Wishing you LOTS to be thankful for this year! I am very thankful for so many things in my life and your support definitely ranks high on my list. I

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Wishing you LOTS to be thankful for this year!

I am very thankful for so many things in my life and your support definitely ranks high on my list. I appreciate you taking the time to read my newsletters and hope you enjoy them, learn from them and become a little healthier with each one.

And, I hope you have many things to be grateful for as well. Did you know that the practice of gratitude improves emotional and physical health. Scientifically speaking, regular grateful thinking can increase happiness by as much as 25 percent, and keeping a gratitude journal for as little as three weeks results in better sleep and more energy (Robert Emmons: Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier).

Start your morning with a sense of gratitude. It will set a positive tone for your day. You may be surprised how those around you and your own body will repay you.

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Every Thanksgiving I tell myself that I’m not going to eat too much, but I always do and end up feeling over-stuffed. Here is a reminder for me and some tips for all of you who do the same:

Get some exercise. In the morning, go for a walk or a jog. I love 5k Turkey Trots, family walks around the block, bike rides. Starting your day off on the right foot leads to better choices throughout the day.

Eat slowly. Put your fork down between bites. If you eat too fast your brain does not have time to catch up with your stomach and you’ll end up eating more food than your body needs to feel satisfied (this feeling catches up to you later).

Chew your food. Our digestion starts in the mouth. There are enzymes in our saliva that actually start breaking down our food almost immediately. When you chew your food enough, it leads to smooth digestion and greater assimilation of nutrients. When we eat too quickly, the rest of our body has to work extra hard, and it doesn’t always digest food (hello indigestion and heartburn).

Limit sugar intake. This includes foods made with white flour like those delicious rolls or even white potatoes. These foods spike your blood sugar levels causing an increase in insulin production (which is a fat-storage hormone). Once the blood sugar levels drop, we lose that sugar high feeling and crash, feeling yucky, and actually begin to crave sugar and start the cycle all over again.

Drink 8-10 cups of water. Did you know even moderate levels of dehydration can trick your brain into thinking it’s hungry? This causes you to eat more instead of just having a glass of water. Drinking plenty of water not only helps you eat less, it helps your digestion, your immune system, and flushes out toxins.

Practice Moderation. Eating foods in moderation is always a good idea, but sometimes that is hard when there is so much good food around. Put smaller servings on your plate and then you won't be tempted to gobble up too much. There is always tomorrow for leftovers!



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Great deal on the BEST GIFT EVER!

Give the gift of health with personal Health Coaching sessions and SAVE 30%

Whether it’s to improve your own health to be better for those you love, or a gift for someone else who isn’t feeling their best. Personal health coaching is a present that will last a lifetime!

Sessions are flexible can be done in-person, or via phone or Skype. ​

I am holding ​just 4 ​coaching slots for this BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL – so get yours now!

Offer expires 12/1​/14

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Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, everyone can benefit from eliminating toxins from their body and feeling better a month from now, than they do today!

Purchase our guided 15-day 'Clean Eating' Cleanse and SAVE 30%

Offer expires 12/1​/14

Recent testimonial: I signed up for the cleanse to improve my health and challenge myself. I was surprised how my sugar cravings went away. I also experienced weight loss, better digestion/less bloat, sleeping better at night, and better focusing. I was amazed. Now that the cleanse is over, I will be more aware of the foods I eat. Samantha was so responsive and caring during the program and provided all the help I needed. Stephanie R.

(For those who don't know, Samantha is my daughter/fellow Health Coach/Cleanse program partner)

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ESSENTIAL OIL CLASSES - To learn about the MANY benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils and how they help support many physical and emotional issues... quickly, safely and economically, give me a call or come to one of my classes.

Check here often for updated class schedule.

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