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Spring Kickoff Edition

▪ Special Note to EU Subscribers
▪ New FIONA Pre-Order Alert!
▪ This Year's Serial Announcement
▪ A Brown & de Luca Autumn
▪ New Baby Announcement!
Special Note to EU Subscribers
New FIONA Pre-Order Alert!
This Year's Serial Announcement
A Brown & de Luca Autumn
New Baby Announcement!

HAPPY SPRING!!! It was snowing two days ago, but today the sun is shining, so as soon as this goes out, I'm heading outside to enjoy it. I work a lot, but one needs to replenish the spirit too, and it's been a long, L O N G winter.

I have lots of plans, and some of them have changed, but we finally have a new novel release in sight, a giveaway and special pre-order price, some new cover reveals and a new baby on the horizon, so read on, and enjoy!


EU Subscribers: Please click REPLY and contact me ASAP

I've been notified that EU subscribers will need to verify that they still wish to be on my mailing list, or they will be automatically deleted by my newsletter system. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, which is due to new privacy laws in the EU. It should be an easy fix. I'll get a link set up for you to verify your subscription with an easy click.

Contact me by hitting reply so I can take care of that.

We only have until the end of May to ensure you don't get deleted from my list so please click REPLY now if you want to continue receiving my email updates and free serial stories.

New York Times Bestselling Author-3


The pre-order links for the newest addition to the Wings in the Night universe, FIONA: ORIGINS, will be announced and the official cover will be revealed in a special mailing within a week or so. (This cover is not final.)

FIONA: ORIGINS will be book 1 of a new sub-series, The Fiona Files and I have several more planned.

FIONA: ORIGINS releases on July 24th.

We'll have a special low pre-order price that will disappear on release day, as well as a chance at a big prize for everyone who does pre-order, so save those purchase confirmation emails as you'll need to forward them to enter. We really want to push pre-orders on this book.

*This is a placeholder cover. The real one will be in the next issue, along with the pre-order links, giveaway details, and more.



The Texas Brand: FAMILY

Starting in May, we'll have a Texas Brand serial story appearing in our email updates, one episode a month or more. I hope these will be longer than our usual episodes since there are fewer of them, and I hope they'll take us through the end of the year.

I also hope you'll love it!

New Covers

As you can tell from the header image in this edition, The Texas Brand series has been updated with all new covers, and I think they're some of the best we've ever created.

The McIntyre Men aka

Bliss in Big Falls

As you know, we've renamed The McIntyre Men series "Bliss in Big Falls." Last year, this series was our main focus. This year, we have to devote some time to our paranormal and suspense readers. Jason and Sunny will get a book, as will Jack Kellogg, Angie Wakeland, and Adam Wakeland. We're hard at work on this series. We hope the Brand serial will keep our small-town romance loving readers happy while we get a few other books off the to-do list.

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Brown and de Luca

I really did try to write this first, but Fiona just wouldn't leave me alone so I had to turn my attention to her stories. As soon as Fiona is complete I'll dive back into my Brown & de Luca thrillers and I'm shooting for an October release for one or both books, The One Who Cried Wolf and Little Girl Blue.

LEFT: Rachel de Luca's bulldog Myrtle, as depicted by my own Niblet, wearing Myrtle's signature leopard print "Doggles." Myrtle has some surprises in store come October!


Another Grandbaby!

This little angel will be my 12th grandchild, and she'll be joining us the third week of August.

My grandkids are some of life's sweetest gifts, and I couldn't be happier.


The Bliss Book

It's gorgeously illustrated and about to release. I'll soon be sending an email with all the links to those who've opted in.

To opt in to mailings about this and my other spiritual self-help books, please click the button below. These mailings are much less frequent. In fact, I don't think I've sent one yet. But that will happen this week as The Bliss Book drops on Tuesday!

Til next time, Happy Reading!

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