
Greetings! You are receiving this newsletter because we have either met at an event or communicated in some other way, or you have expressed interest in the 1000 Goddesses Gathering & Global Grid. My sense is that you will be interested in these updates and events, plus ongoing Messages from Mother. Also, occasionally I include events led by gifted authors and teachers. You are welcome to unsubscribe at anytime via the link posted at the bottom. Hugs, bigLove! Mare


Myself with good friend Charlotte Korbee at the powerful Stone Circle in Dalfsen that she has helped to create. 10/19

Dear Beautiful Friends,

I returned from leading events in Europe in late October and was scheduled to return to Australia for the greater part of December to be on sabbatical and study with a prominent Australia elder.

However, the elder contacted me early last week to let me know that he lost his house in one of the ongoing fires in New South Wales, Australia. I was stunned to read his message and let him know that my heart went out to him and I’m sending mega prayers to him and all in his community with the fires they are grappling with right now.

These are such intense times of extreme weather including devastating fires, species loss, gross inequality in human realms, and more. Yet many politicians continue to ignore the blatant writing on the wall that we have GOT to wake up and shift. Mother Gaia loves us all so much AND she is calling us to shift to the wiser ways of living more simply, weaned from fossil fuels, and in closer heart-felt community – ALL OF US.

Gus Speth wrote: “I used to think that top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and climate change. I thought that thirty years of good science could address these problems. I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy, and to deal with these we need a cultural and spiritual transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.”

To fall back in Love with Mother Gaia is part of the Spiritual Revolution that is being called for during these adventurous times.

When we truly acknowledge Mother and respect her and connect with her Love for us, we automatically begin to shift how we live to support her. We start to see ourselves within the vast web of Sacred Life with the deep understanding that we are meant to be in profound harmony with all of these sacred beings.

Mother Gaia asked me late last year to organize a year-long course called the Great Mother Love Way to offer a year of concentrated study to wake up to the Quantum Divine Love that always surrounds us – to help us mid-wife the New Earth that is birthing now. We are just wrapping up the first year of this course and you can read the beautiful feedback from this year’s participants to learn of their experiences - below.

I’m inviting you to join me in the Great Mother Love Way so that you too can become more deeply connected with Mother Gaia and the greater Spiritual Council that she sits on – to be more proactive mid-wives for this glorious New Earth. There is a vast team of beautiful spiritual beings that are calling for us to Wake-Up and usher in this new phase of our planet’s history, and they are yearning to support us.

If you are intrigued by what this course entails and want to learn more, please check out the website. And I'm also very happy to talk with you one-on-one to explain more. You can contact me HERE and we'll schedule a good time to talk.

Hugs, bigLove,

Ps. All of you are most welcome to download for FREE - Mother’s Love Cord Connection Meditation.


"Mare Cromwell and "The Great Mother Love Way" are nothing less than a life changing combination. Get ready to learn, grow, and evolve throughout the year. If you hear the call, you will not be disappointed that you followed your heart to Mare's guided teachings with Mother Gaia (and a very large spiritual team) at the wheel. ~ K.E., USA"

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Image from

There is a New Earth birthing at this time with the Ascension energetics rising across our Sacred Planet. As this birthing continues, there is a spiritual imperative from the celestial realms for humans to embrace a more evolved Spirituality of Oneness. This Spirituality weaves Quantum Divine Love into the rising and balancing of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine planetary energetics to bring us to the full state of Oneness.

This Oneness dynamic that is pulling us into the future is also founded upon a deep reverence toward all beings as they are all inherently One also. AND we are being called to manifest Sustainable Cultural Systems based not only on Wisdom but Quantum Divine Love.

Spiritual Councils of Ascended Masters and more are guiding this birthing process and one rather high council “led” by the “Family of ONE” has asked Mare Cromwell (Gaia Communicator & Priestess, Visionary, Author and Healer) to organize this course. This council is made up of Mother Gaia, Virgin Mary and others. Mare has surrendered to serve Mother Gaia and agreed to do this. They are guiding Mare as to the wisdom to be shared, and how to share it.

One underlying premise for this course is that our inherent nature is Love, sourcing from the Quantum Love of Creation and Mother Gaia. The trees know this. The whales and dolphins and owls know this. All beings here on our Sacred Earth are aware of this other than most of the human race.

Mother Gaia along with the Greater Spiritual Realms are calling for all humans to come Home to this Truth of Love, and learn how to Celebrate our amazing gift of being alive here and now to help birth the New Earth.

“Mare Cromwell is not a mere person, she is an experience; a living, breathing manifestation of the love of Mother Gaia herself. She is the Shield Priestess of Gaia – a woman on a sacred mission to teach others to embrace their Divine center connected to Gaia within themselves, to be a beacon of light and healing in a world that most desperately needs it on so many levels right now. The best part of Mare is that she can take these huge metaphysical and esoteric concepts and break them down into everyday language so everyone can understand them. No previous learning/training required. This is truly a Goddess and I am blessed to have her in my life and you will be as well.” ~ Kathryn Hall, Intuitive

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The Great Mother Love Way is a year-long course with teachings two times/month, starting Tuesday, Jan 28th, 2020 for North American participants. The Europe course starts Wednesday, Jan 29th. The class meets every other week after that through December, 2020.

It is based upon Gaia Communicator & Mystic, Visionary, Author and Healer - Mare Cromwell's guidance from the Spiritual realms, life work & multi-award-winning books: "Messages from Mother.... Earth Mother" & “The Great Mother Bible”. Supplemented by wisdom from her 24 years of studies with Native American Elders and other gifted mentors.

"For all who hear the call to do this year-long training, there will be adventures, surprises, and more goodness than you can ever imagine." (That is a direct quote from the Spiritual Council - which includes Mother Gaia and the Virgin Mary!)



"What an adventure! And the adventure continues because Mare is a game changer. I can no longer look upon myself as I once did. It feels as if I have been lifted out of a 2D existence to see a real world in 3D (4D and even sometimes 5D now!). My body feels more Real to me along with having greater awareness of my Higher Self and its deep connection to the Mothers." ~L.S.

"The "Great Mother Love Way" has helped me transform hugely. I have developed a stronger soul connection to Mother Gaia and Creation and my own Light Team. I also have a deeper sense of who I am, as the course has encouraged me to journey deeply inwards so I can step further into my role in this incarnation and truly be the being I am meant to be." ~ H.W., The Netherlands

Virgin Mary Light

Please join me at a private residence to learn more about our New Mother Gaia and her Holy Trinity - Saturday, November 23rd, 6:30-10pm.

We will do ceremony and learn ways to be more sacredly connected with Mother Gaia, plus more. More details HERE.


There have been so many requests for the painting image, created by the Frederick, Maryland artist Brenda D. Murphy, on the cover of "The Great Mother Bible" that I've now made it available to order via a company called Pixel. Mother Gaia guided me very carefully as to how this painting should look and Brenda did a stunning job painting it.

You can order a canvas print, poster, cards, t-shirts, mugs, smart-phone cases, towels, pillows and more with the image of the Great Mother. Simply go HERE and search under all the items listed to see which product/s appeal to you.

There are many hidden symbols and objects that were included in the painting that are fun to discover and reflect upon. These include:

- an altar on the back of the turtle at the lower left,
- the orca whale represents “Granny”, a very wise and beautiful orca whale that an animal communicator has been communicating with off the coast of Washington State for years. (Mary J. Getten),
- whales, representing Mother’s record keepers and their great wisdom,
- the Tree of Peace,
- a permaculture-ish garden in a circle, representing the wisdom of the circle and sacred geometry
- a dragon tucked into the rocks along the edge of the lake,
- some faces in the mountains
- the golden eagle soaring… a powerful symbol in the Native American cosmology (and other traditions),
- a feather earring from an owl, and,
- of course, the butterflies too, metamorphosis, with the Great Changes the world is going through now, with the New World being born.

This is a very inspiring image to have in your presence as we all help to mid-wife the New Earth coming in presently!


Autographed Copies of "The Great Mother Bible" from my website.


Autographed Copies of "Messages from Mother.... Earth Mother" from my website.


Autographed Copies of "If I gave you God's Phone Number.... Searching for Spirituality in America" from my website.


Very Limited Supply - Sacred Silk Veils. Fundraiser for the 1000 Goddesses Gathering. (Goddess Dancer - Liz Slaterbeck modeling two of them on the Washington Mall at the site of the Gathering, pre-event.)


La Vie de la Rose Flower Essences - VERY POTENT. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Click on image to order.

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