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Thursday, February 13, 2020


Sunday's Service - February 16, 2020

We welcome Bill Coler to lead us in Worship.

The featured Scripture will be: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 and Romans 12:1-3
for Bill's message: Unconditional Surrender.

Join us this Sunday for Worship!



We Need Your Feedback ~ After Church This Sunday

After a special event like we had last Sunday, it is beneficial to take a moment to hear how people experienced the day. Combining a Worship service and coordinating a luncheon between two churches is kind of a big deal. If all who attended could gather their thoughts and think about the service and the fellowship time...and stay after Worship briefly this Sunday to share those would be a great help. What did you like best? What would you change? What worked and what didn't? Missed last Sunday's Worship? You are still invited to stay and join in the discussion! Any and all feedback, insights, and ideas help us as we grow together here at Common Ground. Thank you!

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Special Worship Service & Potluck Luncheon

Thanks to everyone for helping us have a successful and delicious time together and for all the help with setting up for and cleaning up from the luncheon! Special thanks also go to Audrey for spending the whole service in the Nursery, to Rachel and the GG gang for all their hard work in set up and tear down, and to Jess for her extra help in coordinating things. We sure do appreciate how everyone pitches in and works together!

Lenten Devotional

Stop by the round table in the Great Room and pick up a new devotional booklet for Lent, starting February 26. This devotional is provided free of charge by the Society of St. Andrew, the folks who created the Abundance Orchard VBS we used a couple of years ago. Take one to read at home and consider taking one to share with a friend.

Bible Studies

Sunday Morning Class: 9:30am
Study of Psalms

Wednesday Morning Ladies Study: 9:30am
Parables: The Mysteries of God's Kingdom Revealed Through the Stories Jesus Told by John MacArthur

You are welcome to join in studies at any time!

Garden & Nursery News

Jen L. will lead the Garden this Sunday, with a
Valentine themed lesson about love.
Activity pages for kids will be on the table by the Sanctuary doors.
Children 3 & younger are invited to the Nursery for Bible story time.

Youth Group

For youth in 5th grade & up
Hope to see you all on Sunday from 6-7:30pm.
Please check out the snack sign up sheet on the bulletin board!
Snack this week: Maci Vignon

We will be working on a special project on Sunday for the bunnies at the Frisky Ferrets, Fuzzies, & Feathered Friends Rescue & Sanctuary. We have enough toilet paper and paper towel tubes now. THANK YOU! We're still in need of a few more small, clean socks for another upcoming project. If you can donate these, or any other craft-type supplies you want to clear out of your collection, it would be much appreciated! Thank you and thanks to all who have already donated!

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Ladies' Valentine Tea

Thanks for a wonderful teatime!
We enjoyed our time with friends and family.

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February Speakers

23 - Martin Dunham

GG Logo

Our Mission Statement: To cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities.



Check out all the smiles from
our Night to Shine dance!

We started out the week at Whispering Pines, where we hunted for snowmen decorations to put away and participated in their exercise class. Then we headed back to CG, where we worked on cleaning up from the weekend's big events. For Tuesday's cooking with Sue, we followed recipes brought in by our client, Ethan. It is really kind of neat to get family recipes to prepare! If you have any recipe suggestions, we would love to hear them. We made tuna fried rice and spinach rolls and enjoyed pears on the side. It turned out to be a surprisingly delicious lunch!

What else did we do this week? We started some seeds to launch the growing season, sorted seeds in the order of planting, worked in the greenhouses, cleaned, walked in the woods, did some organizing for October's Giveaway, made Berrylicious Jungle Jam, put together puzzles, and more! We are always busy here at Goodness Grows. We would love to have you stop by for a visit to see some of what we do!

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Ongoing Outreach/Mission Opportunity

Coat & Clothing & More Drive ~ 2nd Saturday in October
Keep saving all your clothing and outerwear items for our fall giveaway. Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers that we will accept donations all year! Clothes for all ages and sizes needed, along with coats, bags, purses, shoes, housewares, books, toys...whatever you think might help someone in need. Bags and boxes for people to carry their "new" items home with them are also needed! Drop items off in the collection barrel or take them up to the Green Room.


For I was hungry and you gave me food;
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink;
I was a stranger and you took me in;
I was naked and you clothed me;
I was sick and you visited me.
I was in prison and you came to me.

.....When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me.

Matthew 25: 35-36, 40


What can YOU do?



If you know of any interesting news or events,
please let us know, so that we can pass it on to others!

Winter at Mill Creek

Nature Photography Exhibit
February 15, 10am-5pm
The annual Nature Photography Exhibit returns the Weller Gallery. Enjoy the beauty and color of nature – indoors! The skills of amateur photographers are featured in this popular exhibit. View landscapes, wild animals, Mill Creek MetroParks scenes and more through the lens of talented photographers. Now through April 12. Meet the Photographers: 2/23 | 1-3 pm

MetroMutts: I Chews You
February 15, 11:30am-1pm
Bring your favorite Valentine, your MetroMutt, for a beautiful winter stroll. Warm up by the fireplace at the Old Log Cabin afterwards for hot drinks, cookies, and treats. Member dogs will receive a special Valentine. Hike is free for all. Refreshments: MetroMutts members free; not-yet-members $1. Call Wick Recreation Area, 330.740.7114 x282 to register by 2/14.

Knock, Knock! Who’s There?
February 16, 2-4pm
Knock, Knock! Who’s there? Woodpeckers, of course! Join Naturalist Marilyn Williams to look for and learn about Ohio’s seven species of woodpeckers. Call Fellows Riverside Gardens for details, 330.740.7116. Moderate, 2 mi.

Learning at the Library

Ukulele Workshop
Austintown Library, 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 15
Learn to play the ukulele! Join the fun as Richard Wyant of the Steel Valley Ukers leads us in a program of ukulele instruction. The first hour will be for beginners, while the second hour will include more advanced lessons and play-along songs. Bring your own ukulele or check one out from the library. Players of all skill levels are welcome. For adults.

Canada’s Maple Flag Day
Canfield Library, 2:30-4pm on Saturday, February 15
Come learn about everything Canada! View pictures and learn details about famous places including the Bay of Fundy, the Canadian Train, and Niagara Falls. Understand how Canada’s Healthcare system is set up, and how it compares to the United States. Investigate Canada’s government structure to determine your opinion of how their society operates. For Adults, Senior Adults, and Teens.

Salem Area Visiting Nurse Association Free Blood Pressure Check
Canfield Library, 1-2pm on Wednesday, February 19
Free blood pressure screening from 1:00-2:00pm. For Adults and Senior Adults.



February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 14 - National Donor Day
February 17 - Presidents Day
February 17 - Random Act of Kindness Day

If we don't have your special days, please let us know!


February 13-19, 2020 . . .
Sunday, 9:30am - Bible Study
Sunday, 11am - Worship
Sunday, 12pm - Feedback Meeting
Sunday, 6-7:30pm - Youth Group
Monday - Office & GG Closed
Wednesday, 9:30am - Ladies Bible Study

CG Logo w GreenBackground

Seeking to reflect the unconditional love of God,
our mission is to help people connect -
to God, to one another,
and to God's purpose for the world.


Come grow with us!

Service Time: Sunday @ 11:00am
Common Ground Church Community
2310 West South Range Road
North Lima, Ohio 44452


For more information, call 330-549-9408 or contact us by email at

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