The students of The British School indulged in tasty treats while giving back to the community, through the Key Stage 3 bake sale which was conducted on the 11th of December, 2018. The funds raised from the bake sale are to support the need for a research vessel for the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society in Wasgamuva. The need for support was recognized by three young and passionate students Anya de Saram-Larssen, Kavitha Karalliyadde and Vethiya Wijegunawardane who wanted to make a difference to the Society and the Environment. The research vessel would provide not only data on the aquatic flora and fauna in the area but also help test water quality which may be one of the causes of rising chronic kidney disease in the area.
The students of Key Stage 3 worked hard, creating posters to be put up around school announcing the event was around the corner. The enthusiasm with which students organized themselves was commendable. There was a variety of food items that were sold in a matter of minutes.
The total raised from the Bake sale was Rs. 66,500/- and in addition to the Rs. 9100/- collected from the photo booth at the UN Day they have reached the half way mark to their target of Rs. 150,000/.
This is a good example of how through the bake sale, the students were giving back to the community as well as helping to take care of their environment while having a great time. In addition, the students acquired skills in planning, organization and team work