Good stuff! You may have noticed the logo...that is new and designed just for us! I know I was really hesitant at first -- wondering how I would know


Good stuff!

You may have noticed the logo...that is new and designed just for us! I know I was really hesitant at first -- wondering how I would know which one would be the "right" one for me? Truthfully, my "final answer" was much easier than I thought it would be. It makes me very "official" that's for sure, so of course, I have already ordered new business cards and it is everywhere on social media.

What do you think?




Which brings me to something else that is very exciting. Beginning in January 2015, I will begin sharing The G.R.I.T.© program for women with a shelter in the Omaha area. This program was created specifically for at-risk women -- women that are homeless or victims of domestic violence.

Why is it called G.R.I.T.? Because someone with "grit" doesn't quit. They aren't lazy and don't feel sorry for themselves. We all need to fight for our lives, but especially those women that find themselves in a dark place and at the bottom -- they have no where to go but up!



One of the other things I have wanted to do is to create podcasts that you can download or stream. They will be available from iTunes and are FREE!

We just don't have enough time in the day and we need to listen to something that will inspire us, move us, and remind us to live our BEST lives. These will run opposite weeks of the video blogs that I currently share on YouTube. If you missed a video, you can click here and subscribe so you never miss another one!



This time of year, we start to reflect and also look forward. We assess the current place in our life and realize we want to change something. Maybe it is weight. Maybe it is attention to detail. Maybe it is education. Maybe it is taking up something that brings us joy.

Whatever it is, you can get there. We all have different destinations, but what holds us back, the hurdles we face, and the feelings we experience are all very similar.

And just like you, I get frustrated too. I want to quit. I am afraid. But I also feel the greatest joy when someone thinks of me. That I have the power to choose how I live my life.

So although we can change our lives any time we want to, we focus on being better this time of year. But what happens? We get very excited about something and then that momentum starts to fade and forget why we started to begin with. We need to have that constant barrage of inspirations, and reminders to keep us focused on our goal. We dilute our successes by drowning them with our failures. We see no progress and figure that trying just isn't worth it anymore.

Sounds like you, doesn't it?

True story: last year, I wanted to change my mid-section and decided to commit to a 30-day ab workout to get me there. And I started off like everyone else -- I did my routine, wrote down the days I worked out so I could not just remember my effort, by see it too. And then, after 8 days, I quit. Why? Because I didn't have the end result I desired by day 8. My core did not get out of shape in 8 days, yet I was convinced that it should be back in "bikini-worthy" shape in those 8 days.

I forget to see that progress doesn't happen over night. It doesn't happen for me and it doesn't happen for you. So don't beat yourself up -- it won't happen any quicker just because you want it to happen quicker.
