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Do Less, Observe More, Enjoy Most

-Magda Gerber

Something to Think About...


Home Bound

Whether you've always been home with your little ones, just started working/caring from home, or have become an essential worker... THINGS ARE DIFFERENT!
Food may be different, routine is different, going out is different, connecting and caring are different.
What's not different are some of the our needs.
Listen to your bodies. If you or your child needs a break, take it. Children are missing their friends, family, and connections. This is real and important!!
When my child says NO, I'M NOT GOING TO!! It's not about the task at hand, it's about him finding control in a world that feels out of control right now. Where can I give him control in his day? This is the same for us too!! LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!! Slow down when you can, take in the opportunities this virus has provided us, and do what you can to support YOU. We have to put "our on mask first" in order to take care of others. Now is the time.
Need help!! Reach out at risechild.com.



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RISE NapChats™

Every Monday/Thursday at 1 p.m. CST

Connect with us through Zoom on any device to ask questions, connect with other parents/providers, and learn how others are connecting and parenting during this time.

You can participate from the comfort of your home from any device. All are welcome!! There is NO COST to attend.

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Coming Soon!!! RIE® Foundations Course

The RIE® Foundations - Theory and Observations Course is an incredible way to dive deep into understanding Magda Gerber's work. Parents and Early Childhood Professionals come away with an incredible amount of tools and insight to care for their children and themselves.

Learn More Here
Instructors: Gail Nadal, President of RIE® and Interns Shannon Carr and Beth Middleton.

Not sure it's for you?? Reach out Here or call/text Shannon Carr at 314-348-1442.


Friends of RIE® - Missouri Community Group

Our Face to Face group has moved online and at a later time to support more families/providers! Join us April 27th at 8 p.m. CST.

Join us for a discussion about RIE® This is a group for parents and professionals of young children and/or anyone that is interested in caring for children in a respectful and meaningful way. Click here to learn more.. To join, email shannoncarr@risechild.com for the link and password for this online meeting.


In the Community

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Seeing Children: Caring with the Child in Mind

Join Us July 8th! RISE has been invited to participate in the Leadership and Learning Webinar Series hosted by the CDA: Council for Professional Recognition.
Series starts this month.

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RISE will be presenting “Take it Outside!: Getting Outdoors with Infants and Toddlers” at this years NAEYC Conference in Anaheim, CA — November 4-7, 2020. www.naeyc.org


“Everything is social emotional.”

- Magda Gerber

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