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Welcome to The Nova News

sunset vallejo 2

Nor Cal Sunset by Cassie

Hello friend,

In this edition of The Nova News, we've put together some great links from around the web - handpicked especially for you. Get an update on how our Big Anniversary Party Giveaway is shaping up (still 7 more winners to be announced - it's not too late to enter), and see a summary of the latest Discounts & Specials.

But before we get to all that, I wanted to take a few moments to reflect & get a little deep with y'all (I live in the South now... so I get to use that phrase, LOL).

These past few weeks have been a trying time for many of us, with hurricanes impacting & threatening the homes & businesses & safety of so many. My husband Mike has been in Florida for the last 3 weeks for work, so I was watching the news of Irma very closely. Fortunately, he was far West enough (in the panhandle) to miss the ill effects, but some of our friends & students were not so lucky. If you, or any soap/cosmetics crafters that you know of, were negatively affected by Hurricane Harvey or Irma, check out this Hurricane Assistance Program from the HSCG.

In addition to September marking our 14 Year Anniversary of when The Nova Studio began back in 2003, as you know, this month is also the anniversary of 9/11.

When the 9/11 tragedy occurred in 2001, I vividly remember watching the events unfold on TV in real time, in total disbelief, wondering what on Earth is happening. I found myself pondering big questions like what is life all about, and digging deep about how not to squander mine. Fresh out of grad school and looking to begin my "career" as a college speech teacher, I had a memorable realization that life is short and you never know when yours will come to an end.

Because of 9/11, I made the decision to follow my passion & dedicate myself to teaching others about making natural handmade products, instead of perusing a traditional teaching career. I felt compelled to spend my time on this Earth doing something that really mattered to me.

When the world seems in chaos, sometimes it's hard to know what to do. Donating to charitable causes like The Red Cross is important & helpful, but sometimes it doesn't seem enough.

It's often at times like this that it's easiest to focus on what really matters, like the health/safety/well being of our loved ones, contributing/giving back, and by sharing our gifts/talents with one another. It's that thing that only we can give - whether it's through our job, our hobbies, or how we choose to spend our free time.

I am grateful to have discovered one piece of the puzzle in my life, and for 14 years, be able to share my gifts with others through The Nova Studio. In teaching & helping other entrepreneurs/hobbyists/teachers, I get back at least as much as I give. I'm a perpetual learner, a student at the core, always searching for more ways to contribute in an authentic way.

Have you ever had a positive result out of something horrible or negative? How have you made sense of the chaotic & sometimes terrifying events happening around you? What are your special gifts, and are you sharing them? Hit reply & let us know. We'd love to hear from you.

Let's keep learning together,
Lori Nova Endres

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Let's Learn, Encourage, & Inspire... Together!

If you follow The Nova Studio on Facebook, you'll see us posting links to helpful articles on our Blog, sharing different promotions for the content we sell that keeps The Nova Studio going. We mostly like to share information that speaks to our mission of educating, supporting & inspiring makers in the soap/bath/body world. Below are some things we thought you might be interested in.

EDUCATE: Labeling Heads-Up!

Soapmakers - a new ruling regarding what address needs to be on your soap labels. Thanks to Marie Gale for keeping us updated with labeling rules & regs. Read about it here.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s company Goop is being investigated for allegedly making health claims without sufficient evidence. Yet another reminder to be careful not to claim that your product cures any condition or to promise results of any kind – not on your labels, your website, in your marketing, advertising, or even in-person to customers!

SUPPORT: We love to see fellow makers thrive!

This was from last year, but in case you missed it, SuperNova Alana Rivera of Etta + Billie was on TV promoting not only her amazing bath & body products - but also other handmade companies at the ETSY Holiday Emporium. We love to see small businesses getting big press. Go Alana!

For the past several years, we've been using the network KIVA to donate & support makers in the soap/bath/body world. Check them out... It's a great (safe) way for a minimal investment to give back & lend a hand to others in need.

INSPIRATION: Need a little pick-me up?

This 18-minute video is fantastic. Mike Rowe's show Returning the Favor - honoring & helping a young entrepreneur & his mom, who were homeless for a time. Donovan makes & sells Melt & Pour Soap in his kitchen in Albuquerque, donates to homeless shelters, & is truly an inspiration. They made him a super cool retail store/facility with some neat design elements (the Swiss cheese wall/partition, especially). A perfect watch during a meal by yourself. You'll be glad you did!

Our bubbly Melt & Pour Expert Debbie (aka SoapyLove) has a huge crush: “I am in love with everything about this soap branding collection from FLOAT! There is nothing basic about these bars.

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Anniversary Raffle - It's Not Too Late to Enter!

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In case you missed it, our "14 Days of Giveaways" is going on now, through the end of this month. Every other day we're randomly choosing a winner to get their choice of one of 14 awesome learn from home resources. Check out the list of prizes & simple instructions on how to enter. Seven people have already won - so there are still 7 prizes left to claim!

Check out the lucky ladies who've won so far:

BRENDA BENSON took home the 4-Day Audio Business Boot Camp.
TARAH ORNELAS snagged the entire SoapyLove eZine Collection.
CAROLYN DAWSON is the proud owner of CP Soap 101 Video eClass.
NAOMI HUGHES is Making Natural Serums with Alice.
TRUDY HENRY won the 5 Types of All-Natural Sugar Scrubs w/Erin.
KIRSTIE WONG is an organizational genius with Soapmaker Software.
STELLA UNDERWOOD chose the brand new Lotions & Creams eClass.

We choose lucky winner #8 today... maybe it will be you?!

Since we want everyone to get something good for our anniversary month, we're giving everyone a one-time-use $14 Off Coupon that can be used when you spend a total of $30 or more on any of our "Learn at Home" online resources. Simply use the code 14foryou at checkout before it expires on 9/30/17.

Long Underline
▪ First time customer? Use code "newbie" to save $5 off your first Learn at Home topic.
▪ Get Organized: Save $10 on Soapmaker Software - the ultimate organization tool.
▪ Interested in teaching your art or craft? Get Lori's Make Money Teaching Video eClass at $39 (a $10 savings) & get the $20 Teaching B&B Classes Recorded Q+A for FREE! Put both into the cart & your savings will automatically appear.
▪ Looking for a companion product to go with your soaps? Save $10 on Lori's Making Natural Perfumes Video eClass & receive a bonus of the Aftelier Perfume Wheel & some Nova swag in your mailbox.
▪ Want to learn as much as possible in one area of specialty? Check out our Bundles & Collections & save up to 35%.
▪ Professionally package & protect your handmade products! Get free shipping on National Shrinkwrap systems (if you're in the lower 48 states).
▪ Big Book Clearance Sale: 35% off all paperback books, no minimum! Very limited quantities available.
First time customer? Use code "newbie" to save $5 off your first Learn at Home topic.
Get Organized: Save $10 on Soapmaker Software - the ultimate organization tool.
Interested in teaching your art or craft? Get Lori's Make Money Teaching Video eClass at $39 (a $10 savings) & get the $20 Teaching B&B Classes Recorded Q+A for FREE! Put both into the cart & your savings will automatically appear.
Looking for a companion product to go with your soaps? Save $10 on Lori's Making Natural Perfumes Video eClass & receive a bonus of the Aftelier Perfume Wheel & some Nova swag in your mailbox.
Want to learn as much as possible in one area of specialty? Check out our Bundles & Collections & save up to 35%.
Professionally package & protect your handmade products! Get free shipping on National Shrinkwrap systems (if you're in the lower 48 states).
Big Book Clearance Sale: 35% off all paperback books, no minimum! Very limited quantities available.
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