CStreet Communique Header

November 15, 2018

Next Commercial Club meeting:

Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Upstairs, 299 East Commercial, at Robberson

Shop Small

Shop Small; Shop C-Street!

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, Small Business Saturday promises to be a great day to invite all our fans to shop Historic C-Street! All you C-Street merchants who want to take advantage of the "Shop Small Toolkit," just click here to browse tips and download templates for all your digital platforms. The rest of you C-Street supporters, call your friends and schedule that lunch and shopping you've been trying to squeeze in! Park in one of our 4 public parking lots if you plan to be Uptown for more than 2 hours...it's a very popular destination!

Christmas Ad 18
Midtown Cleanup

Clear the Clutter!

Midtown Neighborhood Association's Fall Cleanup is this Saturday, the 17th from 8am to noon. Haul off those bulky items you've been meaning to get rid of over to Cox North parking lot where volunteers from the Midtown Neighborhood Association will take them off your hands.

Wreath Hanging

Your CID, Making Holidays Bright!

Deena and her crew from Gardens 2 Envy, took time from working on our beautiful landscaping to brighten the street by hanging our holiday wreaths and wrapping poles with peppermint striping. They've also stocked up on this season's snow melt which they will use in advance of nasty, slippery weather. Lyle Foster, CID Vice President, will have a small stockpile of snow melt at Big Momma's for any of our businesses who would like a small bucketful for their doorways...just bring your own bucket. And, on another great CID note, all 4 of the Cardboard Recycling Dumpsters are now in place, freshly painted and labeled with our logo. They are at the head of Campbell, behind Drury on C-Street at Robberson, at the head of Benton by Eurasia Coffee & Tea and just west of the public parking lot behind Van Gogh's & Sisters in Thyme so feel free to use any or all of them, courtesy of our Community Improvement District. They look like this:

Cardboard Dumpster
CID Logo idea

CID Board Seat Vacancy

The CID tax fund generated by retail sales on Commercial Street is used to fund projects such as landscaping, bike racks, trash cans, banners, district cleanup and supporting C-Street events and additional advertising efforts in social media, print and electronic media and more for our historic district. The CID board of directors meets once a month at a public meeting to discuss how these funds are spend and currently there is a vacant seat on this board.

The eligibility requirement on this seat is that you own a business in the CID district, but not also own property in the district.

For more information, join us at the next CID meeting. The CID meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10 am at Drury on C-Street. If you are interested in the seat, you can also download the application/nomination form here and bring it with you to the meeting.


C-Street City Market

April through October
Saturdays: 9am-2pm
Thursdays: 4-8pm

321 E. Commercial Street, in the shadow of the Jefferson Avenue Footbridge. It's the "Sweetest Little Market in Town!"

Even though it's off season for our market, it's the perfect time to plan for your space this spring by contacting Amy Truitt, our Market Manager, if you're interested in being a day vendor or a seasonal vender by going to C-Street City Market on Facebook or by clicking HERE.


Check out our Weekly, Monthly & Annual Events



C-Street Organizations & Meetings Times

Commercial Club meeting (open to public):

Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 6:00 pm
Commercial Club Building | 299 E. Commercial Street (upstairs)
Open to Public

Meet your neighbors, see what's new, and help shape the future of our great district!

Commercial Club Board Meeting (members only)

Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 5:30 pm
Commercial Club Building | 299 E. Commercial Street (upstairs)
Current Commercial Club Members and Board Members Only

Commercial Street Community Improvement District Board Meeting (open to public):

Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 10:00 am
Drury on C-Street | 233 E. Commercial Street
Open to Public

Merchant Meetings (open to public)

Wednesdays - weekly at 9 am
Big Mommas Coffee & Espresso Bar | 217 E. Commercial Street
Open to public.

Open to Merchants, Residents, friends of C-Street


Join Commercial Club Online; It's Easy to Support All the Fun that is C-Street!

Commercial Club has been representing the Commercial Street community and supporting community efforts for over a century and continues to be the heart and driving force of our sweet street!

While many of our accomplishments come from volunteer efforts and resources, many community projects require funding. The annual budget of the Commercial Club is generated by a combination of membership dues and donations and is used to fund our C-Street City Market, district advertising, assisting with community projects and supporting special events. Come to the monthly meetings to hear about news and happenings in the community and to voice your opinion and share your thoughts on current and future projects for the betterment of the district. And it's just fun to meet your neighbors too!

Help support the continued growth and bright future of C-Street! To join, go to www.historiccstreet.com.

Sidewalk Map v9 RW

Join Online Today to Get a Laminated C-Street Map

Commercial Club is offering a laminated copy of this great C-Street map at its full size, 12" x 24" to merchants, friends and residents who pay their 2019 dues online by the end of January. Dues are not prorated; any dues we receive in the last quarter of 2018 will be considered to be for 2019 memberships.

Commercial Club Board Members

Mary Collette, President
Property and Business Owner
Andy Walls, Vice President
Resident, Property and Business Owner
Anne Walls, Treasurer
Resident, Property and Business Owner
John Dilliard
Teresa Emerson
Property Owner
Joe Gidman
Property and Business Owner
Christine Schilling
Resident, Property and Business Owner

If you have any newsworthy items that you would like add to this
newsletter, please reply to this email. We'd love to include you!

Newsletter is published on the 1st and the 15th of the each month. Please submit items by replying to this email at least two days before publishing date.

Commercial Club of Springfield, Missouri

299 E. Commercial | Springfield, MO 65803 | www.historicCstreet.com


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“The future is not in the hands of fate, but in ours.” ~Jules Jusserand

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