
March 17, 2023


Most people cannot understand, let alone believe, conspiracy theories because the mainstream media, in conjunction with military psychological operations, mocks those that accept them. Rather than debate the facts, people quickly label the reasonable, logical, and intelligent among them as nutjobs because they won't accept the official narrative just like now.

The reason we have banks collapsing is not because of shoddy management and obscene greed. However, these are significant factors. It's foremost because this is a false flag operation designed to get people away from physical paper currency and into the World Economic Forum's Central Banks' Digital currency. It's all part of the Great Reset. No, it's not a fulfillment of prophecy about a one-world currency (mark of the beast) - that's just misdirection and a blatant disregard for biblical integrity. What we're in the midst of right now is all part of the larger plan to crush the current financial structure in favor of a globally implemented monetary system, fully digital and entirely controllable by those at the top of the pyramid.

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Thirty-five years ago, The Economist magazine had a very foretelling cover. It portrayed the Phoenix coin (similar to the digital Bitcoin today) atop a burning pile of paper currency. Were they trying to tell us something? You bet they were! We are in the latter stages of the demise of physical money. In the United States, the FED, the IMF, and the U.S. Treasury are trying to scare people into the "too big" to-fail banks. That way, once the regional, state, and local banks are out of the way - the control grid can be secured. Speak out against the government? Your digital credits will be shut down. Defy draconian medical mandates? Your food credits for the week will be shut off. Don't adopt politically correct definitions of this, that, and the other. Your phone will no longer process digital payments, and your social credit score will tank. THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING IN CHINA AT THIS VERY MOMENT. AND IT IS STARTING RIGHT NOW IN THE U.S. PAY ATTENTION.


I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a realist. I'm a researcher. I'm a documentarian. And I rely on facts, not sensationalism, not speculation, but facts. This is why people who mock people like us always attack us personally rather than attack the message because the facts speak for themselves. How often do you hear people say, "Well, I don't see it that way" or " I don't believe that"? Or "I choose to believe MY OWN truth." Great! Let's debate the issue - but that they won't do. They shut down our social media or ban us from speaking on public forums. They gaslight us and tell us we're unstable. They sue us and jail us. Really? It boils down to one thing: they're afraid of the truth. Why? Because it reveals them to be fools and manipulative morons.


So pay attention right now. The U.S. Government would love to implement CBDC by summer (July 2023). Will it happen? I'm confident that is a big fat no! But I've been wrong before. Too many vital voices recognize this for what it is - it's rather apparent to the informed. It's not only a move to dissuade any form of digital money outside governmental oversight and control but a means to bankrupt the lower and middle classes and force them into a system that will never allow personal freedom and privacy. Remember? You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy! Do you ever wonder HOW you'll be satisfied not owning anything? Americans aren't bred this way, or at least they weren't when I was growing up. But the snowflakes and woketards today, well, that's a different story. They think they're saving the planet and being better citizens by obeying the government. Good for them. We all know how far that will get them.

You will witness bank seizures, buyouts, and takeovers at breakneck speed in the coming weeks. The U.S. economy will seize up again, just as during the COVID lockdowns. Layoffs and unemployment will skyrocket. It will all be blamed on archaic monetary policies and capitalist greed. Never mind that this is one of the last transfers of wealth from the 99% to the 1% before the bottom not only falls out but disappears altogether. As prices continue to rise, people will be forced to accept their fate- losing physical money. No more coins, no paper, just digits on a computer screen. No more anonymous transactions; everything will be tracked, traced, and taxes will be taken automatically; no more financial freedom, except for the 1%.

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This isn't a fantasy anymore. This isn't science fiction. Turn on your local MSM news. Look out your city window. This is your reality now! THE NEW NORMAL. Or is it? I know it's not mine. I will fight this until my dying breath. Am I a rebel? Am I against lawful but immoral and unethical authority? Am I a defiant global citizen? It's obvious by now! OF COURSE, I AM!

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