Celebrating a Decade of Adventures

July marks a momentous milestone for SJT as we celebrate our 10th birthday!

We have come a long way over ten years - from one woman with a laptop to a team of five in a beautiful office space! Today we reflect on the incredible journey that has brought us here and share with you a snapshot of our team, our offices, our partners and our initiatives since we began in 2014.


SJT Over the Years


Many of you will remember the lovely Laura – SJT’s OG Superstar! She worked as Sonia's assistant in the early years. No challenge was too great for Laura! She was also a fantastic co-host on SJT’s 2019 escorted group tour to Japan.

We also had Jodie who worked as a consultant for two years and our document fairy Sandi who was with us for three years.

As for our current team, the lovely Amy joined SJT six years ago (and is already eyeing off long-service leave!); Christine has been working her magic on your itineraries for nearly three years and Feriel has been in charge of all things marketing and socials for almost two years! The dynamic Tiana joined us just over a year ago but is well and truly part of SJT's fabric.

Opening the Ashgrove Office - May 2022

What a leap of faith it was to move to a bricks-and-mortar office straight out of the pandemic! Lucky for us the move to Ashgrove proved a winner and we loved our two years there.

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Opening of Bardon - May 2024

We have settled in beautifully to our new home on Lugg Street in Bardon! Thank you to everyone who has popped by the new digs already - we are glad you love it us much as we do! It's a joy to come to work and to have space to plan even more amazing adventures for our clients.

And yep, our travel-themed Street Library made the move too!

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Norths Rugby Sponsor

This is Sonia Jones Travel's 6th season as the Premier Men's team sponsor.

North Brisbane Rugby Club is a community rugby club with a rich history in Brisbane rugby stretching back over ninety years. The origin of the club is connected to four of the earliest rugby clubs in Brisbane.

Sonia can often be found on the sidelines cheering on the mighty Eagles at Shaw Road!

Jeffery Toomaga-Allen Norths
Jordan Luke Norths 2023
Will McCulloch Norths 2024

From left to right
Jeffery Toomaga-Allen – former All-Black and current Queensland Reds player.
Jordan Luke – with the Norths 2023 Heritage Day jersey which hangs proudly on the wall of our Meeting Room at Bardon.
Will McCulloch – current Australian rep player with the Wallabies U20’s squad in South Africa.


Symbiosis International

symbiosis international ngo cover

Sonia has been personally involved with Symbiosis for fifteen years and has seen some of their projects first-hand.

Symbiosis is a charity based in Bangladesh which provides the most underprivileged and marginalised Bangladeshis with tools and life skills with which to break the cycle of poverty. Their programs include functional education, community-based savings programs, vocational training opportunities and primary health care including maternal health, eye care and access to safe, clean water.

To learn more about this wonderful Brisbane-based organisation, refer to their website.


What’s Next for SJT?


Deeping Our Commitment to Sustainability

In the coming months, we are expanding our sustainability initiatives to provide you with even more eco-friendly travel options. Whether you're exploring the stunning fjords of Norway or the untouched wilderness of the Arctic, we strive to make our impact on these special places as positive as the experiences we create.

At the heart of our travel experiences are our pillars for Responsible Tourism: Culture, Economy, and Planet. These pillars guide us in crafting itineraries that not only offer unforgettable adventures but also respect and support local communities and environments. By embracing these principles, we ensure that your journeys are enriching and sustainable.

Stay tuned for more updates on our new eco-friendly travel options and join us in making a difference, one journey at a time.


Thank you for being a part of our story.

Here's to another decade of discovery, adventure, and creating incredible travel memories together!

Yours in Travel

Sonia, Amy, Christine, Tiana & Feriel

The Sonia Jones Travel Team


NEW Office Address - 59 Lugg Street, Bardon QLD 4065

Office Hours - By Appointment, Monday-Friday 9am-4pm

NEW central phone number:

Phone - Office (07) 3778 3849

Make sure to update us in your contacts!

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