newsletter 2

"Aries" by Teo Olivieri (linked)

New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse, Monday, April 8th, 2024

Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

This New Moon Eclipse ramps us up into a higher level of healing, awakening and ascension. (See my Message Of The Stars posted below) The deep inner cleansing, clearing and healing is happening for everyone but there are still many who have little or no understanding of what's really going on and their role in it. They are the ones who suffer the most because they don't know how to take good care of themselves and they get caught up in bad habits, negative beliefs and toxic agendas.

We may be tempted to judge those who are not as well informed as we are, but we're all in this together - we ascend as one or not at all. It's as if we were climbing a mountain together and can only go as fast as the slowest person, so let's all be patient, kind and gentle with each other while setting healthy boundaries and not accepting abuse, ok? *And PLEASE join the 2:18pm EDT USA Total Eclipse Meditation (2:18pm EDT) and / or our Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Eclipse session Monday night 7:30pm EDT conference call, 8 - 9pm EDT healing!*

THE MON. 4/8 FREE CONFERENCE CALL REIKI CIRCLE HAS BEEN CANCELLED because we are doing the Aries New Moon Eclipse Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® session that night.

Please let me know if you'd like to join any of these upcoming events -

The Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse Freedom Session on Monday, April 8th. (more details below on Bulletin Board)
The Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 Class on Saturday 4/20 & Sun. 4/21 (see my Angelic Liquid Light Healing® page for details)
Deer Spirit Reiki Circle at Moxi Wellness on Sat. 5/4 (more details below on Bulletin Board)
Reiki Level 1 & 2 Classes on Sat. 5/18 & Sun. 5/19 (see my classes page for details)


I've been seeing 22 and 222 several times a day for the last couple weeks. The last time this happened was about 5 or 6 years ago during some major positive changes in my life, so I know that it's a good sign.

Most recently, the numbers came up when I reached out to Didi Witchard last Thursday. Didi is a gifted professional healer who took Level 3 and Master Teacher Reiki training with me many years ago.

I knew that she had gotten sick in Vietnam while touring Asia with her husband and had to come home to NYC. She was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery in a Vietnamese hospital. When I heard that she had come home, I felt strongly guided to contact her and offer her a free distant healing session. While I was reaching out to pick up my phone to call her, she texted me! We were psychically synchronized!

She accepted my offer, and while I was channeling to her I saw a black object that looked sort of like a big mosquito in between her spleen and stomach. I pulled it out (shamanic extraction technique - shamans call these things "darts"). Later in the session I saw the Deer and Hummingbird totems come in for her. When Hummingbird came, the energy became much lighter and happier. After the session, I texted her, sharing some of what I had sensed experienced while channeling. She texted me this feedback -

"I felt very overwhelmed with emotions when we started and I cried when we hung up the phone. Then I chanted Reiki symbols and stopped crying, I felt calm. Then there was a release from where the incision was (that was when I pulled the negative energy dart out) The surgery was a traumatic experience so I avoid looking or touching where the incision is/was. Last night I saw beautiful flowers gently growing on my belly where the stitches are. Then the feeling of love came, pure love. I was slowly drifting away to nothingness. A voice said, cultivate more medicine that is love and light, as love & light is pure medicine. In my mind’s eye I saw my whole body lighting up. My physical body disappeared and the only thing I saw was light. I didn’t see my ancestors last night but I know they are present in my healing journey. You introduced Deer to me and it is Reiki. I love humming birds, they show up in times I need healing, they represent healing for me. Thank you so much Geordie!"

Later that evening she sent me a $22 donation via Venmo.. She had no way of knowing that I had been seeing the 22's.......I texted her and told her that I'd been seeing 22's and 222's for weeks. She replied -"Oh you texted me last night and I saw 2:22 on my timer!"

Shaking Medicine

This article - Exhaustive Chronic Conditions May Result From Stored Trauma, Here’s How to Release It by Zena le Roux piqued my interest when it came into my inbox. She mentions that certain types of body movements help heal trauma. Here are some excepts from the article -

"One approach gaining traction in both clinical and holistic settings is somatic experiencing."

"This body-oriented therapy, developed by Mr. Levine, aims to restore a sense of regulation and safety by releasing trauma from the body."

"Trapped energy can be released and discharged through gentle movements such as vibrating, twitching, and slightly trembling muscular tissue, Mr. Levine says."

"These methods can help to re-pattern the body, he says, and support healing."

"In “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma,” Mr. Levine explains how wild animals rarely experience trauma. After a life-threatening event, they shake to release adrenaline and cortisol. This process helps their nervous system return to a normal, balanced state. Mr. Levine said he uses this phenomenon to treat human trauma more effectively."

"A practical way of “shaking out trauma” is through Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE), developed by David Berceli, a renowned expert in trauma intervention and conflict resolution. This technique helps release lingering trauma in the body by using gentle vibrating and shaking that calms the nervous system and promotes healing."

"Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a pioneering psychiatrist and the author of “The Body Keeps the Score” highlights the effectiveness of “age-old, nonpharmacological approaches” such as deep breathing, martial arts, drumming, and chanting in helping people shift out of fight-or-flight responses. These practices can be done at home and are easily accessible to most people."

"Dr. Van der Kolk also stresses the importance of a good support network, which can be an antidote to trauma and a powerful protection mechanism."

"Patients tend to recover best in the presence of others, such as therapists, religious communities, loved ones, families, and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, as these provide emotional and physical safety, free from judgment or shame."

BTW, I downloaded a free sample of "The Body Keeps the Score" a couple years ago. It's excellent. I will eventually read the whole book.

The reason this article interested me is that I had read about "shaking medicine" many years ago in books by Bradford Keeney, who is well known internationally. His books "Shaking Medicine", "Shaking Out The Spirits" and "Bushman Shaman" are classics in the field of natural healing and indigenous shamanic medicine. His website is

He spent a lot of time with a tribe know as the Bushmen or San tribe in southern Africa and became good friends with them. They are hunter-gatherers. Their territory spans several nations and they have called the region home for tens of thousands of years.

Bradford Keeney learned about shaking medicine from them. At night they dance around the camp fire and enter an ecstatic state in which their hands heat up with Reiki. Then the shaman holds a person with his Reiki hands and that person involuntarily begins to tremble and twitch, releasing toxins, blockages and trauma.

Bradford Keeney found that there was a religious group in early America called The Shakers that practiced this medicine. They called themselves the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, but because of their ecstatic dancing the world called them the Shakers.

As a professional Reiki practitioner I began to notice that people's bodies would twitch and jerk when they were receiving Reiki. It would happen to me too, and my body would also twitch when I was giving Reiki. I understood that these involuntary movements were how the body released tension and reset itself. In the Indian yoga tradition these movements are called kriyas.

The most dramatic experience I've had with this happened in a yoga class in a "salt cave". TJ and I were taking the class in a room with walls and floor made of Himalayan pink salt bricks. These salt caves are very therapeutic, especially for the respiratory system. As the class was ending we stood up after finishing a yoga pose and my legs felt like jello. They were wobbling all by themselves. I felt fear and thought oh my god, this is trauma release! After this, there was a big change that gradually became apparent. Many of the old reactionary patterns in my life were fading away. Things that "pushed my buttons" in the past didn't bother me anymore. I had taken the shaking medicine!

It's good to know that this powerful ancient natural medicine is finding it's way into modern mainstream psycho therapeutic practice!

Zodiac Vortex

Message Of The Stars

Total Solar eclipses are not rare. They happen in regular cycles of 18 months. They always create a timeline shift in which unsustainable aspects of the old timeline are eclipsed and replaced by new evolutionary initiatives. They are synched with lunar cycles and the transiting Lunar Nodes.

Those of you who are studying astrology need to know that the Lunar Nodes are an evolutionary microcosm of the astrological ages. They both go backwards through the zodiac!

The Lunar Nodes are now in 15 degrees Aries - Libra. This is a powerful degree because it's the midpoint or essence of both signs ( (Aries - Sacred Warrior / Self Realization, Libra - Peace, Harmony / Diplomacy / Justice). But this is just one of the factors that makes this eclipse so exceptional, the main one being that it's happening over the USA in a crucially pivotal time - an election year (also a leap year which I'm calling a Quantum Leap year of massive transformation) in which the clash between old paradigm / new paradigm, good / evil factions is coming to a climax.

The whole world is watching as we battle it out here in the USA, and this eclipse will initiate a process in which the most rotten aspects of our country will be exposed for all to see and swept away.

The last Total Eclipse over the USA happened in August 2017. Its path went diagonally west to east from the Northwest to the Southeast. It went over 7 towns named Salem. This eclipse travels through Texas on a Northeasterly path through upstate New York along the Canada USA border through Maine and up into Nova Scotia. It goes over 6 towns named Nineveh.

Nineveh was a large ancient city in the Middle East that is mentioned in the Bible, primarily in the Book of Jonah. Jonah was the guy who got swallowed by a whale, and he is also known as a prophet who warned the powers that be in Nineveh that they had become too corrupt. And of course Salem is the one town in the USA that is most associated with witches.

There are conflicting narratives regarding both towns. Nineveh is also regarded favorably. According to the World History Encyclopedia -

"Nineveh is mentioned in the Bible, most notably in the Book of Jonah, where it is associated with sin and vice. Prior to its fall, however, Nineveh was the largest urban center in the world, ornamented by gardens, statuary, parks, and a zoo and was regarded as a great cultural center. The city was destroyed in 612 BCE by a coalition led by Babylonians and Medes which toppled the Assyrian Empire".

Nineveh was also a center for worship of the Goddess Ishtar. The city was built over a fault line and suffered many earthquakes. It is also known as a city that was constantly being fought over and invaded because of its vast wealth, beauty and culture.

Was Salem, Massachusetts the center of a black magic witches coven, or was it the home of good witches who were burned at the stake by fire and brimstone misogynist Christian patriarchs?

The answer of course is that it's not "either or", it's "both and".

And then there's this, which I was not aware of until yesterday when the latest dispatch from Glorian hit my inbox -

"You may have heard that Mexico, the United States, and Canada will experience a total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. What you may not know is that there will also be a conjunction of planets."

"When the Moon eclipses the Sun and the sky becomes dark, those who are observing will see:"

"Jupiter and Venus on opposite sides of the Sun and Moon. Uranus will be hidden behind Jupiter."

"Neptune will be hidden behind Venus. Mars and Saturn will be next to one another to the lower right of the eclipsed Sun."

"Mercury and Comet 12P / Pons-Brooks will also be in the sky to the upper left of the eclipsed Sun, but they will likely be too faint to see without binoculars or a telescope."

"All of the major planets of our solar system will be gathered above us and visible during the middle of the day."

"You may recall that something similar happened when the Aquarian Era began. This is a remarkable event, and undoubtedly portends something significant for Mexico, the United States, and Canada."

UPDATE - I had my Reiki circle at Moxi Wellness yesterday (Sat. 4/6). 10 people had rsvp'd, which would've been a decent turnout, but as the day went on, 7 people canceled! Most of them were not feeling well and I know that this is because of the powerful divine light downloads that are coming in through the eclipse portal. We're all feeling a bit fried, some more than others. But don't worry, this too shall pass and the upside is huge. Tons of old crap is being kicked up and kicked out!

The United States (of Consciousness) Of America.

I began writing about the dark side of the USA many years ago. It was a time when massive whistleblowing was flooding the internet. We all know about the dark side of the Washington D.C. elitists who are little more than bribed and blackmailed puppets whose strings are pulled by the blood thirsty power addicts in the military industrial complex, the banking industry and the corporate overlords in big pharma, big tech and the media.

Yes, much of American life has been overshadowed by dark agendas but the true purpose of America has always been one of unity in diversity, equality, freedom from authoritarianism and tyranny and freedom of speech and religion.
America is about government by, for and of "we the people", not elitist blood thirsty control freak fear mongers!!

Oh, and have we forgotten that America's purpose is also to restore the Divine Femi-nine? My etymological interpretation of the word America is "Great Sea / Mother of Souls".

America was born in 1776 on the 4th of July in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 5:10pm with Sun, Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Cancer. Cancer is the sign of the Mother / Sanctuary / Home / Nurturing / Feelings (and Apple Pie!) And Venus is the Femi-nine / Appreciation and Creation of Beauty.

And boy of boy, do I love that Statue of Liberty (which some say is a man in drag LOL!)!!. Check out this excerpt from the recent interview of Cobra by the Sisterhood of the Rose -

"Debra - Okay. And we discussed earlier the importance that Saint Germain has put on the United States, but can you explain any further what is the intended role of the USA leading up to and during the Event, the following Golden Age, and in overall Planetary Ascension? It seems like the importance of the United States is a big reason why there's such a focus on destroying the Republic right now. Is this true?"

"Cobra - Actually, the great potential of the United States was fully blossoming in the 1980s and to a degree 1990s, when there was a big spiritual awakening in the United States. And then this awakening was heavily suppressed by the dark forces. And I would say the potential is still there, but it has not been fully utilized."

"Debra - Okay, thank you. And as we near the end of this interview, I'd like to talk about Goddess energy, especially as it relates to the United States. So first, let's discuss the Statue of Liberty. The statue is a figure of Libertas, the Goddess of Liberty and Freedom. In her right hand, she holds a torch. And in her left, a tablet inscribed “July 4th, 1776”, the date of the US Declaration of Independence. And the statue was given to the US as a gift from France. Can you speak about the connection to France? You've talked a little bit earlier about that. And the true significance of this iconic statue that sits in the New York Harbor?"

"Cobra - Okay. This statue was a gift of French masonic lodges to the United States. But I would say here, I would stress the positive masonic lodges. This statue is a very powerful anchor of the Goddess Libertas. Libertas was a Roman Goddess of Liberty and Freedom, and that energy is being anchored in the New York Harbor, and this is, I would say the entry point for that energy. And it is a very important positive anchor, which the dark forces tried to misuse, but they were not successful. So as long as that statue stands there, it'll keep anchoring the energy of liberty and freedom there."

"Debra - Okay, good, thank you. That was my next question…has the statue ever anchored Goddess energy in the US, and what the current status is of that?"

"Cobra - Yes, yes, it has been anchoring that energy for over 100 years, and it will keep doing that."

"Debra - Wonderful, thank you. And just to explain, Goddess energy is the Divine Feminine representing qualities of love, compassion, peace, and more. But we do know that this feminine energy has been suppressed for so long in our country, as well as all over the world. And we're at a point where that healing energy of the Divine Feminine is very, very much needed. So, what is the role and importance of anchoring Goddess energy in the United States at this time?"

"Cobra - Okay, this is part of a global process because much, much more of that energy is needed worldwide. And since the focus of the Planetary Liberation processes is in the United States for this year, this is the focal point for that energy to be reactivated, especially during this time."

OMG I'm getting very emotional writing this! I've had to stop several times to pray and cry....... I grew up in Madison NJ, about 2 miles away from General Washington's Headquarters in Morristown NJ, Jockey Hollow State Park, The Betsy Ross House area deeply steeped in early American history. The Revolutionary Army spent a horrible winter in what is now Jockey Hollow State park. My Mother saw 3 ghosts of soldiers walking through the woods in Jockey Hollow on a cold Autumn night in the late 60's. They had rags wrapped around their feet and muskets on their shoulders!

The United States of America was born with Moon in 27 Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius began here in the USA in the 60's! The USA will recover from it's addictions, be restored to spiritual sanity and be the great meting pot / beacon of World Peace that it was always meant to be!

My prayer today -

I am asking that all the most benevolent, loving and healing energies that are available for the United States of America be all around us, arise within us and flow freely through us so we can share our gift of freedom, peace, justice and unity with the whole world.

Solar Eclipse Meditation April 2024
Saint Germain

Saint Germain

This is a 20-minute meditation. Below are the steps for the meditation, which you can print out and follow.

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.
3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.
4. Visualize a pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to the Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our galaxy, then going through Pluto in Aquarius; now visualize this light going through the solar eclipse, then through all beings on the surface and below the surface and also, through your body to the center of the Earth.
5. Repeat the following declaration out loud three times to ask Saint Germain to assist in this transformation:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.
3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.
4. Visualize a pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to the Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our galaxy, then going through Pluto in Aquarius; now visualize this light going through the solar eclipse, then through all beings on the surface and below the surface and also, through your body to the center of the Earth.
5. Repeat the following declaration out loud three times to ask Saint Germain to assist in this transformation:

In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

1. Now visualize the Violet Flame transmuting all darkness in America until only Light remains. Visualize the Violet Flame passing onward and blanketing the entire planet transmuting all darkness on earth.
2. Visualize full disclosure of the global cabal and extraterrestrial life in the mass media.
3. Visualize the Constitution of the United States of America fully implemented.
4. Now visualize a new, grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.
1. Now visualize the Violet Flame transmuting all darkness in America until only Light remains. Visualize the Violet Flame passing onward and blanketing the entire planet transmuting all darkness on earth.
2. Visualize full disclosure of the global cabal and extraterrestrial life in the mass media.
3. Visualize the Constitution of the United States of America fully implemented.
4. Now visualize a new, grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.
Hand of light - Paula Orozco

Paula Orozco's First Reiki Treatment

Paula was one of my first Reiki students back in 2006. She suffered from sever depression, and had a failed suicide attempt in college. She tried medication and talk therapy was still depressed. Then she found Reiki. Reiki healed her depression. She took Level 3 and Reiki Master Teacher with me. She began teaching soon after getting teacher certification is still practicing today.

"I ran across this image on Pinterest by artist Daniele Buetti and it immediately caught my eye. About 13 years ago when I received my first Reiki treatment I had no idea what to expect, or what Reiki really was. I just decided to try it because a couple of people recommended it."

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 16-06-13 strictly the baddest Instagram photos and videos

Paula with hubbie and son. Hey, those PJ's have Deer all over them!

"My experience blew me away, not only could I feel emotions of sadness and fear leaving my body but I also had a magical experience. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but then I realized my eyes were actually closed! Yet, what I saw looked very much like this image. As the practitioners hands worked near my neck I could 'see' light from her hand, white shimmering light. I opened my eyes and closed them several times, just to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Each time I saw the same lasted for about 15 minutes or so and it was the catalyst for my curiosity about energy and Reiki. It was also the beginning of a journey to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher. Within one month I was training with that same practitioner, my first teacher, Kathie Lipinski. I was then lucky enough to also study with Geordie Numata as I became a Master Teacher."

"It has been a beautiful healing journey. I'm grateful to have found an image that captures my first experience." -
Paula Orozco

Safety Be the self sovereign soular star that you are. Do not mute dilute or mask your divine light Fear not BE FREE 2

New Moon Intentions & Quantum Manifestation

The New Moon is the most potent time of the month to set intentions because the subconscious mind is more receptive and your intentions (software) are more easily downloaded into the subconscious mind (hard drive). Here's how you do the New Moon Intentions 5 Elements Ritual™ -
- Write intentions list in the form of affirmations - I am always safe wherever I am and whatever I do, I am very successful in my work. My finances are always improving, etc. .....
- Ether Element - place list on altar (gesture of turning it over to the divine to be blessed, supported and made manifest)
- Fire Element - on the day of New Moon burn list and save the ashes in an envelope.
- Air Element - smoke of burning list sends intentions up into the air / heaven
- Earth Element - take ashes, bury them outside in the earth with a seed (flower seed, acorn, any kind of seed)
- Water Element - water the ashes / seed. (You can make "holy water" by saying prayer over it, charging it with Reiki)

Whether you do the 5 elements ritual or not, what's most important is that you practice the techniques of -

Conscious Intentional Creation of Reality™ -

▪ Set intentions (mental setting, like setting alarm clock, or setting rudder and sails on a sailboat)
▪ Action - Do what needs to done, show up on time. Practice rigorous self care every day.
▪ Don't worry about results. Let Go, Let God!
▪ Imagination - imagine and feel that your intentions have manifested. Imagination is creative, feelings are magnetic and they attract your dreams into reality.
▪ Be The Receptive Magnetic Empty Vessel - All fears, doubts, negative beliefs and conditioning, bad habits must be dumped out of the vessel so that it's empty, clean and clear, ready to be filled with fulfillment. Do not identify with your issues and karma - they are not who you are. Affirmation - I am the medicine not the disease, I am the solution not the problem, I am the infinite eternal divine, acting as if I am a person!
"Love tells me I am everything, wisdom tells me I am nothing" - Nisargadatta
▪ Be the Hunter Gatherer - stay in the moment, be vigilant, be ready to seize opportunities when they arise and receive / achieve abundant fulfillment
▪ Proceed with the belief that things can turn out even better than you can imagine.
Set intentions (mental setting, like setting alarm clock, or setting rudder and sails on a sailboat)
Action - Do what needs to done, show up on time. Practice rigorous self care every day.
Don't worry about results. Let Go, Let God!
Imagination - imagine and feel that your intentions have manifested. Imagination is creative, feelings are magnetic and they attract your dreams into reality.
Be The Receptive Magnetic Empty Vessel - All fears, doubts, negative beliefs and conditioning, bad habits must be dumped out of the vessel so that it's empty, clean and clear, ready to be filled with fulfillment. Do not identify with your issues and karma - they are not who you are. Affirmation - I am the medicine not the disease, I am the solution not the problem, I am the infinite eternal divine, acting as if I am a person!
"Love tells me I am everything, wisdom tells me I am nothing" - Nisargadatta
Be the Hunter Gatherer - stay in the moment, be vigilant, be ready to seize opportunities when they arise and receive / achieve abundant fulfillment
Proceed with the belief that things can turn out even better than you can imagine.
The only way out is to go within. There you will find infinite love and eternal peace. 1

Bulletin Board

Upcoming Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Freedom sessions
New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse - Mon. April 8th
Full Moon in Scorpio - Tues. April 23rd

These sessions start with a 7:30 - 8pm EDT conference call followed by an 8 - 9pm EDT distant healing. In order to register, email me your full name as you want it written on the distant healing list, and if you have pets you'd like to add to the list, tell me their names and what type of animal they are. Mother Divine, Ascended Masters and the Angelic realm will assist us in these sessions, which will help us release blocks that prevent us from becoming free self-sovereign creators of our personal realities and having abundant fulfillment in all aspects of our lives.

We are in an accelerated phase of activation, transformation, rectification and awakening now, and the Divine Mother Love and Angelic healing energies of the Angelic Liquid Light Healing® modality will help us feel deeply loved, loving, safe and supported in the midst of the unprecedented challenges that we face as we create "heaven on Earth".

These sessions are free to all but if you like them and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to, Cash App to 646 505 9798 or if you can't use them, use Paypal via the Buy Now button on my contact page - (and if you can't use PayPal snail mail me a check!!)

The VortexHealing® Ancestral Healing Session #4 will be held on Thurs. 5/2 $20, 7:15pm ET conference call, 7:45 - 8:45pm healing. RSVP to join and receive conference call numbers and instructions for the session. The first session was very powerful with lots of personal, ancestral and collective trauma release.
Session 4- Loneliness, Thurs. May 2nd, $20
Session 5 - 90 Min. Super Session , Thurs. May. 30th, $27

Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 Classes 421 422 2

My next Deer Spirit Reiki Circle at Moxi Wellness will be held on Sat., May 4th 598 Broadway NYC, 12th Fl., 5pm - 7:15pm EDT, $25. Door locks at 5:30pm when the meditation begins. It is open to Reiki students all levels and lineages as well as a limited number of non - Reiki students who want to receive treatment and learn more about Reiki. Please do not come if you are contagiously ill or have tested positive for covid. This event is held on the 1st Saturday of every month.

Our next Free Community Clinic at The Point in the S. Bronx is scheduled for Sat., April 13th. THIS CLINIC WILL BEGIN EARLIER THAN NORMAL - 9AM - 3PM, PLEAESE ARRIVE BY 1:30PM IF YOU WANT A TREATMENT. Please let me know if you'd like to volunteer as a Reiki provider. We offer free Reiki, community model acupuncture and sometimes body work and reflexology (foot massage). Everyone is welcome. Peter Panken LAc, Mark Keubel LAc. and I have been holding this clinic once a month since 2008.

My Free Conference Call Reiki circle will be held every Monday night from 7pm - 8pm EST. We'll do some guided meditation, self Reiki, Reiki for each other and Reiki for world peace. You can also use Angelic Liquid Light Healing™ or VortexHealing® in the circle if you like. The conference call numbers are 917 444 9040, conference ID 818181#. If you want a call in number for location outside the NYC area or for another country, go to the Turbobridge website and click on the Call - In Numbers tab. You don't need to rsvp for this event; just call in at 7pm. These circles are free to all but if you like it and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to or PayPal via the Buy Now button on the contact page of my website. You are welcome to join the circle if you are not trained in an energy healing modality.

Deer doe

Deer Medicine - Love, Gentleness, Grace & Silence

Services, Classes & Special Programs

Reiki Sessions at Moxi Wellness - $250 for 75min.,
3 sessions - $700,
5 sessions - $900

Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot at Moxi Wellness $270 for 90min., $225 for 60 min.

60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot & 60 min. Reiki Session at Moxi Wellness - $450

Distant Healing Sessions via Phone or Video Call - $180 for 90 min., $450 for 3 sessions,
$144 for 60 min., 3 sessions $405
$108 for 45 min. 3 sessions $270

Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot via Phone or Video Conference - $225 for 90 min. or 180 for 60 min, (it gets recorded),

60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/Astrology & Tarot & 60 min. Reiki Healing via Phone or Video Conference - $360

House Call or Hospital Healing Sessions - $225 for 60 min., 3 sessions $540 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)

Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

2024 Reiki & Angelic Liquid Light Class Schedule All my classes are taught on the Webex video conference platform.
Reiki Master Teacher - 3/16 & 3/17
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 3/30
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 4/20 & 4/21
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 5/18 & 5/19
Reiki Level 3 - 6/22
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 7/20
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 8/17 & 8/18
Reiki Master Teacher - 9/28 & 9/29
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - 10/26 & 10/27
Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 - 11/23
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 2 - 12/10, 12/11 & 12/17 (evenings, 7 - 9:30pm ET)
see the classes page of my site for details of curriculum and fees

Karuna Reiki® is taught by private appt. online or at your residence only.

Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program - My Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program began in February 2017. After a candidate is chosen, they assist in teaching all 4 levels of training (Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3, and Master Teacher). They also have weekly coaching sessions which may be over the phone or in person, and homework assignments. Another aspect of the program is providing Reiki in a volunteer capacity at the free clinics I supervise. The program is tailored to the needs of the individual candidate. If there are issues blocking the candidate's general fulfillment in life and success as a Reiki healer and teacher, these will be addressed through counseling and healing sessions. I am accepting applications for an apprentice who would start working with me as soon as they are ready.

Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT, Craniosacral Therapist or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $360.

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
NYC Reiki & Spiritual Healing Meetup
Deer Spirit Healing, Awakening & Ascension Meetup
Global Healthworks Foundation
646 505 9798 **

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