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Using ISO 8573-1 to Test Compressed Air: Clearing the Confusion

When compressed air is used in the production of food, beverage, packaging and other products, there seems to be confusion on what testing needs to be performed. To help clear up some of the confusion, we begin by defining compressed air contaminants, reviewing ISO 8573-1, and discussing how to designate a quality class per ISO-8573-1.

Read more here.

Contact uso discuss your compressed air monitoring program:

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Robert Rogers

Upcoming Free Webinar

Complete Glass in Glass Detection with X-Rays

Taking place:
Friday, July 13, 2018, at 3:00 PM UK Time
This is a 10.00 AM Eastern US Start

Presented by:
Robert Rogers, Senior Advisor Food Safety & Regulation, Mettler-Toledo Product Inspection Division

Webinar Overview:
Food manufacturers regularly use glass containers for a wide range of applications, including infant foods, cooking sauces, condiments, vegetables and pickles, beverages, and oils and dressings, to name just a few. Despite its popularity, glass packaging poses a significant safety risk and the effects of glass-in-glass contamination can be highly damaging. A tiny fragment of glass can cause serious injury to a consumer, and the subsequent adverse publicity (particularly if a baby or child was severely cut), combined with the high cost of product recalls, can have a devastating impact on a business. Selecting the right x-ray inspection system is fundamental to guaranteeing optimum glass-in-glass detection. X-ray inspection equipment cannot solve contamination problems unless each element – from beam angle to reject mechanism – has been chosen to fit the line and the product. We will discuss the factors affecting glass in glass detection capability and provide insight to selecting the proper solution.

Register >>


Previous Webinar Recording

How to Set Up Sampling Zone for an Environmental Monitoring Program

Presentation Slides and Video Recording
An environmental monitoring program (EMP) can be used to assess the effectiveness of the overall hygienic practices in a facility and to provide information needed to prevent possible microbial contamination of food products. An EMP provides valuable data (source and concentration) on indicator organisms, spoilage organisms, and pathogens of concern in a timely manner. An EMP is not designed to validate the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitizing methods; the focus is more on validating cleaning and sanitizing frequencies and other Good Manufacturing Practices (21 CFR 110). Gain insight into how effective EMP sampling zones can be implemented in a food-handling facility to reduce the risk of microbial contamination of finished products.


New Member Introductions

Hi All, I am working in Food safety & Quality department in India. This is good platform to get more information and share the knowledge with this community.

Hello from Bangladesh
Hello Everyone! I am a veterinarian from Bangladesh. Started working in meat industry as QA Assistant Manager. My company has FSSC 22000, HACCP certificate. Hope to learn and share a lot with you peoples.

Achieved FSSC certification last week
Hi all, I am new to this group. I am QA manager for a food packaging company. We just got certified last week. It has been a rough journey but worth it at the end.

Hi everyone! My name is Lucas Foley. I am the Quality Control Director at a Chick-fil-A in North Mississippi. I have been in this position a little over a year. I like to spend my time reading up on policies and procedures, as well as food safety things of all kinds. Outside of work I enjoy being at home, pipe smoking, reading, gaming, and a host of other things. I also enjoy a good motorcycle ride and sitting by the fire pit. I am married with one foster son that we have had over a year. It is great to join the community here, and I hope to learn a lot!


Hello from commercial catering
I am Salih Muhamed, in Middle East, working one of the leading commercial catering firm. I had register here to know more about food safety information, guidelines, training etc.

Introducing myself
Working as QS Mgr in a contract manufacturing (or commonly called OEM) company, am involved in technical/ethical audits & other quality related functions. Currently looking for a simple product traceability report template/format for cosmetics products.

We are a consultant based at India, providing services for different kind of food safety and quality certifications such BRC, IFS, SQF, ISO 22000, FSSC22000, GMP, NON GMO, ORGANIC, GMP+ and some of the social standards such as SEDEX/SMETA, BSCI, SA8000 and WRAP across the world.

We provide consultancy services at very competitive cost with assurance without fail in the audit.

New to food safety.... 3 months in, Food Safety Director at a bean elevator, just passed our BRC audit with an AA grade.

Stop by and say hello >>


Member of the Month

These days it's becoming increasingly difficult selecting a Member of the Month as there are just so many deserving members. However, there can only be one winner and this month when deliberating it came as a huge surprise this member has only ever won MOTM once way back in May 2015. Of course we had to right that wrong with immediate effect.

We are delighted to announce the IFSQN Member of the Month for July 2018 is the very helpful and knowledgeable mgourley who joined IFSQN in 2010 and has contributed 922 posts.



Topic of the Week

When to use Corrective Action and when to use CAPA?

Can findings from an Internal Audit simple have a corrective action without having to do a CAPA? My thinking is CAPAs are for the "big" issues.




Latest Topics from the Forums

Template to conduct a risk assessment to satisfy P552 requirements
Hi all, we had our internal audit in June in preparation for re-certification audit in September, the auditor has given us a minor NC (The changes to BRC Requirements P522 was not discussed and no action implemented ). My question is how to go about implementing the changes like doing the risk assessment. Where do I start? Does anyone have a template to conduct a risk assessment to satisfy P552 requirements. We are a Food contact Packaging manufacturing company.

Closing NC on clause - Supplier Approval and Monitoring
Hello everyone, We can't close our NC on Supplier Approval procedure and on-going monitoring BRC7 clause Our foreign suppliers of plastic cups is from US and pouches is from Thailand. Both are not GFSI certified. In our risk assessment, since they are not GFSI certified they are identified as moderate risk suppliers. SAQ can't be used because you can only send SAQ to low risk, therefore we are required to do the onsite audit. But on our side, it is very costly to go there and audit ourselves.

How can we get away with this situation? Is there anyone here that had the same situation with ours? I need your help.


Denver/Boulder Area Pest Control Officer (PCO)
Does anyone in the Denver/Boulder, Colorado area have a pest control company/technician that they like? I can't for the life of me find someone who does their job well!

Validating Fish Allergen Sanitation based on other Allergen validation
The company I work for makes RTE jerky products. We are BRC certified and just had our audit last month. We deal with soy and wheat as allergens and have them both validated by using Neogen swab kits. However, we have a customer that wants to use fish sauce in a new recipe. Fish is obviously much more difficult to test for as there are no (to my knowledge) test kits available. My question is this: Can we validate our sanitation for fish allergens based on our validation for soy and wheat? Our SOP's and SSOP's are the same regardless of the allergens.

Thank you.

File cabinet security
Hello all, for those of us who still have paper records, stored in a physical file cabinet, do you have your file cabinet locked during working hours? Also, do you require your file cabinets to be fire-proof? We are regulated in the United States under 21 CFR Parts 111 and 117 but these are not requirements for us.

Thank you,

During shelf-life testing what is maximum in micro for Lactobacillus?
LOT# 165
LOT# 165
410,000 CFU/g

Substantiation Listeria Monocytogenes
Hi! I hope someone can help me here! I am an intern at a small vegetable processor. Our products are mainly cut vegetables, which will be heated.
However we do have some (fruit) salads.
We were advised to write a substantiation on the prevention of growth of Listeria Monocytogenes (and EHEC/STEC) as the Dutch government (or the European Union) has tightened the rules for processors.

I am planning on making an excel file with the products concerned (as the other products will be eliminated through the decision tree taken from the information leaflet from the NVWA or Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority)
To make a decision about the products I need the following information:
- Water activity
- pH value
- Dry matter

Does anyone have a reliable source where I can find estimates of the information I need? Or should the products be tested on these points to get the information.

Thank you in advance for your help!


1.1.4 of BRC IoP what is expected ?
Good morning, can someone tell me what is expected in the clause 1.1.4 of the BRC IoP Please

Thank you for your help.

Comparative table between ISO 22000:2005 & ISO 22000:2018
Good day, does anyone have a comparative table that has the clauses changes and additions for ISO 22000:2018? Please could you share it with me. Has some one devised a Clause checklist requirement as yet as well? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. I have ordered the Standard, but it’s like 21 days away (can’t wait that long to get started)


HACCP for wet processed coffee
Hi all, I'm building a HACCP system for wet coffee processing & looking for sample control systems. Hope to get help from everyone.
Thanks for your time!

Form after changeover to verify Metal Detector
Hi there, I’m new to the QA position and have been tasked to produce a form after a changeover that will verify we check our metal detector. Wondering if anyone has a type of template I could get some ideas from. Thanks in advance.


Shipping frozen products to customers who do not have adaquate trucks
My company ships frozen soups to several local customers, all of which are will-calls, so they are sending in their own trucks. As part of our procedures, we are supposed to monitor the transport vehicle temp before shipping but some of these trucks are picking up mixed loads, so they aren’t setting their trucks to frozen temps. I feel that since we aren’t contracting the shipment or delivering ourselves, the customer is ultimately responsible for the shipment as soon as it leaves our facility. I'm thinking that I need to create a document for the drivers to sign, recording actual product and transport vehicle temps. That way we can prove the product shipped within specs, so anything that happens after that is the responsibility of the customer. Has anyone else had to do anything like this, if so would you mind sharing what that document should say?

Headspace Sterilization
I am currently working on a product that has a very high brix and below 0.85 aW with a pH range of 5 - 6.5. This product does not fall under the requirements for needing a scheduled process by a PA, however as I am working on the risk assessment and HACCP plan I could use some additional insight from a larger group. The product will be filled hot. Generally, this product would then be inverted to sanitize the headspace and lid, however a tunnel pasteurizer is available along the conveyor system which would eliminate the need for someone to invert the jars and would work as a mechanism of moving the product to the labelling area. I would like to use the tunnel pasteurizer to sterilize the headspace and lid to prevent yeast and mold growth. Does anyone have any reference material that I could use as my validation documentation for the time/temperature that the tunnel pasteurizer would be set at? Preferably from and FDA linked resource, reputable research paper for like product characteristics, etc.


What is a world-class Global QM? Best practices?
Can someone share with me what is a world-call Quality Management, Best practices? Additional question, how do we achieve quality and productivity? I'm scheduled to present to our QM Head these questions and run-out of ideas already. Hope you can help me.

Thanks in advance.

Microbiological Criteria for Food in the US ( et al.)
Hello all, I work for a popcorn company whose main ingredients are corn kernels, salt, and various oils and seasonings. I've been doing some research online and it appears that the FDA and USDA do not have any specific microbiological criteria for foods in the US. There seems to be many studies and research, but no actual legislation. I was wondering if there was a comprehensive list of microbiological criteria for the US, or a foreign state. It seems that many countries have criteria, but mostly for Salmonella spp. and E. Coli, as well as ACC. If there is any established criteria on aflatoxins or coliform bacteria from the US or abroad, that would be extremely helpful as well. Thanks!!

HACCP plan for juice in a restaurant
Hello All, I am the compliance and quality manager for a flour mill and bakery so I am very familiar with HACCP and food safety. This week our owner asked me to make him a HACCP plan for a restaurant he and his daughters are opening. The state health inspector is requiring one because they are going to have fresh squeezed juices on their menu. To start they will only have one, celery juice with one ingredient, celery. (disgusting I know but not my establishment) HACCP plan will be very simple but I feel I am over thinking it. There will be no pasteurization, it will be made ready to order. No testing of any kind. The only real control will be supplier approval. Since it’s just the state will they need supporting documentation or just the HACCP plan? Main thing is I don't know what the state requires for a restaurant and I don't want to waste my limited time making a bunch of unneeded documents.

Any help would be appreciated.


Gasoline and Lawn Equipment Storage?
Hello! At my company, we do our own lawn and yard maintenance so we're needing to store a few things like a lawn mower, weed whacker, rakes, and containers of gasoline for the lawn mower. Would these have to be stored off site or would there be an acceptable way to store these at our facility? Like in a locked area of our warehouse? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Mycotoxin Statement
Hello, we are a frozen bread dough manufacturer and have been asked by a customer to provide a mycotoxin statement for our products. Does anyone know what the preventative measures would be to ensure that products do not have mycotoxins? I was thinking possibly our company Supply Chain program for the flour we receive etc. If anyone has been asked to provide a statement I would be super grateful if you wouldn't mind sharing the example.

Thank you very Much!

Health en Safety risk analysis
Hello all, We need to do a Health en Safety risk analysis but I have no idea what needs to be in this analysis. Can it be just like a HACCP analysis that we name the Health en Safety risks for each process step?

And the time * risk methode?

Could you please point me in the right direction?

Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) blood policy?
Hello all, for the SMETA audit we need to have a blood policy and procedures according to SMETA measurement Criteria document.
I have no idea that is meant with this, can someone help me with this?

California Coffee Could be Exempt from Cancer Warnings
I saw this post this morning and am passing it along to all who might be selling coffee into California---looks like the requirement for acrylamide will be exempt in coffee sold in there

Cleaning procedure for refrigeration units
Hello Family, can anyone help with the cleaning procedure for refrigeration units.

Is cross contamination impossible in packaging?
Hi Everyone! So long since the last time I visited IFSQN. BTW I have a question. It started with a conversation with my Superior. According to my superior, it is impossible to have a cross contamination in our Plant since our products are just labels, cartons and stickers and not food. Is that right? Can anyone enlighten me?

Many thanks!

New facility build - requirements
I am working with a client that is building a new facility for production of two dry ingredients. Does anyone have experience with reviewing construction/building design for a brand new facility? If so, what should I be reviewing to make sure that the facility is built correctly? Obviously process flow, but in terms of materials, ventilation etc.?

The location is in Ontario, Canada. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! :)

Traceability system for a seafood company
Hi colleagues, am trying to set up a traceability system for a seafood company but finding it difficult to generate batch codes and product code, and also linking lot codes to a batch code. Your inputs in this topic are highly appreciated and please give example for easier explanations.


ISO22000:2005 Audit Checklist
Hi all, Do you have an ISO22000 audit checklist that you are willing to share with me?


Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) audit preparations
Hello all, In 2 months we have our first SMETA 2 pillar audit. We did not think too much of it because we are a west European company who work according to the EU legislation in regards to ethical stuff. Now we have received the agenda for the audit and we noticed that we also need a lot of documentation. Is there, just like with BRC and IFS, a book with all the stuff we need to have to pass the audit?

Thanks in advance.

High Level Structure (HLS) ISO 22000:2018
Dear Colleges, the new edition of ISO 22000:2018 considered High Level Structure (HLS) to improve alignment between the ISO management system standards.
Is it a kind of integrated systems???

So, would you mind explain the exact meaning in ISO 22000 and how to Implement it?

Thanks for your valuable participation and comments


Suggestions for hand cleaning (during process) in low risk bakery
Morning everyone! I'm currently working in a low-risk bakery where operators make flapjacks by hand. As a result, it gets messy! They currently clean their hands in a bowl of manky looking water.

I'm struggling as I've come from a high care chilled environment where standards are very high, and so, working in bakery is something very new to me. Ideally, I want to replace the manky bowl of water with something more sensible and fit for purpose.

Could anyone recommend anything? I'm thinking of some kind of barrier cream (which is the wrong thing, but it’s the kind of application I'm thinking). What we're currently growing in the water doesn't bare thinking about.

All I get from the bakery sector is "it doesn't matter because the oven will kill everything". This is all well and good, but coming from high care, it's all about good GMP standards.

Also, part of the factory has "office ceiling tiles" is this normal for a bakery?

Kind Regards


Cosmetic Microbiological Limits -ISO17516
Hi everyone, Can someone help in providing the specification limits for cosmetic products with reference to ISO17516?


CAPA software
Hello everyone, I work in a catering industry, I need a software for CAPA monitoring, any suggestions or recommendations. Thanks in advance Godbless

Pesticide mrl database
Hi all, Anybody knows where I can follow the pesticide mrl for usa? Is there a database for that?

Allergen Management for Food Manufacturers
Found this great resource for dealing with food allergens in a facility.

Anyone passed an SQF Audit with No Metal Detector?
So... has anyone passed an initial SQF Certification audit (level 2) with multi-ingredient items (salsas, dips, hummus) without the use of a metal detector on site?

ISO22000 Outsourced requirements & expectations
I would be very grateful for members recommendations on the following question relating to Outsourcing of a Process in ISO22000. As a paper mill supplying food contact packaging, we are 2 weeks away from our ISO22000 Stage 2 verification audit, and, having never done so before, now need to outsource a “Slitting” process for a one off order. The process is essentially the reducing of the width of a reel of paper in line with that required by the customer, a process we normal undertake, but due to machine capacity issues we need to outsource this one off order.

We will be supplying all the primary and tertiary packaging, product labels etc.
The main risk will be contamination transfer from the slitting equipment and handling.

I have drawn up a control procedure and the site will be subject to an onsite audit, but my question relates to what I need, if anything, to include within our existing HACCP document – do I need a separate process which looks generically at the process, i.e. Transport to the Site carrying out the outsourcing, store, process, pack, return to us, or does it need to be a full, detailed HACCP analysis based on each step of their process? Or do I not need to include anything in the HACCP?
The standard only appears to make reference to inclusion within the FSM, for which we will have a procedure and audit results – is this sufficient?
Obviously time is a big issue here, and whilst I’m confident we will have the correct controls in place, such as suitable storage, handling, etc. we need to ensure we have the necessary documentation in place – and if anyone has any examples of document for a similar scenario they are willing to share I would also be most grateful.


Investigational New Drug (IND) Application need reanalysis FS Plan ?
Hi everyone, does an investigational new drug (IND) application always necessitate reanalysis of a Food Safety Plan under FSMA?

'§117.170 Reanalysis' states that one reason that reanalysis would be required is "Whenever a significant change in the activities conducted at your facility creates a reasonable potential for a new hazard or creates a significant increase in a previously identified hazard..." However, by its very nature an IND is novel and therefore a potential new hazard could be involved.

We are regulated under 21 CFR Part 117 and 21 CFR Part 111 in the United States.

Thank you,


About the IFSQN

The IFSQN forums are a thriving community with more than 60,000 members from all over the world. A wide variety of topics are discussed daily on the forums including food safety management systems standards such as BRC, SQF, IFS, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000 as well as HACCP, Food Defense and Security, Pest Control, Food Testing, Microbiology, QA/QC, Continuous Improvement and much more.

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