ed-neumeister-by-matt-perko 1433

Ed Neumeister Quartet at iBeam Brooklyn

Ed Neumeister Quartet
Marc Copland - piano
Drew Gress - bass
Tom Rainey - drums
Ed Neumeister - trombone

Ed brings together long time musical cohorts, musicians of the highest caliber. Performing original works by Neumeister.

Friday June 1st 2018 8:30PM
IBeam Brooklyn
168 7th St, Brooklyn, New York 11215

See map

Hope to see you there,



Also, I'll be playing with the David Lopato New Quintet at Kitano
Wednesday May 30th 2018. sets at 8:00 & 10:00PM

David Lopato - piano and composer
Lucas Pino - saxes, clarinet
Ed Neumeister - trombone
Ratzo Harris - bass
Rudy Roysten - drome

66 Park Ave NYC
res. & info: 212-885-7119



July 9, 2018 with Karl Ratzer Quintet
Porgy & Bess, Vienna Austria

July 12-15 International Trombone Festival Iowa City

Monday, July 16, 2018 7 p.m. Mason Gross Summer Series:
Ed Neumeister Quartet
with Marc Coplnad - piano, Drew Gress - bass & Tom Rainey - drums.
Free to the public.

Rutgers University
Mason Gross Campus
Hickman Hall, Room 138
89 George St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

July 15-20 Rutgers Summer Jazz Institute

August 13-15 Budapest Jazz Orchestra
Budapest Hungary

September 6 - 9 2018 Artic Trombone Festival in Tromsø, Norway
I'll be a featured artist along with George Curran and Håkan Bjørkman

IMG 3238

View from my apartment in Newark, NJ

Thanks for reading.

Keep in touch,



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