Creative Edge YogaScreenshot with Alan Franzi

"Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes." — Thich Nhat Hanh from

Bershire Afternoon


Dear Student,

I hope you are doing well hope you had a wonderful time this summer. As we appraoch the end of September for many it is time to to dive into the fall season with renewed energy.

Moving and feeling your best can be an essential part of enjoying success and enhancing your life quality and happiness. Finding time to create that for yourself is a challnenge in our busy lives, We believe it is time well spent and pays dividends on and over time,

Sunrise on Lake Champlaign

The Yoga of Somatic Exploration: Your Path to a Healthier, Happier You at Any Age

Every year at this time, when summer activities wind down and our fall schedules and obligations resume, we can re-assess our needs and approaches to self-care. So it is with our work here as the evolution of our teaching and what we offer to help you on your journey continues. This has led us back to the future; to the practice a Yoga of conscious awareness that inspired and began my journey over 30 years ago.
To support the changing needs as years pass, our approach to our needs for self-care deserves special on...

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Yoga and Movement Classes

Below is information on the upcoming fall class schedule and our additional services to help you move feel and be your best for life's challenges. If you have any questions or need assistance selecting suitable classes for your goals, don't hesitate to ask for guidance.

Join us for our upcoming Fall 2023 Yoga and movement classes to enjoy these benefits.
The new class schedule will begin on Tuesday, September 26th and will and runs for eight weeks through Monday November 20th.


Getting Back in Healthy Motion and a Pain-Free Lifestyle

We understand that physical limitations can be disheartening, especially when things persist despite your best efforts.
Join us for our ongoing Saturday Morning Yoga and Functional Movement Class.
More than a simple Yoga stretching class, it is intended to support you in addressing the overall postural and movement roots of so many pain issues and offer new insights to address and resolve the root cause of these pain and movement challenges.


More Solutions Through our Pain and Movement Therapies

"Doing anything with attention to how you feel is doing yoga." — Jean Couch


Our non-medical Individualized Movement Therapy programs are designed to provide you with a personalized boost and ongoing support on your journey to a more pain-free and active lifestyle. We understand that everyone’s needs are unique.

Our personalized approach involves individual posture and movement programs in accordance with your goals based on the idea that the body works as a unit. Addressing the deeper root causes of pain challenges is often an important, and often missing piece in helping you more fully and effectively address challenging pain and movement concerns.

Click hereIf you’re interested in learning more about the postural approach we bring to our Yoga and Movement therapies may offer you a new perspective and new personalized solutions on ongoing support to help you get back to a more pain-free and active lifestyle.

Contact us with any questions or to set up a free consultation and we can help you find the best options for your needs.


Self-care is an ongoing journey, a lifelong commitment to your well-being. Its presence in your life may take different forms as life goes on. I encourage you to be patient with yourself and celebrate the small victories along the way.

Thank you for being part of our community. We’re here to support you on your self-care journey.
Namaste and Sat Nam!
AlanPlease note that the information provided here is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical assessment and treatment by a medical doctor. When practicing any Yoga or meditation technique, you accept responsibility for all you do and work in accordance with your medical needs and limitations as determined by you and your MD. Individual results and experiences may differ. For more information, please read the website disclaimer.I encourage you to seek out instruction and guidance from a teacher as needed to answer any questions and ensure the best outcome of this and any practice.

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