06.09.14 THANK YOU! I so appreciate you making Pentecost Sunday such a special day. The church was packed with expectant people. 7 people received th




THANK YOU! I so appreciate you making Pentecost Sunday such a special day. The church was packed with expectant people. 7 people received the Baptism in the Spirit. What a privilege to water baptize 28 people. The food was fabulous!

I want to remind you of VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL which is rapidly approaching. Here are some ways you can help:

Pray for this outreach!
Invite! Invite! Invite!
Be involved! Contact the church office is you can assist. We need greeters, standbys, etc.
Plan on attending the Friday night party which is Friday evening, June 27th at 6:30pm. The kids will perform, and we will give a salvation altar call for visiting friends.
Preorder and pay for your VBS Shirt this Sunday in the back booth area. It will cost approximately $10.00 per shirt.
Help us promote this event! Pick up flyers from the church office this week. Like and share our graphic and posts on our C3 Facebook page!

Summer 2014 is going extremely well. Remember this Sunday is Father's Day. Let's celebrate together!

Pastor Russell


Lead Pastor- Jon E. Russell
Phone- 334.745.6077
Physical Address- 2201 Executive Park Drive, Opelika, AL
Mailing Address- P.O. Box 3337 Auburn, AL 36831
www.auburnc3.com info@auburnc3.com

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