032218 QQ FB PROMO V1


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

5:30pm Pacific / 8:30pm Eastern

Discover The Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women: 3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily.

Daisy smile Steamboat

Shift Network Free Event

Dear Friends of Quantum Qi,

Our bodies are designed to heal and re-balance themselves... to feel grounded and powerful, vital, and graceful.

Simple, yet powerful Qigong movements allow us to harness our body’s innate healing ability — and dissolve stress, clear energy blocks, and improve our overall well being.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join in this free video event on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 with renowned Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee: Discover The Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women: 3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily.

Daisy Lee’s Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women offers dynamic (yet gentle) techniques to support us in renewing and revitalizing our life-force energy, so it can move smoothly and radiate out into all aspects of our daily life.

During this one-hour special event with Daisy, you will discover:
* A unique Qigong system for women who are prone to overdoing and over-caretaking, yet yearn for true balance and peace of mind
* How Qigong can help them heal illness, prevent disease, and nourish their spirit
* A simple “energy test” that will align you vertically with Earth & Sky... returning you to a sense of grace and groundedness
* Lotus Rises From the Water — an empowering movement that releases stagnant Qi from all joints, stretches the muscles, energizes the internal organs, and brings them revitalized Qi
* Keys to “neutral compassion" that you can integrate into your daily life with startling results.

Whether you are experiencing a health challenge or just want to increase your energy, reduce stress, and improve mental focus — Daisy’s Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice will help you find new levels of healing and well being.

RSVP here for this Free Online Event

Daisy Lee- Discover your Radiant Health

October 24, 2018

Daisy Banner



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