Dear Friend, You have a chance between now and 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 8 to impact the way Dane County uses land, and it will only take 20 minutes


Working to preserve the land west of Lake Waubesa from poorly planned development

Dear Friend,

You have a chance between now and 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 8 to impact the way Dane County uses land, and it will only take 20 minutes!

The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission (CARPC) has created a values survey to help guide them as they work to "create a vision and strategy for growth and development." They want to know what residents of the Greater Madison Area value. Don't let this chance go by! Click here to take the 20 min. survey!

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The Isthmus and Yahara lakes

The survey addresses such questions as:

Do we need more highways or more public transit?
Shall we concentrate future growth in established cities, villages, and urban towns, or spread new houses out in the rural areas?
Should we promote "infill" projects in urban areas that already have sewer and water services, or build miles of new infrastructure in greenfields?

CD Rainbow over Waubesa Wetlands during flood

The Waubesa Wetlands
Photo by Cal DeWitt

Make your values known!

I'm guessing that you, who care about saving the Waubesa Wetlands, Lake Waubesa, farmlands, and the taxpayers' pocketbooks, have definite views on such issues!

So please take the time, now or before Friday at 11:59 p.m., to fill out the CARPC survey and help inspire our regional planners to value farmland, wetlands, and neighborhoods where real communities can form and flourish!

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Cherokee Marsh at sunset

Spread the word today!

And then please use the buttons at the top of this e-newletter to spread the word through Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Linked In, or Pinterest. Let's see how many new people we can enlist to fill out this survey in its last 48 hours. It is extremely important that the planners hear from those most concerned about the quality of life we will leave for future generations.

Twenty minutes for a better future is a great deal - tell your friends to take advantage of it!

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Update: $35K approved for county-wide Climate Action Plan!

Thanks to an outpouring of public support for the proposal for a Dane County Climate Action Plan, including those of you who contacted County Supervisors, $35,000 was allocated to create a Trail Map for all-sector, all-county strategic action on energy and climate that will to get us to 100% renewable energy in Dane County by 2050 or sooner!

Though it's not the $50,000 we had requested, it was still a great victory to get this much in a very tight budget, and we'll be working to raise the rest of the money. Many groups, including the WWPC, have come together to create a strong process - stay tuned for more news!


The southern end of Lake Waubesa, looking northwesterly towards the Northeast Neighborhood.
Photo © Nadia Olker

Thanks for all that you do for the earth and our little corner of it!


Phyllis Hasbrouck, Chair

P.S. To read the press release of Dec. 22 describing how the survey will be used, click here. And please click here to to fill out the 20-minute survey before midnight on Friday!
