Earlier this month when we were in DC, we were informed that there is a movement underway to eliminate Due Process. This would happen whenever IDEA re

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Do away with due process

Earlier this month when we were in DC, we were informed that there is a movement underway to eliminate Due Process. This would happen whenever IDEA re-authorization comes up, which is already 5 years overdue.

Well, this definitely lit a fire under many people and I got a lot of great feedback, suggestions and considerations--all of which will also be relayed to the folks in DC. Anyway, of course I rounded up everyone's thoughts and put it in a blog post that has been pretty popular so far.

Here you go-- Could Due Process Disappear?

And just because it's winter and dreary out....and maybe you're lacking motivation....but still need to get organized, I am offering $2 off the IEP organizer, meaning it will only be $2.99. Use the code 'email' when you purchase.
Might just be the motivation you need to do some spring cleaning and get that IEP paperwork organized.

Happy Tuesday!


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