Contents 1. Factsheet – Homeopathy in Flu-Like Illnesses2. Study: Homeopathic treatment of premenstrual syndrome3. Help! I Have Pre-Menstrual Syndr

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1. Factsheet – Homeopathy in Flu-Like Illnesses
2. Study: Homeopathic treatment of premenstrual syndrome
3. Help! I Have Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
4. Homeopathy on the farm
5. Homeopathy for arsenic poisoning in wheat
6. Communities poisoned by arsenic groundwater treated with homeopathy
7. Weekly Special: 20% Off Homeopathic Pills
8. Information about our information
9. Stay in contact


1. Factsheet – Homeopathy in Flu-Like Illnesses


The Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH) has released a fact sheet on the symptoms and progression of flu, studies on the use of homeopathy for it, and common treatment and prevention remedies used in India.

Based on the available data, the SSHR advises that Arsenicum will be the most likely preventative for India’s pending flu season. Note that this remedy has to match the idiosyncratic symptoms of an emerging epidemic before it can be effective, and that other remedies may be better indicated for epidemics elsewhere.

More Information: Factsheet by CCRH – Homoeopathy in Flu-Like Illnesses


2. Study: Homeopathic treatment of premenstrual syndrome


French physicians conducted a case series study to examine the management of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) with homeopathy.

The conclusions were that homeopathy had a role to play in management of PMS symptoms, with treatment being well tolerated and women experiencing improvement in their PMS symptoms and quality of life. Folliculinum and Lachesis mutus were the two most common remedies prescribed.

More Information: Homeopathic treatment of premenstrual syndrome: a case series by French physicians


3. Help! I Have Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)


Do you have mood swings, crave chocolate, carbohydrates and salt, or bloat with fluid before your periods each month? Or perhaps you shriek at those around you, can’t leave the house for anxiety, or burst into tears at the drop of a hat?

If you are female and struggle once a month with these symptoms, you probably have premenstrual tension, better known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). The good news is that something can be done. In this article, we show you:

1: How a few simple self-help strategies reduce the impact of PMS on your life, and

2: Which homeopathic remedies can help return you to a healthy balance

More Information: Help! I Have Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)


4. Homeopathy on the farm


Homeopathy at Wellie Level (HAWL) in the UK teaches the responsible use of homeopathy on the farm. This newsletter from HAWL has homeopathic information and stories on:

-Local support groups and contacts
- Mastitis and calving
- Grief and fear
- Digestive problems
- Hormonal imbalances
- Displaced stomach
- Infertility
- Malpresentations
- Good growth and weight gain, and
- Surprised vets!

More Information: Homeopathy at Wellie Level


5. Homeopathy for arsenic poisoning in wheat


In this study, the seedlings from wheat seeds poisoned with arsenic grew as well as unpoisoned seedlings when treated with homeopathic arsenic. The untreated seedlings from the poisoned seeds did not.

The researchers postulated that the homeopathic treatment was able to rebalance the genetic expression of the seeds and return them to normal in spite of their poisoning.

More Information: Transcriptome Profiling of Wheat Seedlings following Treatment with Ultrahigh Diluted Arsenic Trioxide


6. Communities poisoned by arsenic groundwater treated with homeopathy

arsenic  1

Groundwater in numerous parts of the world is contaminated by arsenic, and populations – too impoverished to live elsewhere – are slowly poisoned by it. Hundreds of millions of people are affected, some to the point of death. Learn how homeopathy has made a big difference.

More Information: Arsenic poisoning treated with homeopathy


7. Weekly Special: 20% Off Pills

Pills and Flower

Now is the perfect time to restock your home-use kit or add to your remedy collection: vials of homeopathic pills are just $12.50 until midnight on Monday the 29th - save $3.50 on each.

(Offer excludes agrohomeopathy remedies.)

Each vial contains approximately 100 pills and comes with instructions on how to dose for common acute ailments.

Click here to browse our large range of pills.

Don't forget, it's also Winter Defense season: purchase bottles of Winter Defense for the subsidised price of $9.95, or add a bottle to any order over $35 for just $2. More information on the Winter Defense special is available here.


8. Information about our information

The information we provide and comments we make are from the homeopathic perspective. They are not necessarily endorsed by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website:


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