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Ben Swann

The Price Tag on Life: Canada's Expansion of Euthanasia

Canada legalized euthanasia in 2016 through the innocuously titled Medical Aid in Dying act (MAID). While the U.S. first legalized the practice in Oregon in 1997 and currently has a total of 8 states as well as the district of Colombia where euthanasia has been legalized, Canada’s euthanasia laws are arguably the most permissive in the world.

Over 10,000 lives were legally taken last year by the hands of medical professionals in Canada. This is an increase of a third from the previous year. While the numbers of deaths are tracked, there is no commission that reviews possible mishandling or abuse of cases. There are no requirements as to what options of care, if any, should be presented to the patient before prescribing death.

Beginning in 2023, legal suicide will now be extended to those suffering from mental health disorders including PTSD. Along with those suffering from mental illness, a special joint parliamentary committee is now tasked with deciding whether to expand this practice to “mature minors” to treat their mental anguish.

There have been growing concerns about whether choices made in this practice, said to enable individuals to freely choose life or death, are greatly impacted by financial concerns. Individuals who suffer from chronic illness often carry great medical and financial burdens as a result. If one feels they cannot comfortably and reasonably carry out a dignified life because they cannot afford the needs their illness requires them to, they may opt for assisted suicide, which oftentimes will be paid for by the government. On average, assisted suicide only costs the taxpayer $2,327.

What should the price tag be on life?


Sasquatch Encounter Brigade

We would like to Thank the Team at Sovren for allowing us, the Sasquatch Encounter Brigade to join this platform. We are dedicated field researchers that search for the truths of the existence of sasquatch/Bigfoot. We look forward to sharing our adventures and findings to this platform. This photo is one taken with a thermal camera at night as a creature approached and stood at a distance from one of our team members homes in Georgia, where his family has had repeated visits from these creatures around his property.

Click Here To Follow the Sasquatch Encounter Brigade!


Children's Health Defense

‘P’ for Public or Propaganda? How NPR Morphed Into a Voice for the ‘Elite Establishment’

National Public Radio originated as a publicly funded voice for all Americans, but media critics allege the shift to more private, corporate funding has led the station to become a voice exclusively for elite leftists.

Click Here To Read Now!


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Jason Bassler

I know it sounds like a snoozefest but its a real page-turner...


Alex Jones

VIDEO: Eisenhower's Forgotten Warning with Author Kent Heckenlively

Click Here To Watch Now!


Tenth Amendment Center

"Void and of no force" covers most federal acts, laws, rules, regulations and orders on the books today. As Thomas Jefferson wrote - and the Kentucky House passed on Nov 10, 1798 - it's up to the people of the states to treat them that way too.

"whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force"

Click Here To Follow the Tenth Amendment Center!


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