This week we’re celebrating art! We’ve got free art lessons, notebooking pages, lesson plans, art history, and even sensory recipes related to art! We


This week we’re celebrating art! We’ve got free art lessons, notebooking pages, lesson plans, art history, and even sensory recipes related to art! We also have a few freebies related to other topics, so be sure to take a look to see what works for you.

Make sure you grab them today, as some of the freebies are only free a few days!

free art friday

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Many moms regret not taking more pictures of our homeschool in action over the years. We don't want you to have this same regret! So, we are here to inspire you by creating a weekly theme to photograph. Share your art ideas and show off your kids' artwork in this week's homeschool photo journal using the hashtag #hsmoms.

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