

USFWS lone star tick

Lone star tick (US Fish & Wildlife Service)

We mentioned the tick situation last month, but it's even worse than we could have imagined, as you may have noticed if you've spent much time outdoors this month. A flurry of tick stories have hit the news in the past two weeks, quoting a number of Florida sources, most notably the research labs at UF and FSU. Here's a few:

▪ Tick-borne illnesses on the rise (Action News Jax)
▪ Experts predict uptick in Lyme disease cases (NBC2 News)
▪ A bite from this tick could make you allergic to red meat (Miami Herald)
Tick-borne illnesses on the rise (Action News Jax)
Experts predict uptick in Lyme disease cases (NBC2 News)
A bite from this tick could make you allergic to red meat (Miami Herald)

We didn't have any freezes severe enough to kill off the insect population this winter. Farther north - even as far as the Great Lakes - temperatures were unseasonably warm all winter, so the usual winter die-off of rodents and small mammals didn't happen. Since these animals carry ticks, that means more tick hosts in the Appalachians and points north. And many more here.

According to Anne Schuchat, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The reported cases of tick borne diseases are increasing. The range of ticks that can carry diseases is expanding. The number of tick borne diseases that we're aware of is increasing."

Some of these tick borne diseases are downright nasty, as we've shared in a recent article about how to avoid tick bites and what to do if you've been bit. Do read through this one!

If you plan to play outdoors this summer - no matter where you're headed - play it safe out there.

Cheers, Sandra & John

PS. We've sold out of the second edition of The Florida Trail Guide! Thank you for your support. If you'd like to know when the third edition is ready this fall, sign up here.


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US Fish & Wildlife Service

The trouble with ticks
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Trail News

Kissimmee River breach

Breach in the levee

Kissimmee River breaks the FT in two
An epic fail in a levee just south of the S-65A lock in the Kissimmee section means the Florida Trail is now in two pieces. Floodwaters from the Kissimmee River rising during heavy rains in June breached the dike which the trail uses to get from the north boundary of Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park to the S-65A lock. South Florida Water Management District is looking into alternatives. Photo courtesy SFWMD.

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Old gas station at Flamingo

Flamingo Rising
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Orchid habitat in South Florida

Why orchids vanished from South Florida
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Rooster's is now closed at this location

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The last book!

Sold Out
We are sold out of the second edition of The Florida Trail Guide, as are most of our retail partners. Meanwhile, the Florida Trail Guide App is up-to-date through June with all relocations and closures that we are aware of. We start putting together the third edition of the guide next month. Want to know when it's available? Join this mailing list. We are planning on an October release.


Newest Hikes

Florida Trail, Fort Pickens
At the westernmost tip of Santa Rosa Island, after a beach walk along the Gulf of Mexico, the Florida Trail reaches its Northern Terminus at historic Fort Pickens.

Florida Trail, UWF/SRIA Dunes
It's a rare opportunity to scramble over dunes as the Florida Trail winds its way along the bay side of Santa Rosa Island through the UWF Dunes Preserve, offering scenic views.

Florida Trail, Yellow River
For an acrobatic adventure on the Florida Trail, the 7.9-mile Yellow River section near Holt tosses both tricky swamp traverses and creative creek crossings your way.


Step inside the Florida Trail

An all-encompassing history and visual walk through of the Florida Trail, our coffee table book, The Florida Trail: Florida's National Scenic Trail, celebrates 50 years of our favorite trail and the people who made it happen. Learn more about this commemorative book here.


Upcoming Events

Oct 7: Myth-busting the Florida Trail, ALDHA Gathering, Abington VA
Oct 14: Florida Trail, Kissimmee River Section. FTA South Regional Conference, Tequesta
Feb 6: Botanically rich hikes along the Florida Trail. Florida Native Plant Society Tarflower Chapter, Leu Gardens, Orlando

July: Park & Recreation Month, nationwide
Sep 30: National Public Lands Day, with free admission to National Parks, National Forests, and National Wildlife Refuges
Oct 6-9: ALDHA Gathering, Abington VA
Oct 13-15: FTA South Regional Conference, Tequesta
Oct 28-Nov 5: Panhandle Trace Hike
Nov 10-12: FTA Northeast Regional Conference, Niceville
Feb 24: IDidAHike 2018, Keystone Heights

Know of other major events? Let us know and we'll add them!

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