
Gmar Chatima Tova: May Your Name be Sealed in the Book of Life!

Tishrei 9, 5779/September 18, 2018

Ten days ago, on Rosh HaShana, We accepted upon ourselves the sovereignty of G-d our King and celebrated the birth of man, Adam harishon - the first man, who on that day was created. Today on Yom Kippur we strive to fulfill the potential that G-d breathed into us that first day when He blessed us with the breath of life: the power to change course, the power to determine who we are going to be this coming year.

Today we open the birthday present that G-d has given all mankind: the great gift of teshuvah - repentance - the ability to change and to move toward the fulfillment of our own potential. This gift is the crowning glory of G-d's creation which He places upon our head and upon our heart. May we all utilize this gift to inscribe ourselves into the Book of Life in the upcoming year!

The Temple Institute extends our best wishes to all our friends, followers and faithful supporters, to the entire nation of Israel, to all who attach their fate to the nation of Israel and their destiny to the G-d of Israel: May we all be sealed in the Book of Life! Gmar Chatima Tova!


Tune in to this week's Temple Talk, with Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven, as they focus on Yom Kippur, sin, and repentance, the plea of temporary insanity, spiritual goals of the high holy days, the Yom Kippur experience: making our relationship with HaShem real.

In this week's edition of Temple Talk, Yitzhak Reuven and Rabbi Chaim Richman share personal reflections on the experience of Rosh HaShana and their thoughts about the spiritual challenges and opportunities for personal growth in our relationship with G-d that Yom Kippur presents.

As Moses explains to the children of Israel, one of the most devastating ramifications of our backsliding is the self-induced illusion that G-d has abandoned us. But G-d never abandons His children. On the contrary, He yearns for our return. Yom Kippur is our G-d given opportunity to atone for and wipe away our past errors and to return ourselves to G-d's embrace. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's teaching on parashat Vayelech (Deuteronomy 31:1-30) and the message of Yom Kippur!

Yom Kippur in the Holy Temple: Yom Kippur begins on Tuesday evening, and concludes on Wednesday evening. How was Yom Kippur celebrated in the Holy Temple? Click here to learn.

A Day In The Holy Temple: Details Of The Tamid Daily Service: Pt. 61: An Extra Blessing for the Sabbath: On the Sabbath, an extra blessing was added, with which the outgoing shift of priests greeted the incoming one: "May He who causes His Name to dwell in this House, cause love, brotherhood, peace and friendship to dwell between you." Click here to begin our multi-post description of the daily Tamid service held in the Holy Temple.

Ari Fuld, Pro-Israel Advocate & Temple Mount Activist Murdered By Arab Terrorist: Ari Fuld, a well-known Israel advocate, blogger and speaker, was stabbed to death this morning outside a shopping center in Gush Etzion by a seventeen-year-old Arab terrorist from the nearby town of Yatta. Despite being severely wounded, Ari managed to pursue his attacker and fire a shot, wounding him, but later succumbed to his injuries. Lawmakers from across the political spectrum praised Fuld for his courageous actions. Ari, a resident of Efrat, was an American citizen. He frequently ascended the Temple Mount. He recently began promoting an online petition calling for full Jewish prayer rights on the Temple Mount. Click here to learn more.

Mahmoud Abbas' Temple Mount Lies & Incitement Led Directly To Murder Of Ari Fuld: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas repeated the old libel that Israel was planning to establish special Jewish prayer zones inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Why is Abbas's false accusation significant and dangerous? Hours after reports were published of Abbas's allegation, a 17-year-old Palestinian from the town of Yatta in the southern West Bank fatally stabbed Ari Fuld, a 45-year-old Israeli-American citizen and father of four, in a shopping center in Gush Etzion, south of Bethlehem. Click here to learn more and view video.

Abbas, Jordan, To Sue Israel For Jewish Prayer On Temple Mount? PA Chairman Abbas says he plans to ask Jordan to file joint complaint over Israel's [alleged - TI] plan to allow Jewish prayer on Temple Mount. Click here to learn more

Waqf: We Won't Accompany Jews On Temple Mount: Guardians of the Waqf, the Jordanian body which administers the Temple Mount, have threatened to stop escorting groups of Jews who go up to the mountain, Army Radio reported. Click here to learn more and see photos.

Shavua Tov From The Temple Mount: 'Bein Kese Le'asor!' Nearly 200 Jews ascended the Temple Mount today, the 7th day of Tishrei. The ten day period between Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur (which begins this Tuesday evening) is known, alternatively, as 'the ten days of repentance,' and also as "bein kese le'asor," a phrase found in Psalms 81:4: "Sound the shofar on the New Moon, on the appointed time for the day of our festival," which is understood as referring to the days between the crowning of G-d as King (kese), and the 10th day (esor) of Tishrei, Yom Kippur. Click here to see photos.

Celebrating Jerusalem’s Jubilee Year: Verse 533: Jerusalem In The Bible! The holy city of Jerusalem is mentioned 627 times in the Bible. The Temple Institute is celebrating the Jubilee of Jerusalem's liberation and reunification in 1967 by posting a verse a day with a photo of modern Jerusalem! Visit our Facebook page each day to see a beautiful photo and verse about Jerusalem.

Help To Build The Holy Temple In Our Time: Donate Generously To Help The Sacred Work Of The Temple Institute! Every contribution helps to rebuild the Holy Temple in our Time!

Interested in Ascending the Temple Mount? Contact us via our website, email us at or via our Facebook page. For more information on ascending the Temple Mount in purity, please click here.

Gmar Chatima Tova from the holy city of Jerusalem!
Yitzchak Reuven
The Temple Institute

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