Tai Chi Stories, Tips and Resources   ||   Issue #16 June 2019

ChrisB thb

Dear Reader,

Welcome to the June issue of Good Chi News. This month I've shared an excellent clip about understanding pain, as well as something I've found very helpful for stilling the mind.

There's an amusing moment from one of my Chair Chi sessions - you just can't please everyone. :)

And you'll also find a Tai Chi tip for experiencing the 'flow of Chi' as well as Part Two of my selection of resources about Tai Chi - this time on Weapons.

Chris Bennett
Chris Chi


Understanding Pain Rebrand


A short and interesting cartoon clip on understanding pain. It offers tips on dealing with pain and describes the role the brain plays in pain. Covers various types of pain including chronic pain.

I like the comment 'it comes from the brain and it can be retrained' in relation to dealing with pain.

A handy clip to share for those readers who work in the aged care sector and for those involved in sport.


You Can't Please Everyone


The other day I was running a Chair Chi session at an aged care centre and, as we started, a volunteer worker wheeled in a resident.

The resident took one look at me and yelled, 'Get me out of here.! I don't want to be here - he's mad!'

The volunteer worker looked embarrassed but I just smiled and continued on because I know I can't please everyone - but I do still try. :)


Be Still


It's a lot easier keeping the body still than it is keeping the mind still. The other day I was working on my memoir in my living room, which faces the front garden. I looked out of the window and just gazed at the trees and flowers and sky for a while, not thinking about anything in particular. It was very refreshing and, as I was about to get back to my writing, it occurred to me I don't do enough 'gazing' - a form of meditation that only requires you to be still.

I practice Tai Chi and Chi Kung several times a day. It's invigorating and calming, but my mind is still active as I focus on various techniques and structures to perform each movement correctly. Gazing, or as some may call it day dreaming, is an effortless way of keeping the mind calm ...

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Tai Chi Tip: Chi Flow


Raise your arms up and out in front of your body until they are parallel to the ground. Now lower your arms to the sides of your body.

Repeat this eight times.

As you slowly move your arms up and down think of the phrase 'hardly moving' - this will help slow your movements.

Remember the slower you go the more you will feel the Chi flow.


What's Happening

I'm looking forward to running our Ease Pain ... the Chi Way workshop for an aged care organisation in a couple of weeks. We'll have 20 staff attending including lifestyle staff, physiotherapists and others.

I'm currently contacting various aged care centres in Melbourne offering this workshop. And next week I'll be contacting aged care centres in the Victorian country areas to offer our new Ready Steady ... Better Balance for Seniors workshop.

Not looking forward to the phone bill, though. :)


What is Tai Chi Chuan? Part Two - Weapons

Tai Chi Chuan is a health and self defence system. There are various styles of Tai Chi and the major styles are Yang, Wu, Chen, Sun, Wu Hao, and all the styles comprise of five sections: The Hand Form - Push Hands - Chi Kung/Nei Kung - Self Defence - Weapons (sword, sabre, spear).

In this five part series I've selected one clip from each of the sections of Tai Chi to give you an appreciation of what they look like. Selections are random and are from various styles of Tai Chi.

The three basic weapons forms (short and long) in Tai Chi are Sabre, Sword and Spear.

Yang-style Tai Chi Sabre 13 Form

Wu Style 108 Taiji Sword

Chen Tai Chi Spear

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