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February 2024

Welcome Back!

Happy February! At the beginning of each new year, we wait for February 2nd to arrive so that we can find out if the famed groundhog has seen his shadow or not (this year he did not, meaning an early Spring is on the horizon). We get a bit impatient waiting for the warmer weather. But this waiting period is an important time to go through each opportunity to be in the moment and search for things that we can actually love about this "dormant" time, so that we can leverage it for all that it has to offer. While winter is still holding on despite our wishing it would rush along, what one or two things do you see or hear around you that could possibly bring a glimmer of joy into your life these remaining weeks of winter? One thing we see here in the USA every February are hearts, cupids, and flowers everywhere we go, reminding us of the things in life we love the most, such as treasured friendships, cherished pets, or the job/career in which we find ourselves.

What about you? What are some things about your job and your career that you love? What makes you stay? In this month's newsletter, we are featuring our two newest Transearch Detroit staff members, Jackson Thibodeau and Matty Dimoff. You'll get an opportunity to learn a little about them and what they love about what they do in their work. We are also including information about a new service offering by TRANSEARCH, "Why Do You Stay?©" -- a proprietary assessment tool that uses an innovative process created to enhance attraction and retention. Grab a cup of coffee and check it all out when you have a few minutes. But first, see our Featured Candidate below!


Featured Candidate

Skilled and Experienced In-house General Counsel

This candidate is currently based in Michigan but can relocate anywhere in the USA (currently licensed to practice in 2 states). He has 15 years of experience as an in-house counsel for two large, global manufacturers. For the last 10 years he has worked for a global automotive systems supplier, advising internal senior executives on complex legal issues and managing outside counsel. He has effectively handled commercial contracts across terms and conditions, purchasing, supply agreements, employment law, JV’s, NDAs, real estate, ethics, compliance, litigation, and more. This candidate is committed to making a change and will consider opportunities as a General Counsel for a large global manufacturer.

If you have interest in setting up a confidential conversation with this candidate, call us at 313-887-8300 ex.102 or email us:


Ask About Our New Service Offering!

Why Do You Stay cover pic

We've got something great to help you!

TRANSEARCH International, together with in-house psychologist John Burdett, has developed a proprietary tool "Why Do You Stay?©" -- an innovative assessment created to enhance attraction and retention. "Why Do You Stay?©" uncovers the motivational heart of your organization: the underlying factors that drive employee loyalty.

Here at Transearch Detroit we are well-positioned to help employers build stronger, more devoted teams, at the same time helping candidates find the perfect team where they feel fulfilled and genuinely love their jobs! You see, in knowing what makes your company a great place to work, you will be positioned to develop a comprehensive retention strategy.

Click on the link below to read through our brochure:

Why Do You Stay?©

We'd be delighted to help you learn more about our "Why Do You Stay?©" service offering! Please reach out to to arrange a call with our senior partner.

With 60 Offices in 40 countries around the globe, TRANSEARCH is one of the top 10 global firms in the leadership development and executive search landscape.


Upcoming Conferences We're Attending!

Spring 2024 Pinnacle Society Conference
April 3-5, 2024
Dallas, Texas

Transearch International Annual Global Conference
May 8-12, 2024


Meet Our Newest Transearch Detroit Staff Members....

Jackson Thibodeau, Fulfillment Manager

TSD: Hi Jackson, we are so glad that you joined us! Tell us about yourself - your work life, education, hobbies, what you love to do.

JT: Hi! I'm Jackson, a Fulfillment Manager at Transearch Executive Search Detroit. While I reside in Windsor, Ontario, I'm fortunate to work from our Windsor office. I'm a proud alumnus of the University of Windsor, and it's rewarding to contribute to my community professionally. Outside of work, I'm passionate about various activities such as fishing, golfing, camping, and spending quality time with friends and family. A perfect day for me typically starts with a round of golf in the morning, followed by an afternoon of fishing, probably for bass and musky. The day ends with a cozy bonfire with friends.


TSD: How long have you been with Transearch Detroit and how has your experience thus far matched up with your expectations?

JT: I have been working at Transearch Detroit for about nine months. When I first started I was excited to learn about this industry and how to be successful in it. One thing I did not expect was how fulfilling it feels to truly help people. As a recruiter, there's nothing quite as fulfilling as hearing from someone you've placed in a new role, and learning how happy they are in their new position. It reaffirms the significance of the work we do in matching candidates with opportunities that truly suit them.

TSD: Out of all your skill sets, which do you find that you utilize the most in the day-to-day tasks of a recruiting firm?

JT: In my role at the recruiting firm, I find that my networking and communication skills are paramount in every aspect of my day-to-day tasks. Building and maintaining relationships with industry professionals and candidates alike is crucial for sourcing top talent and understanding the specific needs of our clients. Additionally, I have always been very interested in cars so keeping up to date with the latest developments in the automotive industry is an enjoyable task for me. Effective time management is essential in managing multiple assignments and deadlines simultaneously. Prioritizing tasks, scheduling interviews, and following up with clients and candidates require lots of planning and organization. Time management is critical in ensuring clients and candidates get the attention they deserve.

TSD: What are some of the best ways for a company to make a new employee feel welcome?

JT: In my opinion the best ways for a company to make a new employee feel welcome really depends on the person being hired. Generally speaking I think the most important thing is keeping open communication channels for people by fostering a culture of transparency and approachability. Having clear expectations and a warm welcome is also important when making a new employee feel welcome. Regularly provide constructive feedback and recognition to employees, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. This demonstrates a commitment to their professional growth and helps them feel valued and supported.


Matty Dimoff, Fulfillment Manager

TSD: Hi Matty, so glad you could be with us today! Tell us about yourself....your family, the things you enjoy most, what makes you tick.

MD: Hi! My name is Matty Dimoff. I live in Windsor, Ontario, with my parents and brother. I graduated from the University of Windsor with a degree in Business Administration and am now working full time with Transearch Executive Search. I am an outgoing person which is what I think drew me to recruitment in the first place, as those who know me know that I love to talk. In my spare time I typically hang out with my friends and play copious amounts of golf. And although I am new to this industry, I cannot wait to see what the future holds.

Matty Dimoff bw cropped closeup

TSD: You have been working with Transearch Detroit for a while now. What were your first impressions and how has it gone so far? Is it how you envisioned or are there things you did not expect?

MD: My first impression of working here was overwhelmingly positive. I was quite nervous on my first day but once I got into the office, I was greeted with nothing but support and the resources that would help me succeed. I was not shocked by this as I had met the senior partner (Mark) before, so the positive work environment only made sense moving forward.

TSD: What do you anticipate being the biggest reward working in the executive search industry?

MD: Personally, I think the fact that this industry is so fast-paced and competitive that I am always going to be a continuous learner. We work across such a wide variety of industries, sectors, and organizational structures, that it is almost impossible not to be learning new things daily. Working across these industries also leads to creating very strong connections with high-level individuals. This network is invaluable when it comes to this line of work.

TSD: Which of your skill sets do you find to be the most practical in your day-to-day tasks at Transearch Detroit?

MD: Anyone who knows me knows that I am a talkative person. Being that I am now on the phone for the majority of my job, I would have to say that my interpersonal skills would be at the forefront of my work. I am making connections with people all over the world and creating bonds with them, listening to their stories, and negotiating for them to get the best possible roles for their career advancement. This is very rewarding to me to know that I am helping someone and their family.

TSD: In your opinion, what are some of the best ways for a company to make a new employee feel welcome? How did we do in this category?

MD: As long as a company has an organized onboarding process, I think they will do just fine. I know that when I started here I was greeted with a package to go over that was industry-related as well as many different types of training videos to help me learn more. Not only this, but I also shadowed for the first little while to see what day-to-day operations were like and what a good/bad phone call looked like. I feel like I was given every opportunity to succeed when I first walked through the front doors and cannot wait to see where this job takes me.

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Happy Valentine's Day from Transearch Detroit!


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