Welcome to a very Special Issue of In Season Magazine. Within days of delivering last year’s Holiday Issue, our readers started asking us to publish m

Special Issue Feb2015 Cover

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Welcome to a very Special Issue of In Season Magazine. Within days of delivering last year’s Holiday Issue, our readers started asking us to publish more than the four quarterly issues we had promised for 2015. We listened and invited our contributors to share their favorite seasonal content with you while we work to prepare next month’s Spring Issue.

In this issue, you’ll find an amazing collection of their great content. We hope that you’ll enjoy learning about making maple syrup candy in time for this year’s maple sugaring season and how to transform ordinary strawberry jam into extraordinary meringue cookies. You’ll find a great step by step DIY project for making lovely birdseed ornaments for the songbirds overwintering in your yard.

If you’re looking for new ways to incorporate herbs into your life, you’ll discover a recipe for homemade elderberry syrup for your family. You can learn all about incorporating natural wormers into your daily chicken keeping routine. You can also find instructions for creating your own herbal rabbit treats.

We didn’t forget about the garden. You can learn more about heirlooms and add a few of our favorite varieties to your garden wish list. We have a great article about making your own vegetable seed starting mix that you’ll want to keep close at hand as you prepare to greet the gardening season.

If you’re still planning this year’s garden, you won’t want to miss reading about the three sisters garden. Learning about this method of interplanting and the legend behind it might be just the inspiration you need to grow an American history lesson in your garden this summer.

To celebrate this Special Issue, we have our first Subscriber’s Giveaway to share with you. Every subscriber is automatically entered to win an heirloom, non-GMO seed collection. There are an amazing nine collections to choose from. We think that you’ll find that there is something for everyone from aspiring to accomplished gardeners alike.

You don’t need to visit a page, click on a button, or go to a single moment’s effort to enter the giveaway. There’s nothing to do except enjoy this issue from cover to cover and revel in the benefits of being a subscriber to In Season Magazine. One winner will be randomly selected on March 1, 2015 and notified by Email.

We’ll be passing the time during the last few weeks of winter by dreaming of the upcoming growing season and working on our Spring Issue. We can’t wait to share our favorite spring recipes, projects, and seasonal inspiration with you in March!
