Rach2 May 2018 front-01

What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Youth Music Extravaganza Concert, Sunday May 27, 4pm, Saroyan Theatre

3 orchestras
300 young musicians
4 Russian composers
2 dancers from Shirley Winters Ballet
1 insanely famous piano soloist! (playing 1 insanely famous concerto)
1 dynamic conductor
100s of YOU helping make the 1812 Overture EXPLODE!

It all adds up to the BEST CONCERT EVER!

Join us on Sunday May 27, when the Youth Orchestras of Fresno will offer their annual Youth Music Extravaganza, this year featuring pianist Steven Vanhauwaert playing the Rachmaninoff Second Piano Concerto (CLICK HERE for a clip of a dream sequence from the 1955 Marilyn Monroe comedy The Seven Year Itch), along with great music by Glazunov and Shostakovich and, as promised, Tchaikovsky (his 1812 Overture...the one with the cannon fire written in).

All of our young musicians will be performing the Tchaikovsky—as will you, if you are in the audience. So don't miss this chance to have (and make) a blast!

The irrepressible Thomas Loewenheim conducts.


Pianist Steven Vanhauwaert—catch him on May 27!

Donations will be accepted at the door at this non-ticketed event!

Your much-appreciated $15 or $20 (or any) donation is welcome at the door. The concert is offered free of charge.

If you would like to RESERVE A PREMIUM SEAT, you may do so for a donation of at least $25 per adult and $10 per youth. CLICK THIS LINK TO DONATE FOR RESERVED SEATING.

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Youth Symphony Orchestra members take a bow


But wait—there's more!

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FOOSA is coming!

Don't miss the EIGHT free concerts (one in Los Angeles) offered during our
FOOSA Festival, June 10-24

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