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Our name changed!

That's right! In anticipation for expansion of the practice, and possible additions (stay tuned) it only made sense to change to a more inclusive name for the Nutritional Therapy Practice. Although Elise is still 100% actively involved, our name will change from: Elise Hawkins Nutritional Therapy to: Shasta Nutritional Therapy, but the quality of care will still remain (and hopefully improve!).


One-Time Only Special Offer

It's the 3-year anniversary since opening the nutritional therapy practice, and in celebration, we're offering the entire 3-Month-Nutritional-Therapy-Program for only $393 (Valued at $540) for the next 3 days.

This means, you must have a confirmed appointment for a 3 Month Program booked online by Friday, August 25th at 11:59pm to qualify for the special offer. This is a one-time offer and will not be available again. You can schedule your Initial Consultation for the program up to 23 days out from the day you confirmed your appointment (no later than September 20th 2017).

So if you've been considering learning more about optimizing your health, along with finding out what your body needs, how to balance your hormones, clean up your diet, and embark on a personalized nutritional therapy program designed specifically for you---- this is the perfect opportunity!

Remember you MUST go online and have your appointment confirmed to us before Friday August 25th at 11:59pm. You can schedule this appointment for anytime before September 20th, but it must be confirmed in the next 3 days.

Looking forward to supporting you in this next chapter of your health journey. As always, may you be ever increasing in health!


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Elise Hawkins, NTP


The Shasta Nutritional Therapy Team

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