
“Really immersive introduction to the work carried out by SLWCS. Felt compelled to consider visiting and volunteering with them sometime in the future. Anyone with aspirations for wildlife conservation should give this programme a go!” David Mason-Williams, U.K.

01. Shelby Cooper

As we head to towards the end of the year it seems overseas holiday travel will be severely curtailed due to the current Covid-19 situation. Countries that have opened their borders have placed various restrictions that includes mandatory Covid-19 testing and quarantining. Some countries have had to prolong the opening of their borders due to increasing Covid-19 cases. Airline travel is also very uncertain during these times. Airlines are frequently changing their schedules or cancelling flights at the last moment making it extremely risky to venture overseas. And there is the added risk of countries closing their borders suddenly due to surges in Covid-19 cases. Overall, it seems the safest and wisest course would be to stay at home and find other ways to stay involved and be active. The e-Volunteering Program of the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society is one way that you could stay involved and active while at the same time learning about and contributing to issues you are passionate about.

The SLWCS e-Volunteering program is an initiative that was launched to fulfill several objectives. One is to raise funds during these very difficult times to continue to our research, conservation and community activities, the second is to provide opportunity for people to get involved in activities to address environmental issues and concerns that they are passionate about such as wildlife research, conservation and community programs, and the third is to ensure the wildlife and their habitats in our project sites continue to be safe.

The e-Volunteering programs are directly integrated with our ongoing field research, wildlife conservation and community programs and provides the perfect outlet for you to pursue your interests and passions during these difficult times. The program curriculums have been developed to provide an exciting, enriching and interactive experience on wildlife, field research and how field research helps to address specific conservation objectives. E-Volunteers will receive a certificate from the SLWCS confirming their participation and completion of the program.

Sample Volunteer Certificates Jane Maximus
Sample Volunteer Certificates John Maximus

The feedback from our e-Volunteer alumni are a testimony to the high quality and standards of the program and how they have benefitted from the program.

Katy Andrews

Katy Andrews, California, U.S.A.

Daphne Feedback

Daphne Ong, Singapore

Alan Feedback

Alan Bernstein, New York, U.S.A.

Ranumi Arachchie Feedback 01

Ranumi Arachchie, Oman

Ranumi Arachchie Feedback 02

Ranumi Arachchie, Oman

Raymond Lee Feedback

Raymond Lee, Michigan, U.S.A.

With the Holiday Season approaching you can give our e-Volunteering programs as gifts to friends, relatives and colleagues with a passion for nature and wildlife conservation. It is a gift that is meaningful, enriching and truly impactful in many ways.

The number of participants for each program is kept small to ensure everyone obtains a vivid personal and immersive experience. This allows participants to get to know each other and engage in lively discussions as well as work independently or in teams on the assignments that are handed out.

Some of the programs are suitable for children 12 years and younger so that entire families can participate. Information about the programs is provided below.

For additional information please email us at: info@slwcs.org

Introduction to Asian Elephants Handout Brochure

Introduction to Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus)

The program introduces as well provides e-Volunteers with a broad understanding about Asian elephants, their ecology, their role in culture and the need for their conservation. e-Volunteers will learn and improve their knowledge about Asian elephants as well as continue to participate and contribute to elephant research and conservation efforts.

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Marine Program Handout Brochure

Introduction to Marine Research & Conservation

In this program e-Volunteers learn how marine research differs from land based research and its importance. e-volunteers will participate in some basic marine research methodologies and learn firsthand about threats to the marine environment, the challenges of conducting marine research and the tremendous need for marine conservation efforts. The program will also focus on the endangered sea turtles and their conservation.

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Camera Trapping Biodiversity Handout Brochure

Camera Trapping to Monitor Biodiversity

The program educates e-Volunteers about the importance of monitoring biodiversity and how remote camera traps can be used for that purpose. E-Volunteers will learn techniques that scientists use to monitor biodiversity, since camera trapping is an interesting research tool with a “wow” factor, this will easily inspire e-Volunteers to develop an interest in biodiversity conservation. E-volunteers will learn how to set up a remote camera in their own backyard to learn interesting behavioral facts about common backyard animals that we pay scant attention to.

Project Orange Elephant Handout Brochure

Project Orange Elephant (POE): A holistic initiative to mitigate human elephant conflict

This program is for people who love elephants and want to contribute to their protection and to mitigate human elephant conflicts (HEC).

The program is designed to conduct activities such as planting orange trees, collecting data, report writing, writing newsletters, updating the database, analyzing data and fundraising. It is essential to provide farmers with orange trees and to monitor the plants that are already planted. The orange trees act as a deterrent to elephants while providing the farmers with a sustainable income. POE has very effectively minimized HEC for 468 farmers in 27 villages creating an environment where people and elephants can coexist. POE is a critical and important program of the Saving Elephant by Helping People project of the SLWCS. The SLWCS needs the support of e-Volunteers to maintain the continuity of Project Orange Elephant.

e-Volunteers will have the satisfaction of helping poor farmer’s to safeguard their crops, properties and lives from wild elephants while at the same time protecting elephants from getting harassed, injured or killed.

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Individual Identification of Elephants Handout Brochure

Individual Identification of Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus)

The identification of individual elephants is one of the first steps in studying elephant behaviour, demography, and conservation. Very few studies of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) are based on individual identification hence the importance of our project and this program. By studying individually identified elephants, helps us to understand how social behaviour drives movements, reproductive output, determines population dynamics and ensures long lasting social bonds. e-Volunteers learn in detail the traits that can be used to identify individual elephants, and examine the variability of different traits. Most importantly e-Volunteers will learn how by identifying elephants, we can understand their population dynamics, factors influencing elephant movements and even monitor their health. All of this information is crucial for their long term conservation.

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For additional information on how to sign up and program costs please contact us at: info@slwcs.org

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