Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Benefactor Banquet - We Need Your Help We need parents to 1) think strategically about whom they could invite to the banq

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Benefactor Banquet - We Need Your Help

We need parents to 1) think strategically about whom they could invite to the banquet, forwarding attendees to Betsy See at 2) volunteer to help during the event by contacting Aaron Schmidt at

Keep in mind, the Benefactor Banquet bridges the gap between tuition paid and the $10,000+ the school invests in each of its students annually. This is how a Christian classical education is made available to all Christian parents.


Fr. Thom Smith's Art Show at Museum Tower

Our beloved teacher and artist-in-residence has an art show!
When: October 11, 4:00 - 8:00 pm
Where: The Museum Tower Reception Room, 1918 N. Olive St., Dallas. Complimentary valet provided.
Description: Fr. Smith is a non-stipendiary minister at The Chapel of the Cross, teaches part-time at Saint Timothy's, and is self-employed as an artist, including teaching classes to the public, with evangelism in view. You can help all these ministries by finding and bringing new Dallas customers to his work!
Notes: Cocktails and hors d'eovres served. Please, no small children.

Test Packs & Parent Teacher Conferences (October 13)

With the first month of school "under the belt," parents will notice weekly "Test Packs" coming home on Fridays (no longer on Wednesdays). Test Packs are the second primary Home/School communication (after the assignment book), to keep parents informed and participating, and should be perused with your child, signed by the parent, and returned on Mondays.

Mid-term Progress Reports will be issued in October AFTER Parent Teacher Conferences (the morning of Monday, October 13; no school, Columbus Day). Please schedule your meeting with your child's teacher, and ask for another time, if the 13th is not possible.

Your students are doing great! The first month of school entails new adjustments, and the expectations of higher grade levels: we are enjoying the work, and so are your students! Your support of the teacher is critical. Middle and Upper School students have been adjusting to the new "block schedule" and its homework distribution, or getting caught up from summer assignments, and show many encouraging signs of perseverance.


Westminster Abbey Choir at Church of the Incarnation (October 26 @ 4:30)

Mr. Dittman has procured free tickets for all students and teachers to a concert at Church of the Incarnation. The Westminster Abbey Choir is one of the best of its kind, and this is a great opportunity for students to fulfill their term concert credit. Thank you, Mr. Dittman, for arranging this!

nov 20

Thanksgiving Program & School Preview

The lower school is on display in the upcoming Parent Teacher Fellowship on November 20. There will be a lecture on "Gymnastic and Music," given by Fr Melton. The theme of the program will be Thanksgiving, and the evening will be perfect for inviting a friend who is interested in the school. Thanks for spreading the word about the school. We look forward to this evening! Write down that this is also a School Thanksgiving Potluck Feast, with the school providing the turkey.

polo shirt

Polo Fridays

Polo Friday went very well last week. The students looked sharp. This Friday will be our second Polo Friday. Students are invited to wear their red or navy St. Timothy polo shirts with their school pants or khaki pants that meet the dress code. Students who do not yet own the polo shirt should come in normal uniform.


Free State Fair Tickets

Mrs. Paton acquired State Fair tickets for all students and staff. Tickets are available in the office and can be used anytime after September 26th on any weekday. Thank you, Mrs. Paton!

Calendar 0

Dates to Remember

October 13: Columbus Day—Student Holiday, Parent-Teacher Conferences
October 16: Benefactor Banquet
November 20: Thanksgiving Program & Dinner (Kindergarten-Fourth) (PTF #2)
November 24-28: Thanksgiving Break
December 17: Advent Lessons and Carols
December 18-January 4: Advent & Christmas Break
January 5: Back to School
January 6: Epiphany Feast of Lights Pageant and Party


The MISSION of The Saint Timothy School is to endow our children with the tools of learning, and the wisdom of the ages, by nourishing their souls with truth, goodness, and beauty, so that they may serve God and their fellow man with virtue, dignity, and strength.
