/o and have experience in implementation of Iso22000 and Haccp in food factories. This is my happiness to join to this group .
sincerly yours
Bahman Mansouria


The Latest from the Discussion Forums

Listed below are all the new discussion topics posted on the forums over the last week. Hundreds of knowledgeable and friendly food safety practitioners frequent the forums every day. If you have a question. Ask Here!

What does <0.3 MPN item for E.coli mean?
Hi, I'm wondering what does <.0.3 MPN/item for E.coli mean. Can I say that my samples were positive on E.coli. And I also need help on solving the log cfu/cm2. Thank you! :)

Should I consider roasting as CCP?
My company produces multigrain product, which is mixture of grain and beans and we do have one process which is roasting for bean. However we only use 110C and 40mins for roasting and our purpose is to remove the rancidness of the bean. If I consider this as CCP, this temperature is not enough to remove aflatoxin and I worried this might rise a findings for auditor. Anyone can give suggestion about this? Is it necessary to involve roasting as CCP?

BRCGS Packaging Materials clause 3.4.1 - specifications
Hi everyone, I'm fairly new at my job and i'm trying to match up each clause with the appropriate information on the system. I'm having trouble understanding clause 3.4.1. about specifications. Or rather, having trouble finding how the company has covered this clause in the past. Does it mean that for every raw material purchased by the company, I need a product specification from the supplier of the raw material? Or is it more specific to the products we are selling, in relation to size, artwork, etc? I hope I'm making myself clear enough for someone to help me to understand.

Thanks for your time.

Adding New Warehouse to FDA Account
Hello, I am relatively new to the FDA process as I have primarily been a USDA plant. My company has been transitioning to an FDA food product and we are currently registered with the FDA. My company has leased some ambient warehouse space about 10 minutes from the plant. This warehouse will be used for ambient materials like packaging, corrugate and potentially dry food ingredients.

How would I add this warehouse to my FDA account? Would I create a subaccount?

Any advice helps.

Thank you.

Certification of suppliers for a three layer film structure for food products
My question is regarding a request made by our IMS auditor. Our Structure is three layers from three production plants.

Plant 1 produces the outer layer. (Not IMS certified)
Plant 2 produces the middle layer and completes final assembly. (IMS certified plant)
Plant 3 Produces the inner food contact layer. (IMS certified plant)

Our auditor is requesting the plant 1 also be IMS certified because during the winding process, that layer comes into contact with the food contact layer. This is all produced under Appendix J for single service containers.

BRCGS Food Safety - 5.4. Product authenticity, claims and chain of custody
Background: The last audit that we had with BRC we received a minor for 5.4.6. which Stated: "The process flow for the production of products where claims are made shall be documented and potential areas for contamination or loss of identity identified. Appropriate controls shall be established to ensure the integrity of the product claims".

The auditor wrote: “There is no documentation to prove that the soy squares are in fact Hexane-Free”.

We have a Certificate ID No. with a Expiration Date that said the Product is Hexane Free Soy Protein Concentrate.

I am new at this company. if anyone has any background with this it would be glad if you able to pass this one.

Thanks, Quality Control Manager

Safe Work Procedures needed -for a bakery
We are a bakery plant and we need to improve our safety systems. We need some Safe Work Procedures to modify and adapt to our plant. Please Please Please, If you can send me some files that we can work with , it would save us time. We will customize and remove any company info included.

Document Control
Good morning all! I recently got hired to manage the food safety program at a potato packaging warehouse. Their certifying body is Primus. Before this, I worked at a Mushroom Farm for 6 years assisted with their SQF program which is obviously a lot more extensive than Primus. The Mushroom Farm was the beginning of my food safety career and I always worked under someone. Whereas now I am managing and doing this by myself which is very scary but also very educating! One thing that kind of has me stuck is that I can't seem to find any sort of approved forms list or any sort of traceback to the development of the records. The only thing related to document control is the revision and the revision date on the documents but no record whatsoever of the revisions before. Is that okay? Primus is changing their version at the beginning of March anyway so should I just restart my revisions from 0 and create some sort of form to track revisions thereafter? Thanks in advance, it might be a dumb question but I'd rather ask than change everything when it's not necessary!

Fruits and Vege Wastage Control
Hi all, Wish to seek your kind advice on how to control fresh fruits and vege wastage. Secondly, for the wastage eg like skin, peel, seed, is it food industry will convert it to animal feed or as fertilizer? Besides this, what else factory can do before dump it as general waste to throw away.

Appreciate your kind input.

Artificial and natural ingredients
Hi everyone, I have some questions below, I have searched on the internet however, I find different answers from different sources. Would you please help me with the questions below?

Beta-carotene color-Is it an artificial food color?
Vitamin A Palmitate-Is it an artificial food additive?
Xanthan gum- Is it an artificial food additive?
Dextrose- Is it an artificial sweetener/preservative?

Looking for a UK based auditor for carrying out internal audits
Hi all, My company is based in England and we would like to find an auditor or a company who could carryout the internal audits for the BRCGS ISSUE 6 .

Thank you in advanced.

Dietary Fiber Nutrition facts labeling
Hi, I am wondering what I should prepare for nutrition labeling of dietary fiber.
1. Is there any way to estimate dietary fiber in food? or do we have to go through actual lab testing?
2. How do I not calculate xanthan gum when actual lab tsting?

CCP Verification
Hi all, Our production running 24 hours in 2 shifts, manager verified CCP monitoring record on the next day of production. However, auditor suggests we have record verification on the same day of production. What is your guys thought on this? Is it a mandatory to have CCP verification on the same production day

SQF Monthly Management Meeting
Hello there, Does anyone have a good template of monthly management meetings based on the SQF Food Safety and Quality code Currently, I am using the below template?

SOP Definition guide or reference
I was wondering if anyone had a good reference they use for definitions when writing SOPs. I usually can come up with them on my own or do a simple google search. However that takes time and there is no sense reinventing the wheel if there is a good resource out there that someone can share.


Standard Requirements of an Autoclave Process
Hi everyone, We are establishing our in-house microbiological lab, as per standard requirement (or good laboratory practices) we need two autoclaves, one for media sterilization and other one for the final plates (with growth) disinfection, in order to minimize the chances of cross contamination.

my question is that if the purpose of autoclave is to sterilize, then we should not worry about the cross contamination and we can work with single autoclave, and if our autoclave is cause of cross contamination its means it is not working well. please advice.

HACCP Plan for manufacturing multigrain products
Does anyone has HACCP PLAN for manufacturing multigrain products. Our products involve mixture of oats, beans, paddy, brown rice, flour, non dairy creamer etc. I am wondering if these products considered sensitive raw material since it is mostly in dry form and we just stored in chiller. Does sieving and sealing process also considered CCP? For our chiller we do have a digital temperature controller which monitor the temperature inside, however the sensor is straight attached to the cooling fan and I was told it might not accurate since it does not reflect the actual internal temperature for the chiller. If so, what should I do to calibrate my chiller or could I just calibrate the digital temperature controller?

Checkweigher Systems Best Practices
Hi all, My company has purchased several checkweigher systems and I'm not as familiar as I need to be with them. I understand the concepts but need guidance on a few items. I realize all facilities are different and everything is based off risk but I'm asking...

1. How often do you verify them? How do you verify them?
2. How do you handle rejects?
3. Any related "best practices".

If there is a thread on this please point me to it.


Existing SQF Facility to Add another facility location for Storage and Distribution
Hello all, Happy New Year!
I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe. We are a small-medium bakery facility and we are SQF Certified for Bakery 13. Do we have to get a separate Storage and Distribution Certificate for the new location or can we just add it in as multi-site.
We have recently purchased another location for storage and distribution.
Can anybody share next steps and any insight on how to approach this addition?
The management want to move fast and I am afraid they are going to move before we have everything in place and need to prioritize essential and most important.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.


Mango Drying and Testing Regulations
Having trouble with testing regulations regarding Mango Storage and Intake. Our cook handed me the production flow chart and the storage that he wants is 60 F for both fresh and for the eventual dried mango strips that will sit in our storage for possibly months.

Is this acceptable? Have seen 50 F to 62 F ranges depending on the literature

Debating on putting humidity controls to keep everything around 20-30% to compensate for this

I have looked back at my materials and have no real straight forward answer for the testing here, want to be cost effective here yet refuse to lose any shred of quality and safety.

My solution presented was:

-Intake: Quality control test (brix, firmness, visual/damage, etc.), Pesticide Testing
-Fished Dried Product (That days Run): Allergen Testing, Pathogen Testing
-Bagged Product in Storage: Pathogen Testing every week (Test Each Lot/Daily Run)
-Bagged Product 1 day before Shipping: Pathogen Testing (Test Each Lot/Daily Run that will go out in that order)
-Keeping Storage room around 20-30% Humidity
Is this over/under-kill

Internal Non Conformances and Root Causes
Hi all, I am a bit perplexed about internal non conformances. my boss likes to see all deviations from norm opened as a non conformance EX: if the metal detector found metal , if we found a positive of listeria ssp. in a transition zone during environmental monitoring, paperwork errors, production errors. etc. I sometimes don't know what to writer as a root causes for items like these....Normally I write an internal non-conformity resolution for minor NC which is how we resolve the issue immediately. it is only after 3 of the same minor NC that we do root cause analysis. my understanding is for edition 9 you must do a Root Cause Analysis for all Major NCs. what do you guys consider a major NC besides CCP deviations?

How do you respond to typical production minor NC's ?

thank you!

New SQF Code Amendment - Edition 9 - Manufacture of Food Packaging
The new amendment in section states that "a medical screening procedure shall be in place for all employees, visitors and contractors who handle exposed product or food contact surfaces".

From a Canadian perspective, how do I go about writing a medical screening procedure, when we are not legally allowed to ask anyone if they have any infectious diseases that present a health risk to others? Is there is certain or specific way to word the procedure?

We received a non-conformance on this during our audit, and management doesn't know how to go about writing a medical procedure about this.

Would a risk assessment be sufficient enough to replace the procedure, since our facility is very low risk?

Discussion of Ergosterols
What is Ergosterols? What is the effect of high temperatures (111 degree Celsius) on it? is it breakable by high temperatures or not? How it could be controlled in fruit concentrates industry?

Outsourced processing to a site without BRC Certification
Hi, BRC fast approaching, and we are looking forward to it. We have not been certified before.
Basically every supplier we have ticks all the boxes, GFSI and so on.
Only one small problem here: we have a small site that we own and it produces some of the additions we add to our product at the site we want to be certified.
We are definitely not BRC ready at that site.
Does this count as an outsourced process?

How can I get around this without a multi site audit?
Has anyone been in this situation?

I have no problems whatsoever with the site, it just doesn't have enough documentation to be BRC ready.
Hope to get some guidance.
Thanks in advance.

Harvest ERP System
Hi Food Safety Family, the company i work for is a bakery, we are looking into a new ERP system since we've outgrown our current one (Bakers Dozen).

Has anyone used Harvest ERP?
What are your thoughts on harvest?
What do you dislike about it?
Do you have any other suggestions for a good ERP system?

Thanks in advance!

Headspace Oxygen Analyzer
Hello, we use Mocon and Quantek headspace oxygen analyzer (handheld units). I just found one from FORENSICS DETECTORS. Has anyone any experience with this brand? Would you recommend it or not?


Auditor able to Certificate a site in Peru under FDA IMS Packaging Certification
Hi, I am looking for a Auditor able to Certificate a site in Peru under IMS Packaging Certification (FDA). Is anyone able to give a hand in my search?

All the best,

Sanitation validation against starch residues
Good day Everyone, I have a question regarding the sanitation validation against starch residues.

We are developing a powder handling equipment. One of its use is to deliver anti-caking agents. I tried to validate the easiness to clean using 3M ATP swabs. However, this method doesn't seem to be very sensitive to the starch residue. I get very low readings like 11 RLU while the residue is clearly visible. I guess it's because starch doesn't have too much ATP in it?

I was wondering if there is a commonly used way to detect starch residue, like in a bread plant? Or you have any good ideas that can help? Please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Can someone confirm that FSC 20 Recipe Meals does not apply to us
Hello, We are going over our Food Sector Categories and we believe that FSC 20 Recipe Meals does not apply to us. We think of Recipe Meals of assembled ingredients such as Meal Kits.

Although we have a retail entree packages such as Meatballs and Sauce, or Sausage and Peppers/Onions, which are in a cryovac bag, yet we do not believe these are Recipe Meals

Could you verify us on this thought? Thank you

Is there a guide to how Food Packaging Regulations fit together?
Hi Everyone, I have been asked about the Migration, and Heavy Metals by our customer. We convert board to food contact packaging . Our supplier has supplied a compliance with 1935/2004 & 2023/2006 declaration. I can see that this covers hazardous migration components and GMP but not specifically Heavy Metals. IS the 1935/2004 an umbrella reg that covers every thing?

Is there a guide to how these regulations relate to each other please. Like a family tree? As we are cardboard we do not need to comply with the 10/2011 for plastic so compliance with the 1935/2004 (general migration) is enough.

The other query I have is that The Heavy Metal Directive 94/62/EC is concerned with waste disposal as well as migration. If the material has low heavy metals & complies with food contact migration, is it a given that it is low enough to comply with the waste limits?
Thank you

QMS risk and opportunites template
Good day I have received a non conformity for risks and opportunities in my system, Please anyone to help. I do food manufacturing.

Return Product Procedure
Hello Guiys! Do you have sample procedure for Returned Products (Process Step/Guidelines/Process Flow). Ive been preparing for HACCP documentation. BTW, I worked in Food Manufacturing company in Meat Operations (Slaughtering/Value Added Product).

Sample file that might addressed in food manufacturing is a big help.

Hoping for your help.

Thank you :)
Have a great day

Quat based Sanitizers use in Food Industry
Hi All, I am working in Australia and wondering if there are any reasons to not use Quat based sanitizers onsite. The only reason i can come up with is that if you are organic certified you cannot., Are there other country requirements or standards that don't allow it?

Look forward to you feedback.


Vegetable Oil Scientific Study for Biological Hazards
Hello IFSQN! I urgently need some assistance. We are in the middle of a Preventive Control inspection by the FDA. They have requested to be provided with a scientific study that proves there is no biological risk in vegetable oils. I have searched many times for a (free) scientific study that supports it. We have an upper end spec of 0.1% moisture for our products, so growth wouldn't be supported... but how do I prove this?!

I know we can do an independent challenge study but those are pricy and couldn't be completed within the week :)

Does anyone have a study that supports this????

Do we have to hold all our documents for 5 years based on FSMA regulation?
Hi and Happy New year 2022, We have to hold all our documents for 5 years based on FSMA regulation? Or based on other regulation (that I don't know which!), can you please guide me? I'm new in documentation.




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