Heading for North Carolina to escape the cold, snowy Connecticut winters …. and the never ending tax hikes? A 2002 graduate of I.A.A.S., Connie Devine, relocated several years ago to Wilmington, NC. For those wanting first class facials, waxing and all the things to keep our skin looking healthy and supple need to call Connie. She divides her time between two locations: CDevine Skin at Wilmington Massage and Rejuvenation Center; 761 S. Kerr Ave, Wilmington call 910-232-3768 to book OR Copper Lily Salon and Day Retreat, 7741 Market Street; Wilmington call 910-686-8685 www.copperlilydayretreat.com . Please share the information with relocating friends and family, and be sure to tell the "Devine Miss Connie" that we said hello and miss her smiling face !