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The Washington Civil War Round Table meets the 4th Monday of each month, except December, in the 2nd floor ballroom of the historic Fitzpatrick Hotel.

Confederate Sharpshooters

Confederate Sharpshooters



APRIL 23, 2018 6:00 p.m.

Fitzpatrick Hotel on The Square, Washington, GA


Confederate Sharpshooters

Mr. Joe Byrd of Atlanta will present “Confederate Sharpshooters”
to the Washington Civil War Round Table on Monday evening April 23 at 6:00 p.m., in the second floor ballroom of the historic Fitzpatrick Hotel (1898) located on The Square in Washington, GA.
The actual role of Confederate Sharpshooters is not known to many people, even to the serious students of The War Between the States. The Confederate Congress authorized “… discretionary formation of sharpshooter battalions selected from the brigade, consisting of three to six companies" as described in the Confederate War Department General Order Number 34 of May 3, 1862.

These sharpshooters were the elite soldiers in the brigade, chosen for their skill, especially shooting skill, and their bravery in battle. As an incentive and recognition of them, they were exempt from routine tasks in camp and were given special privileges. They were provided with the best long-range rifles available. The very best marksmen of the sharpshooters were designated as snipers.

The sharpshooters performed a wide variety of tasks, including the following:

They typically led their infantry brigade into battle, usually by being several hundred yards out in front of the main battle line, acting as skirmishers to harass and retard the enemy. They also acted as scouts.
They were also the last off the battlefield when the brigade withdrew.
The sharpshooter snipers worked most of the time from concealed positions, firing at long range on selected targets. They also provided long range cover fire for assault on enemy fortifications.

Due to these formidable tasks, sharpshooters incurred a much greater risk of being shot or captured than the regular infantry.

When Gen. Lee surrendered at Appomattox, there were only four specifically named sharpshooters battalions in the Army of Northern Virginia: 1st North Carolina Sharpshooters of Johnson's Brigade, Palmetto Sharpshooters of Bratton’s Brigade, Dunlop’s Sharpshooters of McGowan’s South Carolina Brigade and 3rd GA sharpshooters of Wofford’s/DeBose's Brigade.

Mr. Joe Byrd’s great, great uncle, Major William H. Simmons, was the commanding officer of the 3rd Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters towards the end of The War. Mr. Byrd's presentation will cover in detail Major Simmons and his 3rd Georgia Sharpshooters. It’s a tremendous story of these elite and brave Georgia men in the Civil War. You do not want to miss this presentation!

Mr. Bird will have copies of his book, “Confederate Sharpshooters - Major William E. Simmons,” for those who would like to purchase a personalized copy.

Membership in the Washington Civil War Round Table is open to everyone interested in the War Between the States and new members can join at the meeting.

cwrt reservations header

If you are on the Permanent Reservation List, you do not need to make reservations. But PLEASE let us know when you are NOT planning to attend! We drop members from the Permanent Reservations List who do not let us know that they are not coming. As Gov. Zell Miller said, "Two Strikes and you are out."

2018 FEB PremResv

If you are NOT on the Permanent Reservations List, we DO NEED your reservations. Please do so, as soon as possible, by e-mailing or by calling (404)210-5811 and leaving a message.

After 12:00 p.m. Friday, make reservations ONLY by calling (404)210-5811 and leaving a message.


Bring a Friend!

FLAG-Third National

And as always, we will be displaying the third national flag of the Confederacy and doing so proudly and with the honor and the respect that it deserves.

Membership in the Washington Civil War Round Table is open to everyone interested in the War Between the States and new members can join at the meeting.

Anita and I are hoping that you are enjoying the Washington Civil War Round Table!

Claibourne Darden

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