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Allen's Heirloom Homestead

Books Available for Holiday Gifts

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Free packet of sunflower seeds with the next 50 book orders.

Buy Local! Illustrated children's books always make great gifts. Signed copies can be personalized for a thoughtful touch. You may buy them locally at The North End Gallery, Allen's Homestead Back Porch Store, Keepin' It Local(Morganza, MD), Two Hens(Park Hall), or available internationally online.
Look for the upcoming "Don't Mess With Fluffly" art exhibit at the North End Gallery in March 2019 with most of the original paintings from the "squirrel" book.
Of course Christina's "Chip" book of a famous local turkey makes a nice Thanksgiving gift. And the Farmer's Alphabet is a great book for anyone who likes local farms and food.

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"Izzy Does It!" is a Brand New Activity Book for young and older children! Written by Annabelle Harvey and Illustrated by Christina Allen. Children learn about Izzy, the Terrapin Turtle, and how and why we save open space for animals like her, with Land Trusts. The book is JUST finished being published and will just be available in time for the holidays. All profits from the book go to benefit the Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust (PTLT). Softcover books (color cover, B&W interior) $5.00 each, plus S&H. Ask about PTLT giving a talk to your group/organization and FREE Izzy books to attendees as favors.

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My new trailer for my recumbent trike! Now I can haul 50# of grain home for my chickens or sheep!

Cycling Without Age

Maryland's First Chapter started here, in St. Mary's County!!

At a recent "Envision the Future through Creativity" ( meeting, a guest suggested that St. Mary's County should have a Cycling Without Age chapter. We have begun the process! If you are interested in being a pilot or want to join in the organizing, you may contact We are well on our way to funding two trishaws!!! I hope to get: one in Charlotte Hall area, one in Leonardtown, and one in Lexington Park, to service the three main population areas of St. Mary's County.
I am happy to give a short presentation to your organization on this wonderful program. And, as always, I am happy to cycle with anyone now with our own regular bikes (to stay in shape), anytime you're willing. I have a couple of good routes from my house.

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photo courtesy of CWA

Cycling Without Age is a movement started in 2012 by Ole Kassow. Ole wanted to help the elderly get back on their bicycles, but he had to find a solution to their limited mobility. The answer was a trishaw and he started offering free bike rides to the local nursing home residents.
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See the TED talk about Cycling Without Age HERE

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