www.creativecockades.com The Cockade Column ~ Lafayette: The Hero of the Two Worlds Considering the politics involved in the early 1800s, it was a p

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425px-Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette

The Cockade Column ~ Lafayette: The Hero of the Two Worlds

Considering the politics involved in the early 1800s, it was a pretty remarkable achievement to be called the hero of both the Old World and the New World simultaneously.

But Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette - more popularly known as the Marquis de La Fayette - achieved this honor. This is his portrait, and please note the lovely tri-color cockade in his hat!

washington and lafayette

Lafayette played pivotal roles in both the the American War for Independence and the French Revolution, not to mention the later July Revolution of 1830. (That's him with George Washington and please note their American black cockades!)

One of the main authors of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, he was also a proponent of religious toleration, freedom of the press, suffrage for all taxpayers, and the worldwide abolition of slavery.

He wasn't just "all talk" either. Lafayette had many chances to take prestigious and influential positions of dictatorial power. But he refused to compromise his principles of limited, constitutional government. He even spent several years in prison because he refused to recant his liberty-loving beliefs.


Both France and America honored his memory during his life and after his death. His picture has been placed on medals, jewelry, dishes, snuff boxes, and of course - ribbons and cockades!

And that's how I came to research his life - I was inspired by some lovely shoe cockades worn in his honor!

lafayette rosettes - phil museum

Here's the story of them. In 1824, Lafayette accepted the invitation of American President James Monroe to tour the United States. The nation was preparing to celebrate its 50th anniversary and people were excited to honor one of the most famous heroes of the American Revolution.

All sorts of parties, meetings, dinners and presentations were organized in his honor as he toured every state in the Union (there were 24 at the time). And of course, ladies and gentlemen both wore his image or his national colors to honor him. These shoe rosettes, made from lovely silk ribbon, were fashionable symbols of respect for this Hero of the Two Worlds.

448px-Marquis de La Fayette Fountain  LaGrange  GA

When Lafayette died in 1834, both nations mourned. He was buried in France, but his son George Washington de Lafayette covered his coffin with dirt from Bunker Hill - the site of a famous battle in the American Revolution.

Lafayette was described by his contemporary, the French historian Chateaubriand, as "affable, obliging and generous." Few men have had such full, respected and honored careers. He is a inspiration for principled achievement and unswerving courage.

ribbon 3

I found Lafayette so fascinating that I wrote a more detailed post about him in my latest blog entry here. And naturally, I had to re-create those lovely shoe rosettes too! This is the listing for them in my shop.

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~Heather Sheen
Owner, Creative Cockades

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