B'H Mon. Oct. 30, 2017 | Cheshvan 10, 5778 WEEKLY UPDATE #6 NECHAMA'S NOTES "WHY?" Hi everyone! What gives you the strength to keep going each d

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Mon. Oct. 30, 2017 | Cheshvan 10, 5778




Hi everyone!

What gives you the strength to keep going each day?

At JGU, our vital purpose to perpetuate Judaism through our Jewish daughters gives us energy and vitality to do the work. It is the vision that we are creating the Jewish mothers of tomorrow, lighting the flames today to ensure the continuity of our nation.

B"H, I had the good fortune to receive an email this week from Kharkov, Ukraine that reminded me once again WHY! Why we prepare classes, programs, JGR camp schedules, staff leadership training, inter-school broadcasts, inspirational resources, meetings and much more... (B"H for our fabulous JGU team of women and girls!)

Hi Nechama,
This is Miriam Moskovitz from Kharkov. On Friday night we had two women, Ola and Tanya R for our Shabbos meal. They used to hang out with you all the time when you were in Kharkov to help teach in our Jewish school and lead our overnight camp (over 20 years ago). They remembered the three of you so well! They taught you Russian and you taught them English. (Note: We taught them about Judaism in English!) It was so amazing to hear how they still remembered everything with such good memories.

Ola married a Jew and made a Chupah in Kharkov and she is a mother of 3 children. Her oldest son is 19 and his name is Menachem Mendel! Tanya lives in Kharkov and B'H also married a Jew and has 3 children today.

Hatzlocha (Success) in all you do and you should always merit to see the fruits!!

(Below is a picture of us learning about Kosher with girls from Kharkov. I am in the middle at 19 years old.)

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Kharkov Ukraine '94

Hashem is holding us and helping us to accomplish our mission each day --even when it is not easy. Let us truly listen to the messages from Hashem (Thank you Miriam) being sent our way to remind us of the importance of supporting and empowering our future Jewish Mothers!

Hope to 'see' you online soon,

Nechama Laber & Team JGU
JGU Global Director

P.S. Women, please join our community this Thursday for 'From Roses to Pearls' Workshop for Women on Shavuos. (See below)





[Wed. night!]
Join us and discover three gifts given to Jewish women hinted to in the last verses of the Woman of Valor.

Jewish girls ages 9 and up Click Here to sign up for our weekly Wednesday BBM Workshop at 8 PM
P.S It's Free to try a class.

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[This Thurs]
We are going to continue to explore how we use creative visualization to add meaning to our prayers. We will also learn about the power of prayer to maintain our faith as leaders.

Attention Teen Girls: Click Here to sign up to grow as a leader every Thursday at 8 PM ET.



Join Yedida, JGU Writing Coach for Creative Online Clubs this Sunday, May 28. (No COC on June 4, after Shavuos)

Click Here to sign up for Creative Online Club every Sunday at 1 PM ET.

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Attention All Women

Ages 18 and up

Discover the love, joy and meaning of Shavuos through the lens of the Shabbos prayers.

Thurs. May 25, 2017 @ 9 PM ET

Email jewishgirlsunite@gmail.com for the link.


Global Broadcast for Schools

Attention Educators,

Inspirational JGU Global Inter-school Broadcast this Wednesday, May 24 at 12 Noon ET.
Schools will share presentations on Project Based Learning in Torah subjects. Chaviva Tarlow, singer will share songs of unity.

Email Nechama at
jewishgirlsunite@gmail.com to join.



Blog Posts

Please enjoy the many new blogs posted this week, which include thoughts by girls on candle lighting. Some were published in our new book called One More Light. Please feel free to sign up and join the global community at www.jewishgirlsunite.com


Register Here


The Jewish Girls Retreat has announced our theme and incredible team of staff.

Read about it here on COLlive.COM

Register at www.jewishgirlsretreat.com

JGR is still accepting campers [ages in grades 3 through 10].

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The Power Of One More Light!

"I have no words to express the power of the One More Light book. It is something that should be in every school, hospital and library. A gift for precious friends and for people who may think they are without friends, in times of joy and times of sorrow, a reminder of Hashem's nurturing of our Jewish souls.
"Turning and reading the pages, I start to understand why for over 3000 years, every Friday night, the Shabbos candles are burning." --Bonnie

Click Here to order your copy of One More Light, a full color anthology by Jewish girls and women on candle lighting.
