Hi, Have you ever been frustrated with figuring out how to print double sided? Maybe you want to print something like the dated version of the Sweet



Have you ever been frustrated with figuring out how to print double sided? Maybe you want to print something like the dated version of the Sweet Life Planner so that it’s back to back without any blank pages, but you kind of dread all the trial and error involved. I’m sharing my quick and easy tip to ensure that you don’t have go through all that trial and error and waste ink and paper every time you want to print something back to back.

Click here to see how I easily print double sided every time.



3 Days Left to Sign Up for FREE ecourse!

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Don't forget - there's only 3 days left to sign up for the completely FREE stress free homemaking ecourse.

In case you missed the e-mail I sent about it earlier this week, here's the details:

It’s a four part video course (put together by popular bloggers Holly Dvorak and Erin Odom) that shows you four simple steps to stress free homemaking. This course isn’t another overwhelming thing to add to your overflowing to do list. The videos are short (all less than 10 minutes), you can even listen to them while you do dishes or fold laundry, and you can start implementing the concepts right away.

In the course you’ll learn:

how to never get behind on laundry again
how to wake up each day to a sparkling clean kitchen,
how to avoid the 5 ‘o’clock scramble with a super simple meal planning method, and
how to set yourself up for success with a quick nighttime routine

The best part is that this course is completely FREE! If that’s not enough, you can earn FREE REWARDS just by sharing this free eCourse with your friends as well!

What rewards can you earn?

Share with 1 friend to get $5 off the 2015 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle! This year’s sale starts next Monday, April 20!
Share with 5 friends to get a FREE 1-year magazine subscription!
Share with 10 friends to get the 2015 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle for absolutely FREE!

Click here to sign up for the course.

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PS: I have used referral links in this e-mail which means that if you sign up, I'll get credit. Thanks for supporting my blog.

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