My project-1

Greetings fellow plant lovers,

Laura here, and wishing you all a happy fall. It has been a while since our last newsletter, and we have been staying busy between the medicinal gardens and the apothecary to prepare for the changing seasons, and the winter that approaches. Fall can feel like such a busy time for all, with the start of school, the ending of summer harvests that need tending and all the beautiful ways we can connect with the autumnal season. I just returned from my own travels to a glorious Californian wedding and managed to take a few days to wander at the marvels of nature found in Joshua Tree National Park. We stayed at a nearby farm where I was surrounded by Chaparral, Ocotillo and miles of sagebrush which washed away the overworked energy that Autumn in New England creates in my body. There is something so nourishing about being in the desert landscape, the open sky, the smells of sagebrush, and the adoration of life’s power of survival in these extreme environments. Being in a new ecosystem such as the Chaparral zones of eastern California was quite the contrast from the stark hues of changing maples, oaks, and birch trees. Chaparral is a type of ecosystem that is characterized by dry soil, hot weather, and rather than grasses covering the soil it is short yet powerfully resilient shrubs. Many of these shrubs are Chaparral (Larrea tridentata,) a plant whose aroma will implant you with knowing them for the rest of your days. With common names including stinkbush, creosote bush and greasewood, it is easier to understand why the aroma is unforgettable. These plants have much to share with humans about survival against extreme elements, not only based on the environment in which they grow; there is a stand of Chaparral in the Mojave desert that is estimated to be 12,000-13,000 years old. Chaparral is considered to be one of the oldest plants on earth, and is also a potent medicinal. I rarely use Chaparral internally, but there have been a few times that I have crafted a topical infusion or a salve. Chaparral is a very strong medicinal, one I would only recommend for when there is a dire need as there are a lot of contraindications with this plant. Chaparral also lives far away, so considering the impacts of the limited ecosystems that can support Chaparral, meeting a national demand for the plant has always been something to be aware of. This strong and wonderful plant can still teach us much without ever harvesting a single leaf, this can be done just by witnessing a being that has survived such rugged and extreme conditions and for so long. I will leave this story here and share some of our apothecary news and upcoming classes for this upcoming fall, as well as a wonderful note from Deb Tyler’s acupuncture local offerings.

Take care,


A note from Deb Tyler at Spirit Path Acupuncture and Acutonics Equinox

Greetings to all in the Green Sage Botanicals circle.

I am among those who are deeply indebted to Laura Torraco and the apothecary staff for keeping the apothecary doors open and offering such amazing Medicinals and care for our community throughout the Pandemic. Laura and I worked together when I was the acupuncturist at the Blue Dragon Apothecary before it closed, and she generously welcomed me to reach out to reintroduce myself and update you on my wearabouts and offerings in these times of great change and evolution. I have been practicing Acupuncture for 22 years and specialize in treating: chronic illnesses, auto immune diseases, trauma, muscular, neurological and orthopedic injuries, metabolic and digestive issues, back pain, stress, headaches, depression, anxiety, insomnia, addiction, reproductive and cardiovascular issues.

I’ve had a lifelong passion for the resilience and beauty of the natural world and the fundamental ways that it informs and constitutes health in the human body. In addition to studying 5 Element Acupuncture and Aucutonics style Sound healing, I spent many years studying the Chinese arts of Tai Chi, Chi Gong and Kung Fu. The embodied knowledge of these practices informs and guides my treatments and understanding of the body in its relationship with energy and movement.

Acupuncture and Acutonics are the primary tools I use to inspire a client’s innate healing potential, to release blockages, to restore vital energy, to balance the body and to establish peace of mind. My new Greenfield office is on French King Highway one block from the Stop and Shop. If you are in need of healing and support I invite you give me a call, a text or an email to set up an initial appointment and see if Spirit Path is a good match for you.

Warm Blessings, Deb)*

Spirit Path Acupuncture and Acutonics
Deb Tyler, M.Ac. L.Ac, NCCAOM Certified 802-377-0825 in Greenfield, MA


Upcoming Event!! Incense Workshop (In-person)

Thursday Oct 27, 2022 5:30-7pm

Sliding Scale 15-25$

Learn how to make your own herbal incense just in time for the season when the veils are the thinnest and the spirits are hungry. In this handson class, Laura will share about the history and importance of incense through time, and together we will all craft our own incense sticks and cones from locally abundant plants. This class is limited and pre registration is required as the materials will be included, email to reserve your spot

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