Book your Flu Vaccination service at Terry White Chemists today. For only $20, receive a quick and convenient flu vaccination and reduce your risk of

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Book your Flu Vaccination service at Terry White Chemists today. For only $20, receive a quick and convenient flu vaccination and reduce your risk of catching the flu this year.

During your appointment, a trained and qualified Nurse Practitioner, GP or Pharmacist will administer a flu vaccination. No prior prescription will be required and appointments take only minutes. You will be asked to complete a consent form and you may be asked some questions about your existing health and any previous reactions you may have had. Please bring your Medicare card with you on the day of your appointment.

Important: some people and children under a certain age may not be eligible for the flu vaccination. Please call your local TWC to confirm if you are eligible or to ask about vaccinating younger family members.

Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment and be aware you will need to remain in store for a further 15 minutes observation period. Some customers may be eligible for the free vaccine from your GP - please speak to your pharmacist or GP to see if you are eligible.

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