News & Quick-bits 20 February 2018 Homeopathy and Ear Infections Read four "ear problem" cases from our clinic and discover how, with the right home

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News & Quick-bits 20 February 2018

Ear Infections

Homeopathy and Ear Infections

Read four "ear problem" cases from our clinic and discover how, with the right homeopathic remedy, ear pain and infections quickly become things of the past. Read more | Comment


Remedies for Eczema Sufferers

What do Sulphur, Arsenicum, Graphites and Psorinum have in common? They’re key remedies for eczema-related symptoms such as dryness, itchiness, weeping, and more. Read more | Comment


Homeoprophylaxis in India

“India has employed HP effectively for cholera, the H1N1 influenza virus (“swine flu”), conjunctivitis, chickenpox and mosquito-borne viral diseases…”. That’s quite a list! Read more | Comment


Remedies of the Heart

With Valentines day just past, five simple remedies come to mind for their affinity to emotional matters of the heart - anxiety, fearfulness, jealousy, turmoil, and sensitivity. Read more | Comment

Bootle and Leaves - Cropped


Offer 1: $5.00 Argentum nitricum 30C Pills
Build your kit with $5 remedies - a different one each week. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off Grief and Loss Complex
A complex traditionally used for the symptoms of grief and loss in infants, children and adults. More info | Buy now

Offer 3: Fracture Complex and X-ray Gard - Remedy or Combo
Popular X-ray Gard and Fracture Complexes are on special. More info | Buy X-ray Gard | Fracture Complex | Combo

Specials end midnight on Monday, 19th February, 2018 (UTC/GMT -8 hours). Read more


Previous Stories...


Cancer Treatments and Homeopathy

Cancer – a significant number of us will have to confront it but homeopathy can help with radiotherapy and chemotherapy side-effects. Read more | Comment


Remedies for Anxiety

Anxiety is more than a fleeting problem for many. This article compares and contrasts conventional and homeopathic approaches to this life-limiting problem plus lists key remedies. Read more | Comment


UK: AYUSH Signs MoU with Royal London Hospital

It "...aims at strengthening & developing co-operation in the field of Research & Education in Homoeopathic Medicine at International level." Read more | Comment


Remedies for Dental Dilemmas

Are you scared of the dentist, or prone to cavities, abscesses and gum disease? This list of remedies for common dental problems may be well worth having on hand. Read more | Comment


From the Archives...


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