16 Wacky Uses for a Frisbee Did you know you can use a Frisbee to paddle a canoe? You can also use a Frisbee to improvise a pet dish, a cookie tray,

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16 Wacky Uses for a Frisbee

Did you know you can use a Frisbee to paddle a canoe?

You can also use a Frisbee to improvise a pet dish, a cookie tray, a cutting board, and . . .

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Last-Minute Cover

“What a fantastic little book!”—Library Journal

Read the review of my latest book, Last-Minute Survival Secrets, in Library Journal's “Book for Dudes.”

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Weird Facts about Crisco All-Vegetable Shortening

Did you know that although Crisco appears solid, it actually contains more than 80 percent liquid oil?

Did you know that Procter & Gamble first started marketing Crisco in 1911?

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VIdeo Still

Your November 2015 Wacky Uses

“Bake moist brownies by substituting Coca-Cola for water in your brownie recipe. The brownies come out yummy . . .

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